DioceseofBathandWellsPrayerCalendarJune 2018

Focusing on Portishead deanery and Shepton Mallet deanery

A prayerful review

How often do we rush through life without taking time to notice, or to fully appreciate, the life through which we are rushing? At the end of a busy week we might find our desk, kitchen table or hall floor to be littered with items we’ve flung down before rushing on to the next thing. Not enough time to sort out, or to tidy away or to deal with the things that have emerged.

Our days can be rather like this spiritually too. One of the ways that I have found helpful in trying to counter this is to have a time of prayer towards the end of the day to reflect on and to ‘process’ what the day has brought.

This kind of prayerful review of the day is based on the ancient spiritual practice of ‘examen’, which became associated particularly with St Ignatius of Loyola, and the Ignatian tradition he inspired. Ignatius believed ‘examen’ to be one of the most important aspects of a life of prayer, helping us to see God’s presence in the whole of life.

It doesn’t need to be complicated, and is an intentional way of looking back over the day in the presence of God. So how might it work?

Firstly ask God for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in your reflection.As you think back over the day that’s passed you might first give thanks to God for all the good things the day has brought - and you may be surprised at what you had failed to notice at the time! You might next ask God to help you to see where things haven’t been so good, and to seek God’s forgiveness for your part in those. You might be prompted to pray for particular people or situations that have arisen. And then end the prayer by looking forward to tomorrow and entrusting the coming day to God.

At that point we might echo these words from Psalm 4, used in the office of compline:

‘In peace I will lie down and sleep, for it is you Lord, only, who make me dwell in safety.’

The Venerable Anne Gell
Archdeacon of Wells

New leadership for diverse deanery

As we pray for Portishead Deanery those with a map will note we are praying for some strange things. The coastal parishes stretch out into the Bristol Channel. We pray for those who make their living in the ports or at sea. For passing ships and boats.

And whilst we might note the centres of population - Clevedon, Portishead, Nailsea and Yatton - the Deanery contains many working farms. Some of these host harvest services for us. Beer and cider festivals, country shows, fairs and carnivals are all part of the rhythm of life here, as well as the noise of traffic as many head out of our deanery, and indeed diocese, to work in Bristol.

We have a new leadership team –the Revd Steve Tilley (Rural Dean), Rob Norman (Lay Chair) and Lesley Farrall (Deanery Secretary) are all relatively new in post. Our faithful Deanery Treasurer Cheryl Parry is looking to hand on her work and we pray for the right person to succeed her.

Our Deanery Vision is to refocus our work on three strands:

1. Living and telling the story. We want to hear more of what God is up to in our Deanery and to help each other in ministry by sharing resources.

2. New housing. Our area of North Somerset is currently the subject of many planning discussions about the placement of thousands of new homes. Whilst we pray for councils, planners and developers in their rigorous work we also want to be ready to greet those who move into our area.

3. Children families and young people. At the moment we under-perform in this area and want to get better. There are pockets of excellent work in schools and through church initiatives such as Messy Church but we are inconsistent.

Thank you for praying for us

The Revd Steve Tilley
Rural Dean, Portishead

Join us at the Royal Bath and West Show

The church tent at the Royal Bath and West show has been running for many years, offering hospitality, a place of quiet if people want to come and pray or just to sit, meet others and enjoy free fair-trade coffee, tea and biscuits.There is always a space for activities for children in the tent and we have two stalls, one for Traidcraft and another for a Christian Bookshop, Aslan books.

Being part of the church tent team has always been a rewarding experience, whether we are just enjoying the company of people who would like to find some space, praying with people or sometimes just being there for people. Just a couple of incidents show what God can do through his people at an agricultural show. One woman, who described herself as Christian but a non-churchgoer, had a “spiritual experience” in the tent and left planning to find a church local to her. A young man working at the show who was seeking to turn his life around found nourishment in talking and praying with us.

While we offer our coffee and tea free of charge, we do accept money that we donate to a charity, last year we donated to ‘Farming Community Network’ (FCN) and were able to raise over £700.

