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Franklin Phonetic School – Board Meeting Agenda Thursday, September 17, 2015 @ 3:30

Call to Order

Approval of prior meeting minutes for August 20, 2015

Financial Report

Old Business:

·  Sunnyslope Campus Update

New Business:

·  Addition of new board member from Sunnyslope Campus

Adjourn meeting

Next Meeting:

Franklin Phonetic Primary School

Board Meeting

August 20, 2015 @ 3:30

The meeting of the Franklin Phonetic Primary School Board was called to order at Franklin Phonetic School, 6116. E. Hwy 69, Prescott Valley AZ at 3:37 by Cindy Franklin. Also present were Tracy Lira, Kelly Hawley, Christina Gabaldon, and Becky Fitch. Via phone participation was Melanie Franklin, Cindy Franklin, Tom Franklin, and Alison Alva. Not Present: Audrey Wright, and Neil Wright.

Approval of prior meeting minutes from June 24, 2015. Kelly Hawley motioned to accept the minutes. The motion was seconded by Becky Fitch and passed unanimously.

Financial Report:

Alison Alva stated that no federal grants or school lunch money had been received yet. The school is in good financial standing after payroll with $22,000.00 in the bank. The motion to accept the financial report was made by Melanie Franklin, seconded by Alison Alva and passed unanimously.

Old Business:

Sunnyslope campus update

The Sunnyslope enrollment is up to 38 students for this school year. The Sunnyslope School had budgeted previously for 30 students and will be in good financial standing. In June the board voted to surrender the Sunnyslope charter and add a new site the existing Prescott Valley charter was made due to the Department of Education notifying the school that it would take money from small schools. However, the state did not take money from either school since the combined population was under 600 students. A motion was made by Becky Fitch to amend the June 24, 2015 motion to not surrender the Sunnyslope charter and add a new site to the Prescott Valley charter school. The motion was seconded by Traci Lira, and passed unanimously.

New Business:

Student Handbook Changes

Becky Fitch proposed that an amendment to the student handbook be changed to include: exceptions to the dress code that may only be worn during extracurricular sports: “Spandex/compression shorts mid –thigh length, athletic leggings, and yoga pants can be worn during extracurricular sports time only and not during the normal academic school day.” Also to clarify that skirts still need to adhere to dress code as well. The clarification of skirts must adhere to dress code. “Skirts must be no less than 3 inches above the knee regardless if there are shorts or leggings underneath.” The motion was made to include these changes to the student handbook by Christina Gabaldon. The motion was seconded by Kelly Hawley, and passed unanimously.

Next Meeting Scheduled for: Thursday, September 17th, 2015 at 3:30. Motion to adjourn at 3:58 was made by Becky Fitch, seconded by Alison Alva, and passed unanimously.