World Cultures’ Homework for 2015 – 2016 – Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. Powell

Welcome Back! We hope you have a very successful and fulfilling year.

9/9/2015 – Paragraph – typed and double-spaced – due tomorrow.

Title: What’s Important to Me

Subject: In this paragraph, you tell the next President of the U.S.

the main thing on which she or he should focus. Give reasons why you

feel the way you do.

Your paper should have a proper heading as well.

9/10/15 – We collected your paragraphs today.

Today, we filled in our attendance/information charts.

Tonight, please carefully read over the Course Description sheet that

we gave you on Wednesday. You are responsible for knowing that information.

Tomorrow, we will distribute books.

9/11/15 – We distributed your books today, recording their numbers and condition.

We ask that you cover the text and bring it back in for a cover check on

Tuesday, Sept. 15.

We discussed the history of the terrible events that unfolded on this day

fourteen years ago.

We hope you have a very good weekend.

9/15/15 – We had our book cover check today.

We discussed the importance of geography. (Chapter 1)

You took notes on what we brainstormed.

Tonight, using your text, you are to fill out, in pen, the Getting To Know Your

Textbook sheet. Please write very clearly. It will be graded.

9/16/15 – Today, you turned in last night’s homework, “Getting To Know Your


We discussed the five themes of geography, “Mr. Lip.”

We began to discuss globes and maps, and we viewed a short film

about the types of maps.

Your homework is to read Sections 1 & 2 of Chapter 1 in your text for comprehension.

9/17/15 – Today we reviewed our geography terms and map projections

(from material you read in Sections 1 & 2 of Ch. 1).

We touched upon culture and will continue our discussion on culture

tomorrow (from material you read in Section 3).

Tonight, read Section 3 of Chapter 1.

***NOTE: We are planning our first test – on Chapter 1 – for Thursday, 9/24.

9/18/15 – We discussed the Elements of Culture, SCARLEG.

Read Section 4 of Ch. 1 for Monday. Study your notes in preparation

for next week’s test.

Have a great weekend!

9/21/15 – We hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

We’d like to thank everyone who came out for Back To School Night.

We so appreciate your support.

***We have scheduled our first test for Thursday, 9/24. (Chapter 1)

In-class review will be Tuesday, 9/22.

Today, we continued to discuss culture, and explained what a cultural artifact was. You are to bring in an item on Friday (not anything of extreme value –

sentimental or materially) that represents your cultural heritage/background,

and be prepared to tell how it relates to you in our Cultural Artifact Roundtable.

Tonight: 2 geography worksheets were given out, page 12 and page 21.

You are to type the answers for the one that has no space for answers and

write directly on the one that has lines for answers, in pen. Typed answers should be clearly numbered and double-spaced. These are due tomorrow, Tues.,


9/22/15 – Your two worksheets, see above, were due today.

Thursday, we will be having a test on Chapter 1 and today, we had a full class review in preparation for that test. (If anyone observing Yom Kippur finds this

to be a difficulty, see me or Mrs. Powell and we will make discreet arrangements

for you to take the test at another time.) Study the notes that you took in class and remember the things we emphasized today in our review.

Remember that your cultural artifact is due on Friday for our Roundtable.

See 9/21/15 for the explanation.

9/23/15 – No School – Yom Kippur

9/24/15 – Today was our Test on Chapter 1. (Those who are taking the test

on Friday will use the period for study.)

Tomorrow we will have our Cultural Artifact Roundtable. Please

do not forget to bring the object or picture, etc. that represents something

about your cultural heritage. You will share its meaning with the class.

9/25/15 – Today, we had our Cultural Artifact Roundtable. It was great to

hear about your cultural heritage, and to see and hear about things

that have great meaning for you and your families!

Have a great weekend!

9/28/15 – Today, we will begin a new unit – Japan! Please read Section 1 of

Chapter 18.

9/29/15 – We discussed Japan’s unique geography today.

Tonight, please read the NYT article: “Looking Another Culture in the Eye”.

We will be discussing this article in class tomorrow, and we will also continue with

some of the geographical aspects of Japan.

9/30/15 – Today, we got into groups to answer various questions about the

above NYT article.

We passed out a Map Activity on Japan. This is due on Friday, Oct. 2.

You are to label, in blue pen or a dark, very thin marker, directly on the map,

the places numbered below. Try to be as accurate and neat as possible.

NOTE: You will need to access a map of Japan on line (or in a recent atlas) to

really see everything well.

10/1/15 – Remember that your Map Activity on Japan is due on Friday, Oct. 2.

Read the above for directions.

We finished our NYTimes Article activity today. We then continued to

discuss Japanese geography.

Tonight: read Section 2 of Chapter 18.

10/2/15 – We collected the Map Activity on Japan today.

We finished our discussions on Japanese geography and introduced

some ideas of ancient Japanese culture. You were to have already read Section

two of Chapter 18.

Have a great weekend!

10/5/15 – Discussion of a portion of Section 2 of Chapter 2 today. If you have

not read for comprehension, you need to do that.

No written homework this evening.

NOTE: Some students are not doing all of their assignments and are, therefore,

racking up zeros. You need to be responsible and check this homework

site daily, so you will always know what homework you have. Check with

me if you know you have missing assignments.

10/6/15 – We are really getting into Section 2 (Ch. 18) lately, discussing the

background and heritage of the Japanese. It may be advisable to take

notes while you’re reading, so that you are able to be prepared in class.

There is no written homework tonight, but make sure that you have read Sec. 2!

10/7/15 – Japanese feudalism was the topic of discussion today.

There is no written homework again tonight! I know you’re quite upset

about that, but don’t worry… L

(If you have not read Sections 1 & 2 in Ch. 18 – you DO have homework!)

