Diwali Festival 2017

Sunday 15 October 2017, 1-7pm

Trafalgar Square

Catering Opportunities


The Mayor of London’s events portfolio includes Diwali Festival, St Patrick’s Day, Feast of St George, Vaisakhi, Liberty, Eid and New Year’s Eve Fireworks, and supports a number of other externally produced events.

All of the events organised or supported by the Mayor of London connect with different communities and correspond with the Mayor’s Cultural Strategy. They are also designed to integrate policies from other Mayoral strategies.

Diwali Festival is organised by the Mayor of London in partnership with the Diwali in London Committee (DiL) – a body of Hindu, Jain and Sikh organisations working collectively together to coordinate community input and nurture young community talent. It is one of our busiest events, with an estimated 40,000 visitors throughout the day.


Mayor of London owned events are funded in part by a direct Greater London Authority contribution (public money) and by commercial sponsorship opportunities at varying levels. A small proportion of event costs are also covered from income derived from catering and retail stalls, although this is minimal once infrastructure costs are deducted.

Opportunity to trade at Diwali Festival

We are seeking caterers who can present a unique, relevant and sustainable offer to Diwali Festival 2017. Previous caterers at Diwali Festival have included Horn Okay, Café Spice Namaste, Masala Zone and Guptas.

Trading will take place from 1 – 6.45pm, all trading must cease at 6.45pm.

Diwali Festival will celebrate the Diwali culture of Hindus, Jains and Sikhs. In catering terms this means vegetarian food only, not containing eggs or alcohol.

Dishes with onions and garlic may be accepted if they are clearly marked as such, but we will give priority to at least two traders who cater specifically to the stricter Jain diet.

GLA Events accredited as ISO2012-1

The GLA is accredited with the international Event Sustainability Management System standard ISO2012-1. As part of this we work to maintain and improve sustainability across our events.

In simple terms, this is an on-going process of ‘going greener’ across all elements of our event production. This involves: separating and reducing waste (including food waste); lowering energy usage; better protection of Trafalgar Square and its integral infrastructure; minimising deliveries to lower carbon footprint; encouraging contractors to pay London’s Living Wage; encouraging visitors’ use of public transport; using recyclable/recycled materials; offering affordable healthy food locally sourced from sustainable sources[1]; making our events as accessible as possible, and more besides.

**As such we will allocate trading opportunities by priority to caterers who:

A)  Are able to demonstrate the sustainability of their produce and business as a whole

B)  Fully comply with the terms and conditions (submission of correct, full, accurate and up-to-date documentation)

C)  Are able to pay the pitch fee and any other related costs

Catering Offer

Each catering unit will be provided with the following:

-  3x3 marquee

-  branded signage with supplier name (mounted on marquee front)

-  1 6’ trestle table (additional tables £5 each)

-  protective floor covering

-  Trading License (applied for on your behalf from Westminster City Council by the GLA)

-  Basic lighting

-  access to 2 x 13 amp sockets. Additional power is £25 per 13amp socket. Please note only one plug per socket is permitted (no multi gang extensions allowed). Details of power requirements must be provided on application to verify power loadings.

-  access to potable water

-  access to waste management services. Please note any waste food or waste oil must not be disposed of on Trafalgar Square but must be stored and taken away.

Caterers will be required to provide all of their own equipment unless otherwise specified.

This includes:

·  Correct fire extinguisher(s) for all identified hazards

·  Fire blankets

·  First Aid kit

·  Hot Hand washing facilities (required by Environmental Health regulations, including clean water storage and waste disposal)

·  Table cloths / Wipeable table cloths

·  Steel tables for use with deep fat and other fryers

** Any electrical equipment must have exterior weather proofing and have a PAT test certificate valid on the date of the event, or, if purchased within the last year, a copy of the guarantee is sufficient.

