Rogers Middle School Choir Handbook

Dear Sixth GradeChoir Families,

Welcome to choir! My name is Amber Jamison and I am your child’s choir teacher.

We are off to a great start and look forward to a fun-filled year!

In choir, students will learn the basics of music literacy and performing as an ensemble, but that is only the beginning. Choir helps students develop several skills that are vital to becoming a mature, responsible adult such as time management, interpersonal skills, independence, responsibility, self-confidence, respect, and leadership. Academically, students begin to see how music relates to literature, history, mathematics, and other subjects. Students develop an appreciation for an art form, forge friendships that can last a lifetime, and – most importantly – learn to work and live as part of a community. I am so excited to work with your child and see them grow in these areas.

Please read the attached choir handbook, sign the attached form, and return the form back to school by September 8. My desire is that the information contained here will answer many of your questions and put your mind at ease as our learning begins! If at any time in the year you have a question or concern, please feel free to email me.


Amber Jamison

Choir Fee and Concert Dress

The general choir fee for middle schools is $20, as approved by the school board. This helps pay for music, accompaniment, choir shirts, and other materials. Please pay this fee through Fee Management. The choir fee is due by September 15.

Checks and cash are also accepted. Make checks out to Rogers Middle School and put “Choir Fee” in the memo line.

If you cannot pay the choir fee due to financial difficulty, please email or call me. We will work it out.

The basic performance attire for the RogersMiddle School Choir will be long khaki pants, close-toed shoes, and choir shirts. We may occasionally accessorize as appropriate to the season or event. The choir t-shirt will be a spirit shirt which students may wear on any school day.

Choir class may implement BYOD periodically throughout the semester to enhance learning.

Classroom Expectations

  1. Students will enter room quietly, collect any required materials (usually a pencil and their folder), find their seat, and begin working on their assigned warm-up.
  2. Students will treat their music and other choir materials with respect. Folders and music should be left in the choir room unless students have an assignment to complete requiring use of the music. You may have to pay to replace lost or defaced music. We only use pencils in choir unless otherwise instructed! No pens!
  3. Students will participate fully throughout the choir period. This means having a good attitude, not talking, and trying your best at all times.
  4. All electronics, including the keyboard and the stereo are off limits to the students unless the director gives specific permission to use them. Choir may have a few BYOD days, but they will be announced well in advance and a message will be sent out ahead of time.
  5. Students will follow all classroom rules. If a student chooses not to follow the rules, the director will seek to solve the problem with the student. If the student continues to make poor choices concerning the rules, the steps of the Rogers Middle School Code of Conduct will be followed.
  6. Because teamwork is so important in choir, students will treat each other and the director with respect at all times. The director will treat each student with respect at all times.

In class, we remember these expectations with…

1)Respect yourself, other people, and property.

2)Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged before speaking.

3)Stay on task.

4)Do your personal best.

Concert Expectations

  1. Students are required to attend all required concerts and rehearsals. They are all counted as test grades. The only excused absences are illness or death in the family. The director must be informed of any other absence in writing before the day of the concert. Performances are an end result of class work and fulfill the requirements of the choir TEKS as determined by the TEA. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
  2. Students will arrive at the assigned call time, usually (but not always) 30 minutes before show time. Changes to call time will be announced no later than two weeks before a concert.
  3. Students will cooperate at all times with directors and chaperones.
  4. All students will come to concerts in concert dress.
  5. Students will refrain from talking when on stage or backstage. THE AUDIENCE CAN HEAR YOU!
  6. Students are required to stay for the entire length of the performance unless the director ahead of time approves an early departure. Requests to leave early must be sent by a parent or guardian and received before the day of the concert. Aside from requests relating to a family emergency or illness, very few requests will be approved. This is mostly a safety issue. Please contact me with any questions.
  7. Students must have a ride home after any performance. It is the director’s hope that parents will want to attend these performances. Otherwise students should be picked up within 15 minutes of the end of any concert, after-school rehearsal, or trip.

Grades- Grades will be a combination of participation grades, theory assignments, vocal assessments, and performances. Students are expected to cooperate and conduct themselves in a responsible manner during all rehearsals and performances. Points will be deducted for off-task behavior.

Important Dates

Please mark these on your calendars!

Choir Calendar

October 24, 4:00-5:30, RMSFall choir concert dress rehearsal

October 26, 6:30pm, RMSFall choir concert7:00-7:30(Choir Student Call Time @6:00)

December 12, 4:00-5:30, RMSHoliday concert rehearsal

December 14, 6:30pm, RMSHolidaychoir concert 6:30-7:00(Choir Student Call Time @6:00)

March 27, 4:00-5:30, RMSSpring concert dress rehearsal

March 29, 9:00am, RMSSpring concert performance #1

9:45am, RMSSpring concert performance #2

6:30pm, RMSSpring concert performance #3 (Student call time @6:00)

May 3rd, 6:30pm, RMSPre-Festival Concert (Student call time @6:00)

May 4th OR 5th (TBA), Shadow Creek HS Choral Festival at Shadow Creek HS

We will also do some activities such as a skating party and a public outreach concert. Ms. Jamison will send emails and information home to inform you of these fun optional choir activities as they approach.
Rogers Middle School Choir Packet acknowledgement:

We, the parent(s) and student, have read, understand, and agree to abide by the policies and procedures of the Rogers Middle School Choir as described above.


Student Signature Date


Parent Signature Date

Rogers Middle School Choir 2016-2017 PERMISSION FOR PUBLISHING:

Student Name: ______

As the parent/guardian of the above named child, I give my permission to have my child’s name published in concert programs and photographs released to local publications in the interest of recognition for the choir.


Parent Signature Date


Please list the best phone numbers/times to reach you, and email address if available.

Phone numbers______


PARENT VOLUNTEERS: Parents are a vital part of the choir’s successful year. If you are willing to assist as a chaperone or parent helper at any events during the year, please sign below. To insure your child’s safety, all parent volunteers must register at the following website at least two weeks prior to volunteering:

Please indicate how you would like to volunteer:

Concert chaperone ______Concert clean-up ______

Festival chaperone ______Provide snacks for after-school rehearsals ______

Field trip chaperone ______T-shirt organizing/distribution _____


Parent Signature Date

Please Fill Out and return with Choir Fee ($20)

Student Name______

T-Shirt Size (Circle One)

YouthSize: Medium Large Adult Sizes: Small Medium Large XL XXL

Homeroom Teacher ______

**If you need financial assistance, please email Ms. Jamison at