Invitation to Bid

Provision of Security Services for DFPC Cebu SM NorthWing 2016 – 2019


The Duty Free Philippines Corporation (DFPC), through its Corporate Budget 2015 intends to apply the sum ofFour Million Nine Hundred Fifty Eight Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Five Pesosand 85/100(PhP4,958,265.85)being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for Memorandum SM(2015)-197M dated 15 July 2015. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.

DFPC now invites bids for the Provision of Security Services for DFPC Cebu SM NorthWing. Prospective bidders must have at least five (5) years (2011-2015) experience in providing security services with its largest similar contract amounting to at least fifty percent (50%) of the ABC. The said contract should be with any reputable establishment engaged in retail operations (mall, department store, supermarket, shopping center or hypermart) with a minimum deployment of twenty (20) security guards. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II, Instructions to Bidders.

Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using the non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act” and is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines, and to citizens or organizations of a country the laws or regulations of which grant similar rights or privileges to Filipino citizens, pursuant to RA 5183 and subject to Commonwealth Act 138.

Interested Bidders may now obtain further information from DFPC and inspect and/or purchase the Bidding Documents at the address given below from 9:00AM – 5:00PM, Mondays thru Fridays until 17 August 2015.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the non-refundable fee of Four Thousand Pesos (PhP4,000.00) for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

DFPCwill hold a Pre-Bid Conference on 05 August 2015at 2:00PM Mr. A Bar & Restaurant (Lower Busay Heights, Cebu City)which shall beopen only to all interested parties who have purchased the Bidding Documents.

Deadline for submission of Bids shall be on 18 August 2015at2:00PM and Bid opening shall immediately follow at2:15PM atMr. A. Bar and Restaurant, Lower Busay Heights, Cebu City. Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend. Late bids shall not be accepted.

All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

For purposes of computation, where applicable, all figures should be rounded off to a maximum of two (2) decimal places.

DFPCreserves the right to waive any formality on the eligibility requirements of this project. Furthermore, DFPC reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to annul the bidding process, or declare a failure of bidding, or not award the contract in any of the situations stated under Section 41 of the Revised IRR of RA 9184, and makes no assurance that a contract shall be entered as a result of this invitation without thereby incurring liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

BAC Secretariat
Duty Free Philippines Corporation
EHA Bldg, Fiesta Mall, Columbia Complex
Ninoy Aquino Ave., ParañaqueCity
(632) 552-4343; (632) 552 4337 loc. 3095
Telefax No. (632) 552-4345, 879-3664
Email add.: / CEBU
BAC Secretariat
Duty Free Philippines Corporation
Waterfront Hotel
Lahug, CebuCity
Tel Nos.:(032) 233 1049
Email add.:


BAC Chairperson

III.Bid Data Sheet

ITB Clause
1.2 / The lot and reference is:
Security Services for DFPC Cebu SM NorthWing 2016 – 2019
Memorandum SM(2015)-197M
2 / The Funding Source:
The Government of the Philippines (GOP) through the 2015 Corporate Budget of Duty Free Philippines Corporation in the amount of :
Four Million Nine Hundred Fifty Eight Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Five Pesosand 85/100(PhP4,958,265.85)
The name of the project is :
Provision of Security Services for DFPC Cebu SM NorthWing 2016 – 2019 (OGM1508)
3.1 / No further instructions.
5.1 / No further instructions.
5.2 / None of the circumstances mentioned in the ITB Clause exists in this Project. Foreign bidders, except those falling under ITB Clause 5.2(b), may not participate in this Project.
5.4 / The Bidder must have completed, within the period specified in the Invitation to Bid and ITB Clause 12.1(a)(iii), a single contract that is similar to this Project, equivalent to at least fifty percent (50%) of the ABC or TwoMillion Four Hundred Seventy Nine Thousand One Hundred Thirty Two Pesos and 93/100 (PhP2,479,132.93).
Similar contract shall refer to security services in any reputable establishment engaged in retail operations (mall, department store, supermarket, shopping center or hypermart) with a minimum deployment of twenty (20) security guards.
7 / Not applicable.
8.1 / Subcontracting is not allowed.
8.2 / Not applicable.
9.1 / The Date and Venue of the Pre-Bid Conference is:
05 August 2015, 2:00PM
Lower Busay Heights, Cebu City
10.1 / The PROCURING ENTITY’s address is:
BAC Chairperson
Thru: BAC Secretariat
Ground Floor EHA Building, Fiestamall, Columbia Complex, Ninoy Aquino Ave. Parañaque City
Julia A. Mandal
Jessica D. Santos
Abigail R. Sabino
BAC Secretariat
Tel. Nos.:552 4337 loc 3039,
552 4343
Fax No.: 879-3664 / 552 4345
Email: / CEBU
Waterfront Hotel
Lahug, Cebu City
Rosalina J. Mape
Store Manager
Tele Fax: (032) 233-1049
12.1(a) / No further instructions.
12.1(a)(i) / 2014 General Information Sheet stamped received by the SEC.
12.1(a)(iii) / The statement of all ongoing and completed government and private contracts shall include all such contracts within five (5) years (2011-2015) prior to the deadline for the submission and receipt of bids.
13.1 / Cost Distribution per month (Refer to Bidding Form No. 5, original).
13.1(b) / No further instructions.
13.2 / The ABC is
Four Million Nine Hundred Fifty Eight Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Five Pesosand 85/100(PhP4,958,265.85)
Any Bid with a financial proposal exceeding this amount shall not be accepted.
15.4(a)(iii) / No incidental services are required.
15.4(b) / No incidental services are required.
16.1(b) / The Bid prices for Goods and services supplied from outside of the Philippines shall be quoted in Philippine Pesos.
16.3 / No further instructions.
17.1 / Bids will be valid until16 December 2015.
18.1 / The bid security shall be in any of the following amount:
  1. Cash or cashier’s/manager’s check issued by a Universal or Commercial Bank
/ Two Percent (2%) of the ABC or
Ninety Nine Thousand One Hundred Sixty Five Pesos and 32/100 (PhP99,165.32)
  1. Bank draft/guarantee (signed by the appointee) or irrevocable letter of credit (original and machine validated) issued by a Universal or Commercial Bank: Provided, however, that it shall be confirmed or authenticated by a Universal or Commercial Bank, if issued by a foreign bank