** Any additional infrastructure required by the caterer and ordered through the event production company will be chargeable and must be paid for in advance of the event. Any damage or breakages of these additional items will be chargeable back to whoever signs for them on the day.

** Any failure on behalf of the caterer to supply all essential equipment in good working order may render the caterer unable to trade at the event. The Greater London Authority will not be liable for any refund, loss of income or expenses occurred as a result of any such oversight on behalf of the caterer.


Stall fees are:

·  £700 plus VAT for hot food (strictly no drinks)

·  £500 plus VAT for cold food (strictly no drinks)

·  £500 plus VAT for hot/cold drinks only (strictly no food).

*Plus the cost of any requested additional infrastructure.

Payments will be invoiced to the trader by Bliss Events Management Ltd ( the Diwali Festival 2017 event production company), and will be due in full no later than 7 days after receipt of invoice. Failure to pay on time will result in the unit(s) being offered to the next in line.

Any additional infrastructure required and ordered through Bliss Events Management Ltd the event production company will be chargeable and must be paid for in advance of the event. Any damage or breakages will be chargeable back to whoever signs for them on the day.

Bookings shall only be considered if accompanied by all the requested paperwork and confirmed only upon receipt of the full payment, including any hire-in charges. Organisers reserve the right to refuse/cancel bookings if the company and/or products are unsuitable or inappropriate for event, if space is limited, or if the site plan has to be reconfigured for any reason (for which a full refund will be given). The Greater London Authority will not be liable for any refund, loss of income or expenses incurred as a result of the trader’s participation in the event.

It should be noted that Mayor of London owned events on Trafalgar Square are free for the public to attend. They are funded in part by the Greater London Authority and by commercial sponsorship. A proportion of event costs are also covered from income derived from stall fees, although this is minimal once infrastructure costs are deducted.

How to apply

If you wish to apply for catering unit at Diwali 2017, please fill in the Catering Application Form below and ensure you have:

1.  Answered all the Sustainability Questions

2.  Sent all the required supporting documentation with your application form

3.  Signed the Application Form document (a real/scanned signature is required)

4.  Read Appendix documents

All food traders must be familiar with the rules of outdoor public catering and be able to produce all the relevant Health and Safety paperwork required by Westminster Council’s Environmental Health team. You will also need to sign up to the Terms and Conditions of operating on Trafalgar Square which is a carefully managed heritage site.

**Please note incomplete applications will not be considered**

Application & Booking Process

The catering stall booking process for this event happens in 2 steps:


Please fill out the Application form, and submit the requested documentation. Applications close on Friday 18 August at 5pm.

Selection of Caterers.

Traders will be selected from the received applications on the following criteria:

-  quality and authenticity of product

-  stall presentation

-  experience of outdoor public catering

-  sustainability

All applications will be considered against these criteria. In the event that more applications are received than available spaces, the organisers will select suppliers to ensure a diversity of product/cuisine.


Selected applicants will then be asked to proceed with their stall booking, make payment and supply all required documentation.




Please tick as necessary:

I am seeking to cater hot food only on-site for the pitch fee of £700 +VAT. I understand that I will also be required to pay for any additional hired-in infrastructure. Please note a maximum of THREE units can be applied for.

I am seeking to cater cold food only on-site for the pitch fee of £500 +VAT. I understand that I will also be required to pay for any additional hired-in infrastructure. Please note a maximum of THREE units can be applied for.

I am seeking to cater hot/cold drinks only at a pitch fee of £500 + VAT. I understand that I will also be required to pay for any additional hired-in infrastructure. Please note a maximum of THREE units can be applied for.

