/ Farm Noise and Hearing Network

Sponsorship Report


May 2003

Prepared by:

Sarah Griswood, Natalie Howarth & Jo Pilgrim

Promotions Portfolio,

Farm Noise and Hearing Network


Table of contents


Sponsorship Agreement

Operational Plan 1999-2002

Farm Noise and Hearing Network

Annual Reports 2002

Planning Portfolio,

Promotions Portfolio,

Training and Development / Research Portfolio

Project Achievements

Project Events

National Noise Injury Prevention Strategy for the Australian Farming Community

Media Releases

Project Presentation

Community Development


The Future


Testimonial: Lin Morris, Farmer and Farmsafe SA

Testimonial: Ron Kendall, Audiologist


1.  Allocation of Sponsorship Funds

2.  Articles from Media Release ‘Living on the Land: Health and Safety for farms’ distributed with Stock Journal, Safe Work Week Nov 12-16 2001.

3.  Karoonda Farm Fair results (April 2002).

4.  2001 Yorke Peninsula Field days – Life Journey’s site. Final evaluation report, May 2002.

5.  Photographs from Noise Management Workshop, August 2001.

6.  Photographs from various Farm Noise and Hearing Projects.


The Farm Noise and Hearing Project is an innovative and successful health promotion initiative, planned and implemented with the collaborative efforts of health and industry workers. It specifically targets farmers, farm workers and their families - aiming to minimise noise injury in the workplace and to reduce the incidence, severity and impact of farm noise injury in the South Australian rural community. Research has shown that hearing loss amongst farmers is as high as 80%, compared to 15-20% of the general population. As such, its objectives centre on providing a range of information and skills to farmers and rural health workers in the management of noise in the farm workplace and also on introducing an awareness of services and strategies which may assist in preventing and coping with noise injury.
Project activities have continued to increase in quality and quantity since the project’s inception, responding to the needs of rural communities. Many agencies and individuals have given support, but the sponsorship offered by Bernafon Australia over the last three years has provided the impetus and assistance required to consolidate and accelerate the achievement of project goals. The generous sponsorship of Bernafon Australia is gratefully acknowledged and applauded.
The Farm Noise and Hearing Project is primarily a primary health care initiative, in that it targets a significant health issue in the community setting. The Project aims to reduce the incidence, severity and impact of farm noise injury in the South Australian rural community. It provides information and skills to rural health workers and to the farming community to address noise in the farm workplace, and the project provides access to information about hearing assessment, rehabilitation and support services.

It has been recognised as a project that provides a range of activities to address the issue of noise injury in an effective and sustainable way. It has been recognised for its use of strategies that not only facilitate clinical assessment of clients, but also ensure that a focus on prevention and rehabilitation services is integral to the project.

The Farm Noise and Hearing Network was established in 1995, involving Speech Pathologists from all of the rural community health services in South Australia; Community Health Nurses from regional hospitals and community health services; Audiologists in private practice and from major metropolitan hospitals, and Hearing Rehabilitation agency workers and volunteers. The formation of this broadly based group has ensured a coordinated approach to project objectives, accelerated resource development and management of sponsorship funding, enhanced promotional opportunities and consolidated project activities throughout South Australia.

Sponsorship Agreement

The continued sponsorship of Farm Noise and Hearing Network by Bernafon Australia was confirmed in 1999, and coordinated by the Northern Yorke Peninsula Health Service. A total of $15,000, ($5,000 annually over three years), was provided by Bernafon Australia to support the implementation of project activities at Field Days throughout SA. Network members agreed that funding would subsidise transportation of the hearing test facility to project events, printing of key leaflets and posters, (see enclosed “Farm Noise and Hearing in South Australia” leaflet and newly updated fact sheets), and specific training and development activities.

As the major sponsor, Bernafon Australia were given the following benefits:-

·  naming rights to project, eg. “The Farm Noise and Hearing project brought to rural South Australians by Bernafon, Australian made hearing aids utilising Swiss technology”,

·  a large area for signs and banners on the exterior of the caravan,

·  acknowledgment of sponsorship on all Farm Noise and Hearing letterhead correspondence, media releases, interviews and other promotions.