If you want to know more then seek us out if you come to the show, which this year runs from Wednesday, 30 May to Saturday, 1 June but if you’ve visited us before please note we are not in our usual place.

The Revd Tobie Osmond
Rural Dean, Shepton Mallet

Celebrating40 years of friendship

Reflecting on their recent visit to Zambia as part of the Zambia 40 celebrations, Bishop Peter and Bishop Ruth say, "Our visit to Zambia from 19 April to 3 May this yearwas everything we prayed it would be and more; hugely uplifting and joyous, yet also humbling as hearts and homes were opened up to us and we saw how people there are living and telling the story of Jesus everyday, often with very little.
"We encountered God in every story we heard and every prayer we shared.The energy of the people we met was infectious and the jubilant welcome we received at every stop on our journey was something to behold. In the words of Sandra Freeborn from Shepton Mallet, one of the 30 parish representatives we travelled with, ‘the rhythm of Zambia will beat in our hearts forever.’”
Join the celebrations
Our bishops are inviting everyone to join in the celebrations of the 40 years of friendship on 14 July for the‘return fixture’ with a ceremony atWells Cathedral and an after party at the Bishop's Palace, as we welcome a group of Zambian gueststo Somerset.

The bishopssay, "Through our hospitality and welcome, we want to demonstrate our love for our Zambian brothers and sisters and how important the link is to us here in Bath and Wells. We warmly invite you to be part of this event and hope you can help extend the invitation far and wide across the diocese.
Find out more at


1 June 2018

Pray for St Andrew’s Backwell, & St Bridget’s Chelvey with St Nicholas Brockley, currently in vacancy, that those responsible for running the church and services would have energy and wisdom. Also we pray for the Church Tent at the Royal Bath and West Show.

2 June 2018

Christ Church Clevedon are holding an Open garden event tomorrow afternoon with cream teas and homemade cakes. All proceeds will support the work of Uganda Concern UK. Pray for the work of this organisation and that the afternoon will be a time of fellowship as well as raising money for a good cause.

3 June 2018

St Andrew’s Clevedon’s the Big Friendly Church has a special Breakfast Church at 9.30 am today. Pray that it will be well attended and that those attending will enjoy breakfast and activities for all. Pray also for St Peter’s Clevedon as they continue their faithful ministry and for the Revd Trevor Cranshaw as he leads both churches.

4 June 2018

Pray for the ministry of St John’s Clevedon as the congregation live out their mission in their local community. Also for the Revd David Gent starting at Wrington with Butcombe and Burrington and discussions about YMCA chaplaincy happening today.

5 June 2018

Today we pray for the parishes of East Clevedon and the work of the‘Drop in’ group ‘Living with Loss’ which offers support in times of change, either bereavement or any significant change in life. Also for the Reader Council and Warden of Readers, Archdeacon Simon Hill as they consider the future of Reader ministry at this time.

6 June 2018

Pray for Portishead Deanery Synod meeting tonight and forPreb. Tony Cook, Go Team leader, as he talks to Synod about their strategy priority, work with children and young people.

7 June 2018

This evening the United Benefice of Christ Church, Nailsea and St Quiricus and St Julietta, Tickenham are holding an evening entertainment in aid of Mothers’ Union projects. Pray that fun would be had and that money would be raised for this worthwhile cause.

8 June 2018

Pray for the work of Neil Wylie, School Chaplain at Clevedon School and Deanery Youth Worker. May God bless his hard work in supporting young people in the deanery.

9 June 2018

Today is the 16thNailsea Skate Fest when church members from Holy Trinity Nailsea and Trendlewood Church and others will be helping to run the festival to serve and bless thelocal community.Also, there will be face painting in Wells market square as part of the churches together commitment to the HOPE 18 initiative.

10 June 2018

Pray for the Revd Astrid Tiesema-Samsomwho was installed as Rector for the United Benefice of Pill, Portbury & Easton in Gordano one year ago this month. Also for Revd Canon Andrew Featherstone, Chancellor of Wells Cathedral, where there will be farewell service for him today ahead of his retirement at the end of the month.

