Delaware Board of Electrical Examiners

Minutes – November 7, 2007

Page 5

Cannon Building / STATE OF DELAWARE / Telephone: (302) 744-4500
861 Silver Lake Blvd., Suite 203 / DEPARTMENT OF STATE / Fax: (302) 739-2711
Dover, Delaware 19904-2467 / Website:

PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES: Board of Electrical Examiners

MEETING DATE AND TIME: Wednesday, November 7, 2007

PLACE: 861 Silver Lake Boulevard, Dover, Delaware

Conference Room A, second floor of the Cannon Building

MINUTES APPROVED: January 9,2008


Jacob Good, Professional Member, President

Donald Collins, Public Member, Secretary

James Anderson, Public Member

Robert Sharp, Professional Member

Ronald Marks, Professional Member

Joseph Sparco, Sr., Professional Member

Dess Stokes, Public Member

Shirley Good, Public Member


Richard Strouse, Professional Member, Vice President


Frank Grabowski

Bob Keis


Kay Warren, Deputy Director

Christopher Spizzirri, Deputy Attorney General

Judy Letterman, Administrative Specialist II


Mr. Good called the meeting to order at 8:40 a.m.


A motion was made by Mr. Marks, seconded by Mr. Sharp to approve the September 5, 2007 meeting minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.


Rule and Regulation Hearing-Rule 7

Mr. Good called the hearings to order at 8:40 a.m.

Mr. Spizzirri stated that the purpose of the hearing was to amend rule 7.0 relating to license renewal which would require licensee to provide the name of their insurer and their policy number when they attest to maintenance of their required liability insurance and to provide course names and approval numbers when attesting to completion of their required continuing education during the renewal process.

The Board members were introduced.

There were no written or public comments.

A motion was made by Mr. Collins seconded by Mr. Sharp to into deliberation. The motion was

unanimously carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Anderson seconded by Mr. Collins to go back on the record. The motion was unanimously carried.

A motion was made by Mr. .Sharp seconded by Mr. Anderson to approve the rule as written. The motion was unanimously carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Anderson seconded by Mr. Sharp to close the hearing. The motion was unanimously carried.

Verbatim testimony was taken by a court reporter.

The public hearing ended at 8:50 a.m.

Review of Examination Applications

A motion was made by Mr. Sharp, seconded by Mr. Marks to approve the applications of Richard Deighan, Michael Moyer, Todd Moyer and Joseph Voci. The motion was unanimously carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Anderson seconded by Mr. Sharp to table the application of Constantin Ionita pending submission of either tax form W-2’s showing work additional work in the United States or and affidavit of the type of work he performed in Romania or he can appear before the Board to explain his work experience. The motion was unanimously carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Sharp seconded by Mr. Collins to table the application of Prakash Patel pending a more detail affidavit showing proof of 6 years of experience under supervision of an electrical or he can appear before the Board to explain his work experience.

The motion was unanimously carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Ms. Good to table the application of Lee Bouchard pending receipt of a job description for each employer. The motion was unanimously carried.

Request for Propose to Deny Hearing

Mr. Joseph Blubello has requested a hearing in response to the Board notice to proposing to deny his application. The hearing is scheduled for January 9, 2008.

Complaints to Close

Mr. Marks agreed with the Investigative Unit to forward complaint 01-06-07 to J.P. Court for prosecution and to close complaint 01-09-07.

Proposed to Deny Hearing

Mr. Douglas Brown contacted the Board office and requested that the hearing be reschedule. It is re-schedule for January 9, 2008.

Strategic Planning

The Board would like to include the follow for discussion:

·  Applicants with foreign experience

·  Reciprocity standards

·  Fine limits and work correctly completed


Review of Reciprocity Applications

A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Collins to approve the applications of Timothy W. Dignen, Frederick T. Craig, Timothy B. Carroll, David M. Garber, Jeffrey W. Nagy, Victor A. Rolli, Shamail Jafri, Paul Zensky and Philip L. Williams. The motion was unanimously carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Stokes to table the application of John Grillo, Chong Kim, Thomas Ieronimo, David Luongo pending receipt of five years of experience after licensure in New Jersey and to approve Gregory Zychowski contingent upon receipt of tax forms. The motion was unanimously carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Collins to approve the application of David B. Johnson for examination since Pennsylvania is not reciprocal. The motion was unanimously carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Marks to table the application of Clary Williamson pending verification of five years of experience after licensure since Georgia is not substantially similar and John Homick pending receipt of letters of good standing from Virginia and Washington DC. The motion was unanimously carried.

Review of Examination Applications

A motion was made by Mr. Marks, seconded by Mr. Sharp to approve the application for examination of Robert L. Foltz-limited, John M. Kelly-limited, Micah L. Parker-master, Carl V. Ramsey-master, Mark A. Reed-limited and Robert L. Turner-master. The motion was unanimously carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Marks, seconded by Mr. Sharp to table the application of Nicholas Post pending receipt of 35 hours of additional technical training and 685 of full-time experience. The motion was unanimously carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Collins, seconded by Mr. Sharp to table the application of William Robert pending receipt of additional work experience. The motion was unanimously carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Collins, seconded by Mr. Sharp to table the application of William Rechnor pending receipt of 1130 hours of experience under supervision. The motion was unanimously carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Sparco, seconded by Mr. Sharp to propose to deny the application of Kevin Bradley since he did not submit proof of experience. The motion was unanimously carried.

Continuing Education

The following continuing education was approved by the Board:

Frank Caniglia

Motors, Motor Control, 5 hours

360 Training

Hazards of Asbestos in the Workplace-denied not related to professional growth.

Robert Keis

National Electrical Code Changes, 10 hours

Tri County Electric Services

Solar Design & Installation-pending course outline and resume of instructor

Limited Energy Resource Center

2008 National Electric Code Changes, 10 hours

American Inspection Agency

Commercial Wiring Methods, 5 hours

Fire Pumps Article 696, 5 hours

Grounding & Bonding, Article 250, 5 hours

Hazardous Locations Classes, I, II, III, 5 hours

Interpreting the 2008 NEC, 5 hours

Major 2008 NEC Changes Part I Chapters 1-4, 5 hours

Major 2008 NEC Changes Part II Chapters 5-8, 5 hours

NEC Calculations 10 hours

Residential Wiring Methods, 5 hours

Service & Over current Protection, 5 hours

Spas and Hot Tubs, 5 hours

Swimming Pools, 5 hours

JCR Productions Inc

2005 NEC Code Workshop-2 days, 10 hours

Bruce D. Bowman

Common Violations of the NEC, 5 hours

2008 NEC Changes, 5 hours

Grounding & Bonding, Pools & Spas, 5 hours

Discussion of January Board Meeting Date

The Board has moved the meeting from January 2, 2008 to January 9, 2008 due to the New

Year’s holiday.

Review of Complaints

Complaint # 01-13-07 and 01-11-07 has been assigned to Mr. Marks.




Mr. Keis informed the Board that someone is advertising that they are an electrician in Delaware and in fact they are not license. Mr. Spizzirri recommended that he file a complaint


The next scheduled meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 9, 2008 at 8:30 a.m., in conference room A, second floor of the Cannon Bldg. 861 Silver Lake Blvd. Dover DE.


A motion was made by Mr. Collins, seconded by Mr. Anderson to adjourn. The motion was unanimously carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Judy Letterman

Administrative Specialist III