  1. Surety bond callable upon demand issued by a surety or insurance company duly certified by the Insurance Commission as authorized to issue such security.
/ Five Percent (5%) of the ABC or
Two Hundred Forty Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Thirteen Pesos and 29/100 (PhP247,913.29)
  1. Any combination of the foregoing.
/ Proportionate to share of form with respect to total amount of security
  1. Bid-Securing Declaration
/ Refer to Bidding Form No. 2
18.2 / The bid security shall be valid until 16 December 2015.
20.3 / Each Bidder shall submit one (1) original and three (3) copies of its Eligibility/Technical Component and Financial Component.
21 / The Address for Submission of Bids is:
Lower Busay Heights, Cebu City
The deadline for Submission of Bids is on
18 August 2015at 2:00PM.
24.1 / The place of Bid Opening is
Lower Busay Heights, Cebu City
The date and time of Bid opening is on:
18 August 2015at 2:15PM.
24.2 / No further instructions.
27.1 / No further instructions.
28.3 / No further instructions.
28.3(b) / Bid modification is not allowed.
28.4 / No further instructions.
29.2(a) /
  1. 2014 Income Tax Return (form 1701/1702)
  2. Business Tax Return (forms 2550M and 2550Q) for the last six (6) months (January to June 2015) prior to opening of Bids filed thru Electronic Filing and Payment System (EFPS).
Only tax returns filed and taxes paid through the BIR Electronic Filing and Payment System (EFPS) shall be accepted.
29.2(c) /
  1. Table of Organization and Company Profile with list of Security Management Staff and designation (original).
  2. Location map and photo of Main Office (original).
  3. Affidavit to put up an office/Certificate stating that there is an existing office in Cebu (original).

32.4(g) / No further instructions.

V.Special Conditions of the Contract

GCC Clause
1.1(g) / The PROCURING ENTITY isDuty Free PhilippinesCorporation
1.1(i) / The Supplier is ______.
1.1(j) / The Funding Source is:
The Government of the Philippines (GOP) through the 2015 Corporate Budget of Duty Free Philippines Corporation in the amount of:
Four Million Nine Hundred Fifty Eight Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Five Pesosand 85/100(PhP4,958,265.85)
1.1(k) / The Project Site is :
DFPC Cebu – SM North Wing
5.1 / The PROCURING ENTITY’s address for Notices is:
DUTY FREE PHILIPPINES CORPORATION, EHABuilding, Fiestamall, Columbia Complex,Ninoy Aquino Ave., ParañaqueCity
Lorenzo C. FormosoFlaviano Z. Jamandron, Jr.
Chief Operating OfficerSecurity Department Manager
Tel. Nos. (632) 879-3668Tel. Nos. (632) 552 4316
Fax No. (632) 552 4301Fax No. (632) 879 3524