11 June 2018

Pray for all those attending the Bishop’s staff meeting with Rural Deans and Lay Chairs tonight especially for the Revd Steve Tilley and Rob Norman from Portishead Deanery and the Revd Tobie Osmond and Chris Jenkins from Shepton Mallet Deanery.

12 June 2018

Pray for the work of the newly established ecumenical Gordano Area CAP Debt Centre, supported by churches in Portishead Deanery, that many people in debt may be helped by those volunteering with the Centre.

13 June 2018

Give thanks for the five churches which make up the Yatton Moor team ministry, all of whom serve their communities in an outward facing way. Pray especially for all those supporting and enabling Claverham and Cleeve churches during their vacancy.

14 June 2018

We pray for all the participants of the Pilgrim Days in Wells this week, that they would experience more of God’s story in their lives and learn more of God’s love, grace and hope. Also for the development of Outdoor worship on a farm in Ashwick.

15 June 2018

Pray that everyone in the united benefice of Barrow Gurney, Flax Bourton and Long Ashton may live out the story of God’s never ending love as they build his Kingdom. We also pray for the Oakhill Village Festival happening tomorrow, a major village event run by the church.

16 June 2018

Today is the Wraxall with Failand Parish Summer fete. Pray that members of both churches will serve their communities and have the chance to share the love of Jesus. We also pray for the Trull Village Chaplains as they are commissioned by Bishop Ruth.

17June 2018

Today we pray for Henton Parish, especially for their plans to refurbish the church and the fund-raising that will follow.

18June 2018

We pray for all those attending the ‘Happiness Course’ at St. Thomas in Wells. That participants would see God at work through the course and recognise the links between happiness and Christian spirituality.

19June 2018

Pray for guidance and wisdom for the Bishop’s Council meeting today in Wells.

20June 2018

Portishead Deanery Churchwardens and PCC Secretaries meet tonight for a social evening and an interactive chat with Julia Hill, the Diocesan Lay Ministry Developer. We also pray for all our chaplains attending the Chaplaincy Central Conference.

21June 2018

We pray for all those being confirmed at a service at St. Cuthbert’s today, that would see God’s hand at work in their lives and know his love anew as they confirm their faith.

22June 2018

Many of the Deanery Lay Chairs in the Diocese will meet tonight with the Diocesan Lay Chair, Mary Masters. Pray that they will enjoy socialising with one another and that fruitful discussions may be had.

23June 2018

Portishead Team are enjoying a church weekend at home with Dave Hopwood this weekend focusing on ‘The Surprising Jesus’.Pray that those attending would encounter Jesus in a new way. Also for the Revd Rod Corke finishing his post at Taunton St Mary Magdalene and St John the Evangelist.

24June 2018

Today we pray for the Parish of Wookey, particularly for their continuing growth and the summer events they hold to reach out to the local community.

25June 2018

We pray for all the Lay Worship and Pastoral Assistants in the Shepton Mallet Deanery, that they would be full of joy in their calling and that the Holy Spirit would be working in them and through them in these roles of service.

26June 2018

As wedding season approaches, we pray for all the couples planning to be married in one of our churches, that God would be made known to them and their guests during their marriage day. Also for all those to be ordained this coming Saturday and Sunday as they embark on their retreat.

27June 2018

Today we pray for Coxley Parish, that would grow in faith and number. We pray for ‘Coxley’s Got Talent’, a show designed for the community to connect with the church again.

28June 2018

We pray for everyone attending the Pilgrim Worship Events in Taunton today. May God bless them as they explore and experience worship in a new way.

29 June 2018

We pray for the Parishes of Pilton and North Wootton as they prepare to host a flower festival and welcome visitors to their churches.

30 June 2018

Today those who were ordained as Deacons in 2017 will be ordained as Priests – please pray for them and their families as they take this important step in their calling to the ordained ministry.