Obviously, as government employees, Farm Noise and Hearing Network staff could not endorse any particular product or service. However we were very happy to:-

·  acknowledge support which assisted the project

·  identify the source of any donated material

·  provide information to consumers on the range of services available to them


Farm Noise and Hearing Network (FN&HN)

Operational Plan 2000-2002

Evaluation January 2003

To reinforce links with the Farmsafe structure. / Network to seek active involvement/liaison with the peak body governing farm safety activity in South Australia / q  Farmsafe SA has been represented at FN&HN meetings since early 2002.
q  FN&HN have been invited to send a representative to join Farmsafe SA, (the peak body governing farm safety activity in SA). This will commence in 2003.
q  FN&HN were represented on the committee auspice by Farmsafe Australia in 2002 to develop the National Noise Injury Prevention Strategy for the Australian Farming Community.
To reinforce links with the farming community at the local level. / Network members to become active members of local Farmsafe groups / q  The Planning portfolio facilitated the exchange contact details for members of the FN&HN and Farmsafe SA.
q  There is a working relationship between FN&HN members and the farming community groups, eg Farmsafe SA groups; Agricultural Bureaus.
To ensure that the network has adequate resources to operate and achieve its objectives. / Investigate and pursue options for sustainable resources for ongoing network activities. / q  Bernafon Australia sponsorship secured and confirmed 2000-2002
q  Preliminary discussions about further sponsorship initiated.
q  Initiated discussions with WorkCover SA on collaborative projects in February 2002.
q  Obtained sponsorship from the Audiological Society for specific workshops and events in 2001 & 2002.
q  Initiated formal discussion paper to address updating and administration of hearing test facility
To promote healthy hearing farming issues at a range of appropriate agencies. / Distribute Network information package to appropriate agencies, outlining Network structure, three-year plan, and inviting Network membership. / q  FN&HN information package designed, produced and distributed November 2001. Approximately 100 packages were sent to a range of appropriate agencies, and follow-up liaison was made as required.
Identify and pursue input into and representation on a range of forums concerned with hearing and /or farm safety issues. / q  There were 26 organisations represented on the Farm Noise & Hearing Network at the end of 2002.
q  Liaison established with a range of government & non-government agencies.
q  Reciprocal relationships established with a range of forums concerned with hearing and/or farm safety issues, eg Farmsafe SA, SA Rural Women’s Network and informal links with Hi/dkon and Sensory Forum
To ensure that the farming community has equitable access to appropriate hearing services (both diagnostic and management). / Investigate and collate information re current hearing services in all regions of SA. / q  Info from Tinnitus SA used at FN&HN Projects.
q  FN&HN promoted existence of relevant resources, eg Office of Hearing Services service providers booklet, Tinnitus SA resources outlining information on rural and remote hearing services.
q  Information from Hearing Solutions used at FN&HN projects
q  Proposed Country Outreach Network
To ensure that farming communities have equitable access to Hearing support services. / Liaise with Hearing Solutions to ensure at least quarterly outreach services to regional areas in SA / q  Attendance of Hearing Solutions at FN&HN events through 2000-2002.
q  Hearing Solutions now provide quarterly outreach services to 6 country health regions in SA.
q  Visiting private audiological services established in rural SA, (verified in Office of Hearing Services Accredited/Recognised Providers directory.
Active promotion of hearing rehabilitation services currently available for the rural population. / q  ‘Hearing Access’ pamphlet outlining hearing support services available - currently in progress.
q  Update of Farm Noise & Hearing Network web-site, www.farmnoise.on.net/newfact.htm – in progress. Plan to include links from other relevant agencies’ web-sites in 2003.
q  Fact sheets available through PIRSA-fax system until its discontinuation in 2002.
To facilitate delivery of a range of appropriate health promotion activities in rural SA / Investigate and pursue options for appropriate and cost effective hearing assessment facilities at field events / q  Investigated and pursued a number of options for hearing assessment facilities at field day events.
q  A draft discussion paper has been produced and initiated and a mini-grants system has been implemented to support activities.
q  Research paper based on results of NYP events (Paskeville Field Days) titled “Hearing loss in the farming community”, published in the Australian, New Zealand Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, October 2002.
