Performance Learning Center Summer Reading Students and Parents of PLC,

Summer is a beautiful gift, but it is also a time that students should continue to learn and be reflective on their educational experiences. To ensure that our students are prepared for returning to a rigorous learning environment in August, we ask that you (the student) read the book and complete artifacts that correspond with the English you are enrolled in for the Fall semester of the 2016-2017 school year. Artifacts and full comprehension of the novel will be due no later than the first Friday after school has begun. Students are expected to purchase the book for in text annotations or check it out from a local library for post-it/on paper annotations (this active reading is key in this level of textual analysis).

We look forward to a year of digging deep into and analyzing texts to connect character experiences to our lives. Remember, “a man who reads lives a thousand lives before he dies- a man who never reads lives only one.”


Ashley Matson

PLC English Teacher

Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Master Teacher Governor’s Teacher Network Member

English I AP Language & Composition

English II

Life of Pi

The Bean Trees

A Prayer for Owen Meany

English III

Bless Me, Ultima

A Prayer for Owen Meany

English IV

Picture of Dorian Gray

Honors English IV

Picture of Dorian Gray Dracula


1.  Textual Annotations

·  notes while reading

·  evidence of active reading

2.  Main Character Profile Inferences

·  Specific evidence and inferences based on Speech, Thought, Effect on Others, Actions, and Looks

3.  Main Character Development

·  How does he/she change over time? How did plot structure (conflict) influence this development?

4.  Setting/Historical Context

·  How does the setting impact the novel? How is the historical context evident in the novel?

5.  Narrative Devices

·  Does the author employ narrative devices (figurative language, flashback, foreshadowing, etc.) to better communicate the theme to the reader?

6.  Theme

·  Create a theme statement based on the reading of the novel- this statement must apply to life and not specifically to the novel. It is like a piece of advice you could offer a friend.

7.  Real World Connection

·  Write a reflective journal entry (at least 1 page) regarding this theme’s application to your life.