San Ramon Valley HS English 1


Ms. Bonnar

Email:Web page:

Homework: Voice Mail: (925) 552-5580 ex 2949

Welcome to English with Ms. B This syllabus is meant to be your contract for the academic year. Please read it carefully and share it with your parents.

I am looking forward to a great year and getting to know each of you.


All curriculum is based on CA Content Standards for English Studies.

The literature for English I focuses on the loss of innocence, freedom, growing responsibility, and personal relationships. We will primarily be reading fiction, non-fiction and dramatic literature.

Critical thinking, peer interaction and self-evaluation skills will be emphasized. The reading and writing required will hopefully help us better define ourselves and the world in which we exist.

Literaturemay include House on Mango Street, To Kill a Mockingbird, Romeo & Juliet, That was then, this is now, and Speak. The Elements of Literature anthology will also be utilized for a short story unit.

Writing & Essays will include journaling; reflective and creative assignments; evaluation and interpretation essays. Analytical paragraph and academic summary will be mastered. One lengthy essay will be required in the spring. Participation in in class workshops will be instrumental in the process.

Vocabulary will be taken from the literature and from SAT preparation lists. Prefixes, suffixes and roots will be studied in 2nd semester. Rather than use for a quick fix, invest in a quality dictionary that can expand your word power. Longman’s Advanced American Dictionary is a good choice.

Grammar will be taught per literary unit and incorporated in all student writing.

Technology will be incorporated at various stages, with an emphasis on conducting research, evaluating sites, and creating annotated bibliographies. ORB projects utilize technology acquisition.

Deadlines:English Department Policy—Late work will receive 50% of the designated grade

  • Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period.
  • If a student is present on campus for even a partial day, the student most personally deliver the assignment to the teacher or make arrangement for someone else to do so.
  • Pls deliver assignments directly to the teacher; no mailbox drop-offs. If I do not receive it, no credit will be given.
  • Papers left in cars & pack-backs, lockers, home printers, etc. do not alter the NO Late Policy.

Basic Expectations

  • Be on time & prepared. In seat at bell is on time.
  • NO food, drink, candy or gum (water is always allowed)
  • NO VISIBLE/AUDIBLE cell phones. If seen/heard, they will be taken away
  • Use electronics appropriately and wisely.
  • Raise your hand and wait to be called on before talking. Listen to others with respect.
  • Stay in your seat unless it is appropriate to leave.
  • Follow directions the first time they are given.
  • Classroom community overrides individual will; please respect your peers’ belongings, desk, & personal space.

Students who make positive choices will find a safe, pleasant and even fun atmosphere in class. When students choose to disregard the class expectations with disruptive/uncooperative behavior, however, a consequence will be given. Depending on the circumstance, I will usually counsel the student privately before--

a) calling/emailing a parentb) detention c) a referral to office/ Saturday School


The most important thing is communication. Please see me or email me with any problem, concern, praises, or frustrations. I cannot help you, intervene, or clarify something if I do not know what is wrong/confusing. I am availablefor help. It is much easier to deal with and resolve a situation if you share it with me earlier than later. You are responsible for your own learning and if there is some aspect of the class that you need help with, please seek me out. I welcome feedback!


Due dates are posted on the white board in class as well as on school-loop. Students are expected to complete HW, which is primarily reading or researching for a particular text/topic. ALL ORB projects will be completed outside of class. HW is due at the beginning of class, which means it should be completed before class begins. Pease write clearly or type up assignments. Please DO NOT send me (via an attachment) work to be printed out. When class starts, your work and novel should be with you. Please keep English work in its own binder/folder. Staying organized is directly linked to success.


If you are absent, it is your responsibility to contact the teacher directly—via email or before or after school—to retrieve any missed work. Three days are allowed for absent work to be submitted and/or tests to be taken. After three (3) days, the grade becomes a zero.

No EXTRA CREDIT: English Department Policy

Students should invest their efforts in completing assigned work to the best of their ability and submitting work on time. Teachers will not assign extra credit assignments to replace work that was not submitted.


Grades are cumulative and are based on a point system. Tests, formal papers and projects will be assigned the highest point value. Evaluation of work is based on completion, meeting deadlines, presentation, following directions; they are also based on depth of ideas, clarity of thought and accuracy of mechanics (vocabulary used, spelling, punctuation and grammar). Thoughtful participation in class discussions and cooperative teamwork on projects may positively affect your grade.

Final Letter Grades will be based on the following scale

A+ 98—100%B+ 88-89%C+ 78-79%D+ 68-69% F under 59%

A 93-97%B 84-87%C 74-77%D 64-67%

A- 90-92%B- 80-83%C- 70-73%D- 60-63%

In general, these descriptors will be used when evaluating written work:

  • A: outstanding, excellent, thoughtful, detailed; interpretative vs. summarizing
  • B: strong, effective, competent
  • C: adequate, satisfactory, appropriate
  • D: incomplete, basic, limited in scope, weak, excessive errors
  • F: little or no work submitted, pervasive errors, illegible

Effort, improvement, and growth as a writer will always be considered in grading

Academic Dishonesty will result in a “zero” grade. Cheating, intellectual sharing (copied work from a classmate OR work made available for copying), or plagiarism (which includes “borrowing” from the internet without citing appropriate sources) are not acceptable. In addition, an official referral will be made on the student’s academic record. Be original. Be ethical. Write with integrity.

(Outside Reading Book)

Each Monday (or Friday as the year progresses) there will be designated time for silent & sustained reading. Learning to read and finding books that one enjoys is one key to any student’s success throughout their education. Reading fosters curiosity and creativity. An ORB –new, used, borrowed from library/home, or a kindle – is required each Monday. Each Monday a reading log will also be collected from your personal reading done over the weekend. Monday is not time for HW; it is solely for the purpose of engaging in a literary text for personal enjoyment. Points will be deducted if I catch you doing HW.

The first 8 weeks: Modern Fiction2nd QTR: Non-fiction

3rd Qtr: Teen Lit or Female Author4th Qtr: Ethnic Author after 1985


I look forward to a great year!

Signing below signifies you have read, understand, and agree to comply with my policies.


Student NameParent/Guardian’s Signature & email