The Supplier’s address for Notices is:
6.2 / Services Rendered and Documents
Delivery of Services shall be made by the SUPPLIER in accordance with the terms specified in Section VI, Schedule of Requirements.
The SUPPLIER shall, at the mid and end of each month, submit the following documents:
  1. Statement of Account.
  2. Attendance Summary (original copy of the semi-monthly summary of daily time records duly certified by the PROCURING ENTITY).
  3. Photocopy of its payroll (immediately preceding payroll period) indicating receipt of payment of salaries and wages due to guards assigned at the PROCURING ENTITY.
  4. Sworn affidavit executed by the agency's finance officer stating the following:
  • salaries and wages of the guards assigned in the PROCURING ENTITY for the immediately preceding payroll period has already been paid and released in accordance with the latest applicable wage order.
  • SSS, PhilHealth, Pag-ibig, Retirement Benefit and State Insurance Fund remittances are paid for by the SUPPLIER every end of the month in accordance with their latest applicable computation table.
Undertaking of the SUPPLIER
  1. Ensure that all guards assigned to service the PROCURING ENTITY are at all times vigilant, honest, dependable and aware of their security and safety functions to protect the image of the PROCURING ENTITY.
  2. Monitor the assigned guards in the performance of their duties and responsibilities by conducting regular daily inspections and provide periodic security survey/security audit to ensure that the security guards are properly discharging their duties in consonance with the existing and new company policies and procedures, giving due regard to the interest of the PROCURING ENTITY.
  3. Maintain and constantly check the CCTV systems and provide an on-call technician in case of malfunction and trouble-shooting at its own account. In case the malfunction or damage to the systems is directly attributable to them, they shall cause the repair thereof, at its own account.
  1. Maintain an office in the project location for better feedback and monitoring of performance and competence. For this purpose, the SUPPLIER shall immediately notify the PROCURING ENTITY of any change in the office address;
  2. Immediately replace the Detachment/Officer-In-Charge and/or security guards any time upon the request of the PROCURING ENTITY;
  3. Maintain its good standing as a qualified and competent security agency by ensuring financial capability to provide services as an independent SUPPLIER;
  4. Obtain, at its own account, the necessary valid licenses, permits, and other documentary requirements, and comply with the foregoing legal undertakings. For this purpose, the PROCURING ENTITY shall, upon its request, be provided with valid licenses, permits and financial statements of the SUPPLIER for evaluation;
  5. The SUPPLIER shall provide additional personnel upon request of the PROCURING ENTITY with the approval of the HEAD OF THE PROCURING ENTITY if the request is for permanent assignment, and the Security Manager if the request is for temporary assignment or contingency subject to the provision in Appendix 14 Section 5.2 of the Guidelines on the Procurement of Security and Janitorial Services issued by the GPPB;
  6. Submit to the PROCURING ENTITY any amendment to their Articles of Incorporation;
The PROCURING ENTITY reserves its right to inspect the guards detailed/assigned at its premises any time of its operation.
Schedule of Requirements
The schedule and/or number of guards specified in Section VI, Schedule of Requirements may be modified and/or increased or decreased, at the sole discretion of the PROCURING ENTITY depending on the exigency of the service or demands of the security situation. It is understood that no payment for the deployment of additional guards shall be made unless a Manpower Deployment Schedule for such increase, duly approved by the PROCURING ENTITY, is attached to the affected billing. In the event that the SUPPLIER decides to pull out any guard from the premises, the SUPPLIER shall give prior notice to the PROCURING ENTITY for conformity and provide the appropriate and immediate replacement thereof.
Provisions for Payment
  1. The SUPPLIER shall be paid the contract rate for the day shift, night shift per security guard per eight (8) hours tour of duty per day and hourly rate for extended dutyon a bi-monthly basis.
  2. On the basis of the contract rate, the guards shall receive a compensation package, inclusive of benefits in accordance with the applicable Cost Distribution. The rate includes services rendered by guards on Sundays and Legal Holidays.
  3. The PROCURING ENTITY is not obliged to pay the guards on the day that the said guard/s is/are found sleeping or has abandoned post.
Liability for Loses and Damages
The SUPPLIER shall be responsible for any loss or damage that may be incurred by the PROCURING ENTITY, its officers, employees, clients, customers, suppliers, and visitors, which are directly attributable to the act, omission, fault or negligence of the SUPPLIER, its guard/s or employees, except under any of the following situations :
  1. Any loss or damage clearly attributable to the fault of the PROCURING ENTITY, its employees, officers, clients, customers, suppliers, visitors, representatives or agents;
  2. Loss or damage to property, belonging to the PROCURING ENTITY kept or placed outside the warehouse/stockroom or selling areas and offices, unless the same have been turned over to the SUPPLIER through the guard(s) assigned in the premises, with an actual physical inventory of the same, made in the presence of the representative of the PROCURING ENTITY and that of the SUPPLIER and entered in their respective logbooks and acknowledged by way of their respective signature, affixed therein;
  3. Loss or damage to properties, which are not reported to the SUPPLIER within twenty four (24) hours after its discovery by the PROCURING ENTITY, unless the SUPPLIER’s guard on duty has knowledge already of such loss or damage thereby rendering, said report unnecessary.
The PROCURING ENTITY may immediately deduct from the billings of the SUPPLIER the losses and/or damages found to be attributable to the fault or negligence of the SUPPLIER, its security guard/s or employees, after the parties have established a conclusion based on an in-depth investigation of the incident.
Employer-Employee Relationship
The PROCURING ENTITY shall not be responsible for any claims for general injury, including death sustained by the guards or any third person arising out of or in the course of the performance of the functions of the guards pursuant to this contract. It is expressly understood that no employee-employer relationship exists between the parties or of their employees, representatives and agents.
9.1 / For the given scope of work in this Contract as awarded, all bid prices are considered fixed, and therefore not subject to price escalation during contract implementation, except under extraordinary circumstances and upon prior approval of the GPPB in accordance with Section 61 of R.A. 9184 and its IRR; and not subject to price adjustment during contract implementation except for any of the instances specified under Appendix 14 Section 5.2 of the Guidelines on the Procurement of Security and Janitorial Services issued by the GPPB described as follows:
a)Increase in minimum daily wage pursuant to law or new wage order issued after date of bidding;
b)Increase in taxes; and
c)If during the term of the contractthe procuring entity sees the need for an increase or decrease in the number of personnel, the resulting cost of said increase or decrease, provided that the ABC for the relevant year is not exceeded.
10.4 / Not applicable.
13.4(c) / No further instructions.
16.1 / The screenings to be conducted are:
  1. Interview of guards to be deployed.
  2. Assessment and evaluation of credentials:
  3. Security License issued by PNP-SAGSD/SOSIA
  4. Diploma/Certificate or Transcript of Records
  5. Training Certificate from a Security Training School/Center accredited by PNP-SAGSD/SOSIA
  6. Neuro-Psychiatric Clearance from PNP-SAGSD/SOSIA accredited examination center
  7. Drug Test results issued by PNP-SAGSD/SOSIA accredited examination
  8. Physical/Medical Examination Report
  9. Local and National Agency Clearances (NBI, PNP-C2, Police and Court).
  10. FullBackground Investigation Report

