Curriculum Vitae Kalina Sotiroska Ivanoska
PERSONAL INFORMATION / Kalina Sotiroska Ivanoska/ International Vision University
Major C. Filiposki No.1
1230 Gostivar
Nationality Republic of Macedonia
2011-2014 / Ph.D.
Institute of Psychology
Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Philosophy-Skopje
2005-2010 / M.Sc.
Institute of Psychology
Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Philosophy-Skopje
/ Graduated psychologist
Institute of Psychology
Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Philosophy-Skopje
2015- International Vision University, Macedonia
Assistant professor/ Docent
2013-2015 MIT University-Skopje
Teaching assistant
2004-2008 The American Institutes for Research
Test administrator and evaluator at Secondary Education Activities
2008 Gray Worldwide and Procter and Gamble, Macedonia
2005-2006 Medical Centre-Ohrid, Department of Psychology
Categorisation, recruiting cadets, counselling, periodical psychological assessment of children and
employees, test administration, scoring, interpretation and reporting
2005 Paediatric clinics, Skopje
Voluntary work with chronic diseased children
PERSONAL SKILLS /Mother tongue / Macedonian
Listening / Reading / Spoken interaction / Spoken production
English / C 1/2 / C 1/2 / C 1/2 / C 1/2 / C 1/2
Italian / B 1/2 / B1/2 / B 1/2 / B 1/2 / B 1/2
Turkish / A 1/2 / A 1/2 / A 1/2 / A 1/2 / A 1/2
Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Computer skills / ▪ good command of Microsoft Office
▪ good command of SPSS
▪ Sotiroska Ivanoska, K. (2015). The glorification of self: narcissistic tendencies among performers, HIKMET International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Scientific Research, 13 (2)
▪ Sotiroska Ivanoska, K. (2015). What Do Managers Want From Their Followers?, ICEB'15 Gostivar
▪ Marković, Z., Sardžoska, E., Sotiroska, K. (2015). Contemporary Perspectives of Human Resource Management, ICEB'15 Gostivar
▪ Sotiroska, K., Sardžoska, E., Marković, Z. (2014). Gender differences in preferences of followership and leadership style: how realistic are they?, Knjiga rezimea X Konferencija Dani primenjene psihologije, Filozofski fakultet, Niš
▪ Sotiroska, E., Sotiroska ,K., Polazarevska M, Stojmanovska A., Stojanoski K., Pargov S.N. (2013). Epidemiology study of the relationship of Tentamen suicid with Tentamen sucid alcohol and medication abuse, Book of abstracts Vth Macedonian Congress of Psychiatry with international participation, Ohrid
▪ Sotiroska Ivanoska, K., Naunoski. T. (2013). : Human rights and ethical standards. First international scientific conference „Promoting human rights: recent developments”-MIT University, Skopje
▪ Marković, Z., Sardžoska, E., Sotiroska, E. (2012). Orientations of the Managers,
Culture and Gender: Cross-cultural Study of Supervisor-Subordinate Relationship, International
Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 2 No. 5, 2012, pp. 104-109. doi:0.5923/j.ijap.20120205.05.
▪ Sotiroska, K. (2012). Paternalistic leadership among ethnic Macedonian and ethnic Albanian
managers in Macedonian organizations, Book of abstracts, VIII Conference Days of Applied
Psychology, Faculty od Philosophy , Niš, Republic of Serbia
▪ Marković, Z., Sardžoska, E., Sotiroska, K. (2012). Cultural orientations among managers with
Different Ethnical Background in Serbia and Macedonia, Abstracts Book, InPact-Psychology
Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
▪ Saržoska, E. & Sotiroska, K. (2010). Cultural orientations and supervisor-subordinate relationship: A
cross-cultural study of managers in Macedonia. Saarbrücken: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing
▪Sotiroska, K. (2007). Follow the leader, obey the manager. In Mancheva, R. et al. (eds.). Young
Psychologists: Ideas-Possibilities-Future. Blagoevgrad: The Faculty of Law and History of the South-
West University ‘Neofit Rilski’
Publications /
Other professional experience /
2001-2003 / ▪ Biofeedback-neurofeedback, The association of Psychologists of Serbia, Belgrade
▪ The role and function of sociodrama, European Voluntary Service, Kljuc, Bosnia and Herzegovina
▪ Education of psychotherapy and personal development, Counselling centre, Skopje
▪ Palliative care, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje and Sue Ryder Care
▪ Alternatives to violence project, Balkan peace studies Centre, Skopje
Scientific research projects /
2014-2015 International scientific research project “Exploration of Experiences of Work and Work related Inequality in Creative Industries and Creative Labour Markets in Macedonia and Albania” as part of Regional Research Promotion Programme for Western Balkan, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) by the Interfaculty Institute for Central and Eastern Europe (IICEE) at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
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