I will require hired equipment from Bliss Events (the Diwali Festival 2017 production company). If ‘ticked’ please complete the table below. You will be informed of the prices per item once all the orders have been collated, as they will vary according to quantities ordered etc. All items will be charged to the caterer at cost, with no mark-ups added)

OTHER EQUIPMENT – please specify

Pls continue overleaf

Name of Event / Diwali Festival 2017
Event Location / Trafalgar Square / Date(s) / Sunday 15 October 2017
Trading times 1- 6:45pm.
Name of Caterer (*please specify if the company name is different to the name requested to be printed on the marquee header signage)
Principal caterer contact –
Name, address, telephone (landline and mobile), e-mail
Number of food units requested (each unit is a 3m x 3m marquee). Maximum of THREE units.
Which Local Authority is your catering business registered with?
Food types to be handled: Specify whether they will be raw/cooked when brought on site
Hot/cold food proposed for sale at Diwali.
Please clearly describe all dishes/products – region, cuisine style, quality etc.
Please list all ingredients and the prices to be charged per item.
All food must be strictly vegetarian (no egg, no alcohol. Garlic and onion is acceptable if clearly specified where used).
Stall presentation / Please provide a photo of previous food stall activity.
Type of burner/cooker to be used and how it will be powered:
If using a deep fat or other fryer, please indicate in this box if you will be providing your own steel table.
Power Requirements:
(Please list each electrical item individually and the power needed for each item. Please note only one plug per socket is permitted - no multi gang extensions allowed.)
Delivery vehicle identification – make, model of vehicle, registration; driver name and mobile number
List the documentation you have attached and justify anything missing with proposed dates for their receipts:
Please note stalls will not be confirmed until all documentation has been provided.


In order to be considered for a catering pitch on Trafalgar Square you must be able to answer ‘yes’ to at least three of the questions below.

Sustainability Questions / Yes / No / Details
1. Is your food locally sourced within 100 miles of Trafalgar Square?
2. Do you sell healthy food options?
By healthy we mean meals based on fruit, vegetables and wholegrain foods; less saturated fat, salt, sugar (in line with Food Standards Agency guidance) and unnecessary additives, use of healthier cooking oil
3. Do you provide nutrition and calorie information at point of sale?
i.e. on display menu/signs at an event
4. Do you display information on allergens at point of sale?
i.e. on display menu/signs at an event
5. Do you sign up to the Red Tractor scheme?
6. Do you sell at least one vegetarian or/and vegan option?
7. Do you sell at least one option that is a smaller portion/ cheaper option?
8. Do you sell drinks that are an alternative to drinks containing sugar?
e.g. natural fruit juices and juice drinks, smoothies.
9. Is your food fair trade (where applicable)?
e.g. coffee, tea, bananas and sugar.
10. Are livestock products (where applicable) free range or organic?
For example: are they RSPCA Freedom Food certified, Farm Stewardship schemes, LEAF - Marque and Rainforest Alliance?
11. Are fish products (where applicable) caught by sustainable methods?
I.e. Marine Stewardship Council certified as ‘fish to eat’ and not categorised by the Marine Conservation Society as ‘fish to avoid’
12. Do you source any of your food from smaller or specialist farmers and food producers?
13. Do you pay your staff the London Living Wage, currently £9.75 per hour?
14. Is your food packaging/containers for serving food recyclable or made of recyclable materials? Please note: polystyrene is not permitted on Trafalgar Square.
e.g. recycled cardboard, recycled plastic cutlery, compostable coffee cups.

Please note that if you have ticked yes to any of the above you may be required to provide evidence of this before the event date.

Please answer the questions below accurately as this will determine the requirements of our waste strategy and recycling performance. Failure to provide us with information may result in charges to remove any additional waste.

Q1. Do you generate any waste onsite from packaging before the event opens?

e.g. cardboard boxes

If yes please provide details…………………………………………………………………

Q2. Do you generate any food waste whilst preparing the food onsite?

e.g. skins of fruit and vegetables

If yes please provide details…………………………………………………….


By signing this document you are making a declaration that you have read, understood, and intend to abide by:

·  The conditions laid out in this document

·  The conditions laid out in Trafalgar Square Catering Concessions Form (see Appendix)