Survey of Living Things

Unique features & adaptations / Example organisms / Picture/sketch
(you fill this in)
DOMAINS EUBACTERIA AND ARCHAEA / prokaryotic, 1-10 um, unicellular, 1 chromosome in a circular loop, cell walls present, no nucleus
Chemoheterotrophic bacteria / decomposers; gets E and C by eating dead organic matter, some cause disease / bacteria in the soil and on bottom of lakes, streams, and ocean; a few cause disease
Chemoautotrophic bacteria / uses H2S or other inorganic molecules as energy source and CO2 as carbon source / deep sea vent bacteria
Autotrophic (cyanobacteria) / photosynthetic; uses sunlight for energy and CO2 for carbon, ancient cell types, grows in ponds, blue-green / Spirulina, Oscillatoria, species which forms stromatolite mounds
DOMAIN EUKARYA / Eukaryotic, 10-100um in size, multiple linear chromosomes, nucleus present
Kingdom Protista / eukaryotic, 10-50 um, unicellular or simple multicellular, heterotrophic or autotrophic
PROTOZOA (Animal-like) / Heterotrophic, moves by means of cilia, pseudopodia, or flagella
Amoebas / Moves by means of pseudopodia (false feet) / Pond amoeba, amoebic dysentery disease, foraminifera and radiolarians in ocean
Flagellates / Moves by means of flagella (whip-like tail) / Euglena, Giardia, trypanosomes (African sleeping sickness)
Ciliates / Moves by means of cilia (beds of tiny hairs) / Paramecium
Sporozoans (apicomplexans) / Some move by flagella, form spores / Plasmodium (malaria)
SLIME MOLDS (Fungus-like) / Single-celled with many nuclei, very thin, oozes along with pseudopodia, lives in soil, rotting logs, leaves (decomposer) / slime molds
ALGAES (Plant-like) / Autotrophic (photosynthetic), either unicellular or multicellular, relatively simple compared to plants
Diatoms / unicellular, photosyn.; abundant, centric diatoms have epitheca/hypotheca frustule,(SiO2) / most abundant phytoplankton in the ocean, producer of much oxygen
Dinoflagellates / unicellular, photosyn; cause of red tides; two flagella/groove; biolum. / Gonylaulax (secretes saxitoxin), Alexandria
Red, brown and green algaes (seaweeds) / multicellular, photosynthetic, phycoerythrin, carotenoids & chlorophylls, holdfast/stipe/blade / bull kelp, sea palms, sea lettuce, sea tongue
Kingdom Fungi / eukaryotic, unicellular or multicellular; saprophytic or parasitic; spores and hyphae, dikaryotic life stage
Club fungi / Fruiting body where spores are made stands upright like a club / mushrooms, black bread mold
Sac fungi / Fruiting body where spores are made contains several microscopic sacs like pea pods. Some unicellular members / Penicillium mold, athlete’s foot, wheat rust; baker’s yeast (unicellular)
Kingdom Plantae / eukaryotic,10-100um, multicellular, photosynthetic
Bryophytes / no vascular system, root-like rhizoids, must live near water, small, dominant haploid stage / mosses, liverworts, hornworts
Ferns / spore former (seedless), vascular system with xylem and phloem, must live near water, dominant diploid stage / bracken fern, sword fern
Gymnosperms / seeds form in open scales of cones, vascular system, needle-like or scale-like leaves, evergreen, pollen and ovules produced separately in cones / douglas fir, western white pine, western red cedar, yew, (gingko), redwood trees
Angiosperms / seeds form in closed ovaries in flowers, vascular system, broad leaves, deciduous, pollen and ovules form in parts of a flower. Fruit develops to enclose many seeds / Monocots: grasses, lilies
Dicots: dogwood, alder, cherry, birch, elm, horse chestnut, rhododendron, geranium, tulip
Kingdom Animalia / eukaryotic, 10-100 um, multicellular, heterotrophic
INVERTEBRATES / No spinal cord or internal jointed skeleton, no skull or jaws, limited activity
Sponges (Phylum Porifera) / blob-shaped, asymmetrical, pore cells, osculum / red or purple encrusting sponges, potter’s sponge
Cnidarians (Phylum Cnidaria) / radial symmetry, stinging nematocysts, polyp/medusa / jellyfish, Port. Man-o-war, anemones, corals
Flatworms (Phylum Platyhelminthes) / bilateral symmetry, head and tail flattened, deposit feeder or parasitic / turbellelarian worms, tapeworms, flukes
Round Worms (Phylum Nematoda) / circular in cross section, parasitic or heterotrophic, many in soil, complete gut, bilateral symmetry / Anasakis (sushi worm), hookworm, Trichinella worm (uncooked pork)
Segmented Worms (Phylum Annelida) / bilateral symmetry, complete gut, simple “hearts”, segmented, round in cross section / earthworms, polychaete worms like tube worms, leeches
Molluscs (Phylum Mollusca) / soft body, shell, mantle, foot, radula, gills; grazers, filter feeders or predators / Gastropods: snails, slugs, limpets
Bivalves: clams and oysters
Cephalopods: octopuses and cuttlefish
Arthropods (Phylum Arthropoda) / segmented (head/ thorax/abdomen), jointed feet, chitinous exoskeleton, bilateral symm., molting, respiratory system, division of labor / Crustaceans: barnacles, pill bugs, crabs
Spiders, Centipedes, and Millipedes
Insects (beetles, flies, wasps and bees, butterflies)
Echinoderms (Phylum Echinodermata) / pentaradial symmetry, tube feet, spiny skin; grazers, predators / sea stars, brittle stars, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, sand dollars
VERTEBRATES (mostly Chordates) / vertebrates, hollow nerve cord, gill slits, brain, skull
Jawless Fish (Class Agnatha) / feed by suction (vacuum mouth), no paired fins / lampreys and hagfish
Cartilaginous Fish (Class Chondrichthyes) / moveable jaws, teeth, arrow scales, cartilaginous skeleton / sharks, skates, rays
Bony Fish (Class Osteichthyes) / bony skeleton, operculum, fin rays, swim bladder, flex. fins / trout, salmon, tuna, sardines, cod, goldfish
Amphibians (Class Amphibia) / wet slimy skin, must live near water, legs for crawling, gills as larvae but lungs as adult, metamorphosis, evolved from lobefin fish / frogs, toads, salamanders, caecilians (legless)
Reptiles (Class Reptilia) / ectotherms, air breathing lungs, amniotic eggs, scales, shell, strong legs / turtles, lizards, snakes, alligators and crocodiles, tuatara, dinosaurs
Birds (Class Aves) / hollow bones, feathers, beaks, endotherms, lay eggs, can fly!, evolved from reptiles / Perching birds (jays, swallows, sparrows, etc), raptors, gulls, waterfowl
Mammals (Class Mammalia) / endotherms, fur, mammary glands, big brain, specialized dentition, most have placenta and young are born live; evolved from therapsid dinosaurs / Egg layers: platypus, echidna
Pouch animals (marsupials): kangaroos, opossums, koala bears
Placentals: dog, whale, deer, rabbit, bat, primates (including humans)

BIOS 140 Study Guide pg 1