SOC 3430: Social Deviance

Class Times: MWF 10:30-11:20am, GEOL 105

Professor: Leon AndersonEmail Address:

Office Hours: Monday 1-2pm; Friday 9-10am, and by appointment

TA: Sarah WermanEmail Address: werman@

Office Hours: TBA

Required Readings:

Deviance: Social Constructions and Blurred Boundaries (Anderson 2017)

Available at USU Bookstore (hard copy and e-book)

Course Objectives

This course is an introductory survey of the sociology of deviance. We will cover the following topics: (1) a survey of theories of deviant behavior and methods of observing and studying it; (2) high consensus criminal deviance; (3) lifestyle deviance; and (4) status deviance.

In this course you can expect to:

  • Learn fundamental principles and theories related to the sociology of deviance
  • Develop an understanding of the challenges and strategies for studying deviance
  • Gain knowledge about history and current understanding of various deviance categories
  • Learn to analyze and evaluate arguments and points of view related to deviance

Grading: Your grade in this course will be determined by 3 exams and 4 class assignments:

3 Exams = 80% of final grade total (about 27% each)

4 Class Assignments = 20% (5 percent each)

1 Extra Credit Option (2 points)—Various extra credit options

Class Assignments (require work outside of class and discussion in class):

All members of class: “Banning Planning”(Monday, September 18)

Then pick 3 of the following 4assignments:

  • Physician Assisted Suicide (October 6)
  • Analyzing Narrative of “Second Rape” (October 13)
  • UCR Data Trends (Monday, October 18)
  • Reddit Sex Worker Q&A Review (Wednesday, November 10)
  • A Hyper Child of Your Own (Monday, November 17)
  • Online Weight Loss Programs (Friday, November 29)

Exams will be a mix of multiple-choice, true-false, short answer, and one essay question.

Make-up tests for those who miss an examination will not be given unless the student has received permission to take a make-up exam before the exam is given. All make-up exams will be essay exams covering both lecture and text materials. Students receiving permission to take a make-up exam will have no more than three days after the exam in which to complete the required work.

Cheating will not be tolerated. This includes plagiarism, or the use of someone else’s writing as your own. Any student caught cheating will receive an "F" for the course and will be reported to Judiciaries. Plagiarism includes knowingly "representing, by paraphrase or direct quotation, the published or unpublished work of another person as one's own in any academic exercise or activity without full and clear acknowledgment. It also includes the unacknowledged used of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials." The penalties for plagiarism are severe. They include warning or reprimand, grade adjustment, probation, suspension, expulsion, withholding of transcripts, denial or revocation of degrees, and referral to psychological counseling.

Incompletes will be given only in serious and documented emergency situations.

The grading scale used in the class is:

93-100 A 73-76 C

90-92 A- 70-72 C-

87-89 B+ 67-69 D+

83-86 B 63-66 D

80-82 B- 60-62 D-

77-79 C 0-59 F


Section I. Researching and Analyzing Deviance

August 28: Introduction & Popular Views of Deviance

For next class, read Chapter 1: Views of Deviance

August 30: A Sociological Approach to Deviance

For next class, read first half of Chapter 2: Getting Close to Deviance (up to “Challenges of Deviance Ethnography”)

Sept. 1: Getting Close to Deviance I: Official Statistics

For next class, read second half of Chapter 2: Getting Close to Deviance

Sept. 4: Labor Day Holiday—No Class

Sept. 6: Getting Close to Deviance II: Deviance Ethnography

For next class, read first half of Chapter 3: Positivistic Theories (Up to “Socialization Theories”)

Sept. 8: Positivistic Theories I

For next class, read second half of Chapter 3: Positivistic Theories

Sept. 11: Positivistic Theories II

Sept. 13:Positivistic Theories III

For next class, read first half of Chapter 4: SI/Constructionist Perspective (Up to “Processing Deviants”)

Sept. 15: SI/Constructionist Perspective I: Moral Entrepreneurs and Initial Rule Breaking

For next class, read second half of Chapter 4: SI/Constructionist Perspective

Sept. 18: SI/Constructionist Perspective II

Sept. 20: SI/Constructionist Perspective III

For next class, prepare for Banning Planning Assignment (Guidelines in class hand-out)

Sept. 22: Banning Planning Assignment (Required in-class group exercise)

Sept. 25: Exam Prep

Sept. 27: Exam One

Sept. 29: Exam Review

For next class, read first half of Chapter 5: Murder (through “History in U.S.”)

Section II. Murder, Rape, Street Crime, and Drug Abuse

Oct. 2: Murder I

For next class, read second half of Chapter 5: Murder

Oct. 4: Murder II

Oct. 6: Murder III

Class Assignment Option: Physician Assisted Suicide Discussion (Assignment posted on Canvas)

For next class, read first half of Chapter 6: Rape (through “History in U.S.”)

Oct. 9: Rape I

For next class, read second half of Chapter 6: Rape

Oct. 11: Rape II

For next class, be ready to discuss guidelines for “affirmative sexual consent when drinking.”

Oct. 13: Rape III

Class Assignment Option: Analyzing Narrative of Second Rape (Assignment posted on Canvas)

For next class, read first half of Chapter 7: Street-level Property Crime (through “History in U.S.”)

Oct. 16: Street Crime I

For next class, read second half of Chapter 7: Street-level Property Crime

Oct. 18: Street Crime II

Class Assignment Option: UCR Data Trends Analysis (Assignment posted on Canvas)

Friday classes held on Thursday this week: Class Tomorrow!

Oct. 19: Street Crime III

For next class, read first half of Chapter 10: Drug Abuse (through History in U.S.)

Oct. 23: Drug Abuse I

For next class, read second half of Chapter 10: Drug Abuse

Oct. 25: Drug Abuse II

Oct. 27: Drug Abuse III

Oct. 30: Exam Prep

Nov. 1: Exam Two

Nov. 3: Exam Two Review

For next class, read first half of Chapter 11: Sex Work (through History in U.S.)

Section 3. Sex Work, Mental Illness, Obesity, LGBTQ Identities

Nov. 6: Sex Work I

For next class, read second half of Chapter 11: Sex Work

Nov. 8:Sex Work II

Nov. 10: Sex Work III

Class Assignment Option: Reddit Sex Work Q&A Review (Assignment posted on Canvas)

For next class, read first half of Chapter 12: Mental Illness (through History in U.S.)

Nov. 13: Mental Illness I

For next class, read second half of Chapter 12: Mental Illness

Nov. 15: Mental Illness II

Nov. 17: Mental Illness III

Class Assignment Option:A Hyper Child of Your Own

For next class, read first half of Chapter 13: Obesity and Eating Disorders (through “History in U.S.”)

Nov. 20: Obesity and Eating Disorders I

For next class, read second half of Chapter 13: Obesity and Eating Disorders

Nov. 22-24: Thanksgiving Holiday—Enjoy It!

Nov. 27: Obesity and Eating Disorders II

Nov. 29: Obesity and Eating Disorders III

Class Assignment Option: Online Weight Loss Products (Assignment posted on Canvas)

For next class, read first half of Chapter 14: LGBTQ (through “History in U.S.”)

Dec. 1: LGBTQ I

For next class, read second half of Chapter 14: LGBTQ

Dec. 4: LGBTQ II


Dec. 8:FinalExam Prep

FINAL EXAM: Friday, December 15, 9:30-11:20