Candidate Descriptions

Governor Lt. Governor Speaker of the House


Candidates for Middle School Youth Governor must have YIG experience and be in 7th grade. They must complete the Candidate Profile. The Middle School Youth Governor will be elected during the conference and will serve the following year.

The Middle School Youth Governor will perform the following duties:

1.  Address the opening joint sessions of the YMCA Youth Legislature, including in the closing session the Governor’s action on all legislation after passage by both houses of the legislature.

2.  Consider each bill passed by the legislature, soliciting information and advice from governor’s staff and resource staff as necessary.

3.  Sign or veto legislation passed by both houses.

4.  May select a small Governor’s Staff to be assigned specific duties to meet the needs of the Governor’s Office.

Middle School Lt. Governor (President of the Senate) and Middle School Speaker of the House

Candidates for Lt. Governor and Speaker of the House may be in the 6th or 7th grade. Previous YIG experience is not required. They must complete the Candidate Profile. The Lt. Governor and Speaker of the House will be elected during the conference and will serve the following year.

The Middle School Lt. Governor and Speaker of the House will be responsible for the following:

1.  Preside over their respective houses.

2.  Ensure that the will of the majority prevails and that the rights of the minority are respected.

3.  Preserve order and decorum in the chamber.

4.  Answer all parliamentary inquiries.

5.  Designate who is first to speak when two or more members rise at once.

6.  Announce all results of all votes taken and cast the deciding vote in the case of a tie.

7.  Sign all acts, memorials, and resolutions passed by the body.

8.  The Lt. Governor shall chair the Senate Rules committee. The Speaker shall chair the House Rules committee.

9.  The Lt. Governor shall preside over the opening joint session. The Speaker shall preside over the closing joint session.

Candidate Profile

Please circle one:

Governor Lt. Governor Speaker of the House

Name: ______

Address: ______

City: ______Zip: ______

Phone: ______E-mail: ______

School: ______Grade: ______

Previous YIG Experience:

Extracurricular/Community Activities:

Why are you running for this office, what do you plan to do if elected, and why do you believe you are the most qualified candidate?

E-mail (preferred) to

YIG Campaign Regulations

The following rules and regulations apply to all students seeking election to a statewide office at the 2013 Youth in Government conference. The purpose of these regulations is not to be burdensome or punitive, but to create a framework that allows all students to compete fairly, without any advantage given to students or schools with more resources than others. Any questions or interpretations about these regulations should be directed to Mary Capers Bledsoe at .

1.  Total spending for a campaign may not exceed $100 (with the exception listed in Rule 2, below). Donations of goods count the same as a purchase. If a campaign receives a donation of a case of paper, for instance, the campaign must report that donation and its fair market value.

2.  Campaigns may spend an additional $50 if that $50 is raised through campaign donations. Campaigns that select this option must provide an itemized list of donors, with contact information for each donor.

3.  Under no circumstances may a campaign spend more than a total of $150 ($100 of regular campaign funding, plus $50 of optional donated campaign funds).

4.  All campaigns must provide full accounting of expenditures and donations. These must be turned in to conference staff on Thursday, upon arrival in Columbia, and before campaigning begins.

5.  Items that are found at home may be used without an additional cost to the candidate, as long as the items could reasonably be expected to be found at home. These items could include, for instance, yardsticks or other items that could be used to put campaign signs on. Questions and clarifications should be directed to Mary Capers Bledsoe at .

6.  No posters or campaign signage may be taped, glued or attached in any way to walls, elevators, desks, doors, etc. at any of the hotels, or at the Statehouse and Statehouse buildings.

7.  Unless prior approval is given, no food, gum or any other edible items may be used in campaigns.

8.  Slogans must be appropriate, respectful, and in keeping with the YMCA’s core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.

9.  Campaigns are prohibited from any activities, actions, and statements that would negatively affect another candidate or campaign.

10. Candidates and their campaign staff must conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates the core values of the YMCA, and the level of respectful behavior expected of Youth in Government participants and leadership.

11. Violations of any campaign rules and regulations may result in any or all of the following sanctions:

·  Campaign material confiscated and not returned

·  Candidate disqualified from race

·  Election results nullified

Candidate Code of Conduct and Participation Agreement

Running for an elected office in the South Carolina YMCA Youth in Government program is a serious undertaking, and implies an agreement to a level of commitment and participation above and beyond that of a delegate. Candidates for office agree to the following:

Elected Official Regulations

1.  All elected officials agree to work and promote YIG, its values, and its mission through their activities and school and in the community.

2.  All elected officials agree to abide by the YMCA’s core values of honesty, respect, responsibility, and caring.

3.  All elected officials understand and agree to accept the decision of the YMCA Youth in Government Executive Director and Board of Directors in any decisions concerning an elected official’s ability to serve. Specifically, if an elected official’s behavior at school, outside of school, or during any YIG event does not reflect the standard of excellence expected of YIG officials, and if any behavior casts the YIG program in a negative light, the YMCA YIG program has the right to remove an elected official from that position. The elected official agrees to this policy, and understands that the decision of the Board of Directors and/or the Executive Director is final.

I have read the expectations of conduct and participation and I agree to abide by the terms of this agreement as a candidate and if elected, an official.

Student (Print and Sign): ______Date: ______

Parent (Print and Sign): ______Date: ______

Advisor (Print and Sign): ______Date: ______

Please return to YMCA YIG Office by September 16th by email, mail or fax.



100 Adams Mill Road

Simpsonville, SC 29681

Fax: 864-228-0216