Produce an annual calendar of planned SA Farm Noise and Hearing field day events / q  Calendar produced June 2002 for 2002-3. Updated regularly through FN&HN meetings and newsletter.
Develop a comprehensive range of promotional material, encompassing a wide range of relevant and culturally specific topics. / q  Fact sheets and posters with new graphics and layout completed November 2002.
q  Resource kits - In progress. Survey completed regarding contents, June 2002. Pricing of contents completed Oct 02. 5 kits across the state: Central/Adelaide, South-East, Northern/Western, Murray Mallee/Riverland and Wakefield. Interactive display materials to be included in the resource kits
To incorporate a research component into Network activity / Investigate and pursue options for funding of research activity / q  NYPHS published with AHS - Williams, W; Forby-Atkinson, L; Purdy, S; Gartshore, G (2002) “Hearing loss and the farming community” J. Occup Health Safety – Aust NZ, 18(2): 181-186
q  Network agreed to support ongoing research as individual units.
q  Liaison with FMC for research grants & support. Grant applications were not successful.
Investigate a range of issues related to ethical and effective research activity / q  Discussed at Network meetings and opportunity for individual members to approach research portfolio for guidance regarding research activity.
To empower members of the farming community to make informed choices regarding management of their hearing / Distribution of Fact Sheets and other promotional material through a range of mechanisms (eg. Fact Sheets distributed at Field Days, media releases, web site, PIRSA Fax) / q  Fact sheets distributed at all FN&H events in the past three years.
q  Update of the Farm Noise & Hearing Network web-site in progress. Plan to include links from other relevant agencies’ web-sites.
q  Involvement with PIRSA-fax system. Defunct as of late 2002.
q  2000 fact sheets printed early 2003. Divided across five sites across the state for easy access. Will tally at the end of 2003 how many of each has been distributed to the farming population.
q  Commenced collating information Sep 2002, for publications in SA Rural Network, ‘Paperbark’ and Rural Directions magazines.
To demonstrate positive outcomes from Farm Noise and Hearing activities / Identify and pursue, strategies and funding sources to obtain an objective evaluation of Farm Noise and Hearing project activities / q  Agency specific evaluations have been produced following Field Days throughout 1999-2002. Topics of evaluation included: farmer compliance with recommendations; GP feedback; Audiology student perception of event/process; analysis of client results; and, staff feedback.
To support the availability of Hearing Access to the farming community. (Eg. Audio loops, TTY, alarms, etc) / Access community educational material about Hearing Access issues. / q  A Hearing Access flier has been compiled and is in draft format. This will be completed and distributed at FN&HN events and by individual members of the FN&HN in their work with community members.
q  Promotion of the “Smoke Alarm Project” through FN&HN members during 2000-1
Work with organisations and support groups in the sensory sector to assist in the promotion and increased awareness of Hearing Access issues / q  Information Packs provided to all Network members by Hearing Solutions during (2001) in preparation for Hearing Awareness Week.
q  Information published in FN&HN newsletters throughout 2000-2.
To provide ongoing education for the network and others in noise management. / To facilitate training and development activities during the year for network members / q  Bernafon session on hearing aids presented by Adam Kraska, February 2001.
q  Presentation on Tinnitus to FNHP members by Dr. Judith Boswell February 2001.
q  Noise Management Workshop. Full day training workshop involving Noise and Acoustics, WorkCover (Noise injury), Personal hearing Protection. Trade displays and manufacturers presentations. August 2001.
q  Assistive Listening Device training presented by Hearing Solutions prior to Network meeting.
q  Tinnitus SA presentations at varied venues across SA from March 2002 to present- including Pt Lincoln, Cummins, Pt Pirie, Clare, Mt Gambier, Kadina, Naracoorte, Karoonda, Murray Bridge.
q  Farmsafe session / planning day.
q  Warwick Williams workshop on reducing noise induced hearing loss, October 2002.

The Farm Noise and Hearing Project, brought to rural South Australians

by Bernafon,

Australian made hearing aids utilising Swiss technology


Farm Noise and Hearing Network

The Network continues to meet three times each year with consistent participation of representatives from a cross section of rural health centres, Audiological Society of SA, Hearing Solutions South Australia, and farmer groups. Other interested groups/agencies, (eg Divisions of GP, Flinders University, WorkCover, South Australian Farmer’s Federation), link into the Network as required.