KRA #1: Responsive and Effective Customer Services
Strategic Objectives:
Full Board / Individual Board Members
  • Include programs on service trends and staff presentations in “Board Needs to Know” schedule
  • Attend topical lunch and earn programs and programs in the community of relevance to The Agency’s program areas.
  • Visit a program in action (coordinate with staff)

KRA #2: Leadership in Service Delivery
Strategic Objectives:
Full Board / Individual Board Members
  • Establish targets and monitoring mechanisms for key indicators
  • Read quarterly reports and contact management staff prior to Board meetings with questions so that appropriate clarifications can be offered at the meeting for others who may also have questions

KRA #3: Leadership Strength in Advocacy
Strategic Objectives:
Full Board / Individual Board Members
  • Include public policy in “Board Needs to Know” topics
  • Set a goal for number of legislative contacts to be made collectively by entire board
  • Participate in lobby visits to legislators
  • Attend statewide advocacy conferences
  • Write a letter to the editor (coordinated with public policy staff—they’ll even write it for you!)
  • Sign up new Action Alert Network members
  • Join statewide advocacy organization
  • Be aware of Agency-related issues in the news and pro-actively raise them in conversations
  • Serve as “door openers” for CEO and others in the agency
  • Participate in initiatives such as the faith-based initiative

KRA #4: Fiscal Strength, Growth & Viability
Full Board / Individual Board Members
  • Identify annual board fund-raising goal (personal contributions and $ directly obtained by Board-member action); consider a challenge grant
  • 100% of members make an annual contribution
  • Annual presentation and discussion on Agency’s fund raising strategies and plans, including difference between local Agency and national organization
  • Increase understanding of the Agency budget, how it is constructed and the related issues by attending at least one finance committee meeting, especially the November meeting prior to budget presentation at board meeting
  • Make an annual contribution that is a stretch gift and among member’s top three philanthropic donations
  • Contribute prospect names and strategies for each and participate in solicitation as appropriate, including opening doors to corporations, foundations and major donor prospects
  • Identify prospects/friends and arrange lunch with CEO or a meeting with a Resource Development staff plus a tour
  • Attend development events and bring others when appropriate and(lunch and learn, donor recognition, former board events)
  • Co-host or host a house party consistent with Resource Development strategies
  • Contact or solicit at least three prospects, donors or lapsed donors in support of the Resource Development plan (cultivation, solicitation, “thank you”)
  • Make a planned gift

KRA #5: Strong & Effective Internal Operations
Strategic Objectives:
  • Explore the potential for expansion of successful initiatives beyond the current Agency service area.

Full Board / Individual Board Members
  • Establish targets and monitoring mechanisms for key indicators
  • Include presentation on national organization and major trends and best practices in “Board Needs to Know” programs
  • Read quarterly reports and contact management staff prior to Board meetings with questions so that appropriate clarifications can be offered at the meeting for others who may also have questions

KRA # 6: Responsive & Effective Board
Strategic Objectives:
  • Eliminate cultural barriers that impede access.

Full Board / Individual Board Members
  • Ensure Board composition reflective of strategic plan (in consultation with management)
  • Maintain 75% attendance at every Board meeting
  • All members attend more than 50% of meetings
  • No members miss more than 3 meetings
  • Annual plan for Board’s work, including “Board Needs to Know” discussions
  • Identify, cultivate and nominate potential board members
  • Read all pre-Board packets and clarify questions prior to meetings
  • Attend five of the yearly board meetings; miss not more than three
  • Participate in at least one task force or committee and attend majority of meetings
  • Respond promptly to requests for information or meeting set-ups
  • Serve as a mentor for new members

KRA #7: Strong, Strategic Visible Market Position
Strategic Objectives:
  • Change public attitudes so that….
  • Develop community partners willing to engage in promoting...

Full Board / Individual Board Members
  • Annual training on talking about Agency’s issues
  • Be familiar with and pro-actively promote Agency services in the community, including web access
  • Stay current with what’s on the Agency’s web site
  • Work personal connections to assist with opening doors and engagement of community segments, individuals and organizations that are strategically important to achieving the Agency’s goals (e.g. Latino/Hispanic, Asian, Native American, faith communities, educational institutions, college students and organizations)
  • Represent the Agency at community events (luncheons, discussions)