
AASORAnnual of the American Schools of Oriental Research.

‘Atiqot‘Atiqot — Journal of the Israel Department of Antiquities, English Series (until 1990; thereafter, bilingual).

'Atiqot (HS)'Atiqot — Journal of the Israel Department of Antiquities, Hebrew Series.

BABiblical Archaeologist.

BAIAS Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society.

BARBiblical Archaeology Review.

BASORBulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research.

CDSAJ City of David Studies of Ancient Jerusalem.

CNJD 2L. Wexler (ed.), Surveys and Excavations of Caves in the Northern JudeanDesert (CNJD) – 1993, Part 2 ('Atiqot 41). Jerusalem 2002.

DSDDead Sea Discoveries.


ESIExcavations and Surveys in Israel.

FDLIThe Frontier and the Desert in the Land of Israel (Hebrew).

HAHadashot Arkheologiyot (Hebrew).

HA-ESIHadashot Arkheologiyot; Excavations and Surveys in Israel(online edition:

IEJIsrael Exploration Journal.

JSRSJudea and Samaria Research Studies.

LALiber Annuus.

MH Mitekufat Haeven: Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society.

NEAEHL E. Stern and A. Lewinson-Gilboa (eds.), New Encyclopedia of

Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. Jerusalem 1993.

NEAEHL (Sup)E. Stern, H. Geva and A. Paris (eds.), The New Encyclopedia of

Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land: Supplementary Volume. Jerusalem 2008.

NSJ New Studies on Jerusalem.

NSAJRNew Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and Its Region.

PEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly.

RB Revue Biblique.

ZDPV Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins.


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Aizik, N. and Peleg, Y. 2009e. A Field Tower to the West of Shaked. In: I. Yezerski (ed.), Excavations and Discoveries in Samaria. Judea and Samaria Publications 9. Jerusalem: 195-196 (Hebrew; English summary: 45*-46*).

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