Expansion of the Roman Empire & Trade

Augustan Age

After Augustus became emperor, the Roman Empire grew ______and______, and life improved for the Roman people.

The Roman Empire

The Roman Empire ______over three continents:

Pax Romana

A period of ______and ______ in the cities and the country.

•The first 200 years of the Roman Empire were a time of peace called the ______.

•During this time, trade increased and people became wealthy.

•This positively affected life in the cities and in the country.

The Roman Empire Expands

•The Roman Empire expanded to control the entire ______.

•Trade increased in Rome, both within the empire and with other people.

•Traders travelled by land and sea and connecting______, ______, and ______throughout the Empire.

Trade Routes

Rome improved trade routes within its Empire by building:

A vast system of ______


Traders brought ______from all over the ______

•Spain-wine, olive oil, copper, and gold

•Britain-tin and wool

•Gaul (France)-olives, wine, grain, glass, and pottery

•Asia Minor-wool, linen, timber


Traders brought ______from ______the empire.

•Africa-gold, incense, ivory,

•China/India- spices, silk, tea, porcelain

Currency System

Coins helped to ______ trade throughout the empire.

•Coins made it easier to trade ______throughout the Empire.

Coins made it easier to pay ______.

Roman Roads increased Trade

Romans built a network of sophisticated and durable roads that promoted:

Trade Improved
the Lives of Roman People

•Roman citizens could buy things.

•Roman merchants became______.

•Rome built ______to bring water into the cities.

•Rome built great ______and ______for the entertainment of the people.

Increased Trade Promoted an Exchange of Culture

Trade with other places (Africa, Asia, northern Europe) ______throughout the world.




•Laws (twelve tables-written code of laws)

•Republican form of government

The Roman Army

How was the Roman Army organized?

•Main part of the army was the ______

•This was made up of 5000 men under the command of the ______

•The legion was divided into ______cohorts

•Each cohort was made up of ______centuries

•The centuries were commanded by a ______

•Centuries originally had ______men

•The centurions were very important men

•They were responsible for training the soldiers under their command and making sure everyone ______.

•Some were very cruel

Roman Standard

•Each century had its own ______or standard.

•This was carried by the standard bearer, a very experienced and ______soldier

•To lose your standard was a great ______

How to be a Soldier!

•You had to be a ______.

•You had to be ______fit and 1.6m tall

•You were expected to stay in the army for ______years


•Most soldiers joined between ______years old

•There were three 30km marches each month

•On each march the ______(soldier) would carry 25 kilos of equipment

•Legionaries would also learn drill, or marching

•This was important for learning manoeuvres in battle

•New recruits were given shields and swords twice as heavy as the real thing!

EQ 1:

What caused the RomanRepublic to become an empire and how was that empire structured?

EQ 2:

How did an increase in trade affect the quality of life for Romans?