Family Studies and Human Development
2009-2010 Catalog
COMPOSITION (select one pair)
ENGL 101 & 102 or 3__3__
ENGL 107 & 108 or 3__3__
ENGL 103H & 104H or 3__3__
AP 4 or 5 & ENGL 109 3__
MATH 112: College Algebra 4__
TIER ONE (select two courses from each)
Tradition & Culture (TRAD 101-104)
TRAD 101 (recommended) 3__
Individual & Society (INDV 101-103)
INDV 101 “Structure of Mind & Behavior” 3__
Natural Sciences (NATS 101-104)
TIER TWO (select one course from each)
Arts 3__
Humanities 3__
Natural Sciences 3__
FOREIGN LANGUAGE : You must demonstrate second semester level proficiency in a foreign language or enroll in a first or second semester language. 4__4__
FSHD 117: Lifespan Human Development 3__
FSHD 237: Close Relationships 3__
FSHD 257: Dynamics of Family Relations 3__
FSHD 323: Infancy/Child Development 3__
FSHD 377: Adolescence 3__
FSHD 413: Issues in Aging 3__
FSHD 427a: Problems in Adult Development &
Relationships OR
FSHD 427c: Problems in Child/Adolescent1
Development & Relationships 3__
FSHD 447a: Sociocultural Context of
Development OR
FSHD 447c: Biosocial Development2 3__
FSHD 487: Advanced Family Relations 3__
Complementary Advanced Topics in FSHD (Select ONE course) FSHD 367, 405, 430, 450 3__
Applied Skills & Methods in FSHD (Select ONE course)
FSHD 392/492, 393/493, 394/494, 399/499, 401, 408 3__
SUPPORTING SCIENCE REQUIREMENTS: 24-26 unitsMath [Counted under General Education]
MATH 112: College Algebra
Biological and Life Sciences (Select TWO courses)
MCB 181R/181L: Intro Biology/Lab 4__
PSIO 201: Human Anatomy & Physiology 4__
N SC 101: Intro to Nutrition3 3__
N SC 310: Principles of Nutrition Health & Disease 3__
Statistics & Research Methods
PSYC 230 & 290 OR
SOC 274 & 275 3__3__
Biology & Human Behavior (Select ONE course)
ANTH 265; FSHD 200, 415; PSYC 302, 306 3__
Social Sciences
PSYC 101: Intro to Psychology4 3__
SOC 101: Intro to Sociology 3__
Ethics & Philosophy of Science (Select ONE course)
PHIL 110, 113, 321, 322, 420, PSYC 486A 3__
WRITING COURSES: 3 unitsWriting Skills
ENGL 308 3__
Writing Emphasis Courses [Counted under Foundation]
FSHD 447a, 447c & 487 3__
FSHD THEMATIC OR OTHER MINOR: 18 unitsStudents who major in FSHD go on to careers and further education in a range of fields (e.g., family law, counseling, family medicine, child and family policy). To support those futures, students must complete 18 units of an FSHD thematic minor or a minor in another discipline. Nine units must be upper division (300, 400). A thematic minor is developed around a theme identified by the student and advisor.
1BOTH 427 and 427c can be taken for credit.
2BOTH 447 and 447c can be taken for credit.
3NATS 104 “Nutrition, Food & You” may be used in place of N SC 101.
4INDV 101 “Structure of Mind & Behavior” may be used in place of
PSYC 101.
NOTE: 56 units must be university level; 42 of them must be upper division (30 minimum from UA). No more than 64 community college units will be accepted. A minimum of 120 units is required.
A minimum GPA of 2.0 overall in the major and minor is required to graduate.