
A paternity letter is written by a father – to –be to his employer to inform him officially about his leaves. When a person’s wife is due for delivery, she wants her husband to be with her for the support and care she deserves.

Therefore a person should write a paternity leave letter in advance to request his employer for the leaves so that he can spend time with his wife and take good care of her before delivery.

Paternity Leave LetterTips

Following points should be considered for writing an effective paternity leave letter:

  • First and foremost it is vital to inform your employer in advance while applying for paternity leave.
  • You must enclose documents supporting your cause.
  • You must clearly specify the time period in which you will not be present in office.
  • Tone of the letter should be formal.
  • Wordings of the letter should express your politeness in appealing for the paternity leave.
  • Once you are through writing the letter, please recheck the same for amendments, if needed.

Sample Paternity Leave Letter


Edward Smith

Assistant Manager

Zurich Pharmaceuticals


Date (Date on which letter is written)


Mr. Hillary Clinton

HR Manager

Zurich Pharmaceuticals

Sub: Paternity Leave application

Dear Mr. Clinton,

I am extremely delighted to inform you that my wife is in her final stage of pregnancy and our first baby can arrive anytime. She has got admitted in the hospital and is continuously under doctor’s supervision. My parents live out of town and they will come in a month’s time. So, I need to be with my wife for her care and support. For this, I require leaves for one month.

I am enclosing all the medical reports of my wife for your reference. I assure you, I will finish up with all my pending work once I join back.

I hope you consider this letter as my formal and informed leave application and grant me leaves for one month starting from 4th September onwards.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely’

Edward Smith

Paternity Leave LetterTemplate




Date (Date on which leave letter is written)





Dear ______

I am, hereby, writing this letter to officially inform you that my wife is due for her first delivery on ______. Therefore, I need to take leaves for ______weeks to be with my wife during her last stage.

I am also enclosing the medical reports of wife for your reference. I assure you, I will complete my pending works on time after joining.

I hope you will understand my situation and grant me leave for ______weeks starting from ______.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely’



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