10/8/15 – We finished Section 2 of Ch. 18 and began Section 3, discussing the

religions of Japan.

For homework tonight – read and annotate the article you have on Shinto and Buddhism in preparation for tomorrow.

10/9/15 – Today we got into groups to discuss the article you annotated last

night on Shinto and Buddhism. Each group member was responsible

for answering 1 question and discussing the answer with the other

members. Group members might have helped you add to your answer

to make it more complete. When you left class, you should have had

your answer to the question written down. Please type up that answer

for turning in on Monday, making sure it has a proper heading and is double-spaced.

*** Your answer should be at least a paragraph (5-7 sentences) and be in your

own words! You may have written down an answer in class today on the

paper that was pretty much the author’s wording. Now you have to digest that information and put it into your own wording. We do not

want any plagiarizing!***

Have a terrific weekend!!!

10/12/15 – You were to have turned in your answer to a question assigned to you

on Friday in your groups.

We will continue discussion on Shinto and Buddhism today, as well as

Confucianism and feudalism—information found in Section 3, Ch. 18.

Make sure that you have read Section 3. J

10/13/15 – We finished our examination of Confucianism’s influence on the

Japanese, and went on to look at what role the samurai played in the

feudal era. We looked at some photos of people in samurai dress.

No homework this evening.

10/14/15 – Section 4 of Chapter 18 should be read.

On Monday, Oct. 19, we will be doing a Zen meditative activity. You will be making your own Zen garden. Please bring in a container like a plastic

shoebox, or a cardboard one, some sand for the bottom (or tiny pebbles,

like the kind used in fish tanks), some implement (handmade if possible)

to be used for “raking” the sand, rocks that can be sparingly placed in the

sand, and something that could represent a small tree. You might also

have a small Japanese lantern or Buddha figure that could go in your

garden. Everyone needs to have supplies for Monday, but if this would

prove to be a difficulty, please see Mrs. Ryan or Mrs. Powell and we will help. No one will be left out, and all will be receiving a grade for this activity.

10/16/15 – Today, we continued looking at the Meiji Restoration and its effects.

Monday, please bring all supplies needed for your Zen garden experience.

See above for instructions.

You were given a Japanese Traditions Assignment. It includes a chart you will fill out and a question that must be answered in complete sentences, in PEN, on the front. This will be due on Tuesday, Oct. 20.

Have a great weekend!

10/19/15 – Today, we had our Meditative Experience and made our Zen Gardens!

Hopefully, you found these experiences to be quite enjoyable and useful.

The two Closing Questions will be due on Wednesday, Oct. 21, typed and double-spaced.

*****The Japanese Traditions Assignment (chart and question #2) is due tomorrow. Remember to write in PEN and very neatly. Question #2 must be in

complete sentences.*****

10/20/15 – The Japanese Traditions Assignment was due today.

The Two Closing Questions for the Zen Garden Meditative Experience are

due on Thursday, Oct. 22, typed and double-spaced.

10/21/15 – You Two Closing Questions for the Zen Garden Meditative Experience

were due today.

We discussed how Japan changed socially during the Meiji Restoration and

how Japan modernized and industrialized. We then got into how Japan began to expand her empire. Tomorrow, we will continue with Sec. 4 (Ch. 18). Make sure

you have read Section 4.

*****We have scheduled our test for Ch. 18 for Wednesday, Oct. 28, with a review (in-class) on Tuesday, Oct. 27. Remember that any student or students

can request additional review for before or after school with me or Mrs. Powell.

10/22/15 – Remember that our test for Ch. 18 will be on Wed., Oct. 28.

Today, we talked about how extreme nationalism manifested itself in Japan. If you have read and understood Section 4, you have no homework tonight.

10/23/15 – We finished Chapter 18 today! You should have really good, complete

notes. You should also be studying these starting now. Also, you may schedule

an extra review with Mrs. Powell or me. I’m actually giving one Monday after

school. The more, the merrier!

Have a great weekend!!!!

10/26/15 – Today, we did a very short pretest assessment (that will NOT count) on China.

Tomorrow, we will have the in-class review for the Test on Chapter 18 –


(After school today, we had a review for the above test for anyone who

wanted to come.)

Wednesday, Oct. 28 is the Test on Ch. 18.

Tonight: please study for your test using your notes and the text.

10/27/15 – We had our review today for our Chapter 18 test tomorrow.

Use the notes Mrs. Powell typed up for you to help you study, as

well as your notes. Bring a pen to use, please.

***Yesterday afternoon, at least four students came for extra review.

That was great! They will probably do very well on the test. We

encourage more of you to do that before a test.***

10/28/15 – We had our Chapter 18 test today.

We will be moving on to Chapter 19, next.

10/29/15 – Our discussion centered upon the state of Japan after WW II.

We began Chapter 19.

No homework this evening, if you have already read Section 1 of Ch. 19.

10/30/15 – Today, we continued our discussion on post-war Japan.

No homework this weekend.

Have fun!!!

11/2/15 – Japan’s struggle to come back from war was discussed. Make sure that

you have read Section 1 of Ch. 19.

11/3/15 – No School – Election Day

11/4/15 – We continued our discussion of post-war Japan and the changing

Japanese society.

11/5/15 – No School – NJEA Convention

11/6/15 – No School – NJEA Convention Have a nice weekend!!!

11/9/15 – We finished Section 1 today and got into Section 2 today.

Please make sure that you have read Section 2.

11/10/15 – Our discussion today centered on the ups and downs of Japan’s

economic system and her industrial adaptations.

11/11/15 – We finished Section 2 today and Section 3. Please read Section 4