The Little Prince

by: Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Letter to a Character – Character Poster

Since The Little Prince allows us to use our imagination in various ways, it seems only fitting to do a bit of creative writing or creative drawing to help us better understand the story. You will find two activities below. Both of them allow you to use your creative side. All you have to do is select ONE of the activities below and complete it by the due date. For both activities, you will need to stick to our discussions of the text and use examples that demonstrate that you read and understood the story. However, be sure to HAVE FUN with this activity!

Activity 1: Each character that we encountered during our story has some tragic (or not so tragic) flaw. Whether it is the incessant need to be in control, or blindly following orders, or even just repeating everything that is said, each character could use some advice on how to change and become a better person (or animal or object). Remember, The Little Prince focuses on the importance of having an imagination and simply enjoying life.

Your Goal:

Choose a character from the story and write a letter to this character explaining their flaws and then come up with various ways that this character could (or should) change to better enjoy their lives. Be sure that you cite specific examples while you are explaining their flaws.


Your letter should meet the following requirements:

-Your letter should be addressed to your character. For example: Dear Lamplighter,

-Your letter should be typed or very neatly hand-written.

-Your letter should be at least 1 full page (single spaced) or 2 full pages (double spaced).

-Your letter should provide specific examples from the text.

-Your letter should be grammatically sound. Very few, if any, spelling errors or comma errors.

-Your letter should include color, pictures, and any other decorations for visual appeal.

Activity 2: Each character in the story is meant to symbolize a negative aspect of adults or our society. Our author is suggesting that we need to avoid these negative aspects to truly enjoy our lives and live a life worth living. However, not everyone has read The Little Prince, which means they are unaware of what they should avoid.

Your Goal:

Since you now know what to avoid, your goal is to create a poster warning the world of these negative behaviors and ways of life. We want to make sure that we spread the wisdom that we have learned on our journey with the Little Prince. Your poster should accurately represent the flaws of your chosen character. Once you have completed your poster, you are to write a very short paragraph explaining why you created the poster that you did.


Your poster should meet the following requirements:

-Your poster should be neatly drawn and large enough to display.

-Your poster should be neatly colored and decorated with a picture of the character.

-Your poster should focus on only one character from the story.

-Your poster should contain a clever or catchy slogan to help people understand the flaw.

-Your poster should NOT have too much writing on it.

-Be creative! It’s your poster!

-Your paragraph should explain the creation of your poster.

-Your paragraph should be grammatically sound.