17.3 / Not applicable.
17.4 / Not applicable.
21.1 / No additional provision.

VI. Schedule of Requirements

Security Services for DFPC Cebu SM NorthWing 2016-2019

The Supplier shall provide the PROCURING ENTITY with Security Services specified in the Scope of Services under Item I of this Section for a period of three (3) years:

1.Scope of Services

  1. Maintain law and order within the premises of the PROCURING ENTITY;
  2. Guard and protect the properties and premises of the PROCURING ENTITY, including properties of its employees, clients, customers, suppliers, visitors and other persons conducting business with the PROCURING ENTITY, from theft, robbery, damage, malicious mischief, trespassing or other unlawful and any destructive acts of an individual;
  3. Protect the PROCURING ENTITY’s personnel, clients, customers, suppliers, or visitors against assault by any person/s;
  4. Enforce various rules and regulations which the PROCURING ENTITY may promulgate from time to time, specifically those relating to the maintenance of security and safety;
  5. Provide escort security services for transfers of cash and goods, to and from and/or within the PROCURING ENTITY’s premise/s as may be required by the PROCURING ENTITY;
  6. Assist the PROCURING ENTITY in investigating incidents concerning security and safety incidents within the premises of the PROCURING ENTITY;
  7. Assist the PROCURING ENTITY in the formulation and development of an effective security program including policies, rules and regulations pertaining to security and safety;
  8. Provide periodic training programs (at its own account) for its assigned security personnel for a quick reaction on Bomb and Bomb component identification/detection, emergency preparedness on natural and man-made calamities, crowd control, first aid, suspect profiling and apprehension, safe handling of firearm and proficiency firing, customer service, report writing and note taking and retail security;
  9. Provide the Daily Manpower Deployment and Minimum Logistical Requirements.

2.Manpower Deployment Schedule