Masters in Finance Program
Application Form for International Applicant

This application form must be completed and submitted to both School of International Education (SIE) and Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance(SAIF), at Shanghai Jiao Tong University by May 31 every year.

Previous application to a graduate program at Jiao Tong University?

Yes No If yes, list most recent year? ______

Have you applied for a Master`s program in other universities?

Yes No If yes, which university, what program and year? ______

Please indicate the channel through which you learned about our program.

Newspaper / Magazine Please specify______

Internet Please specify the portal or web-site ______

Friends Please specify______

SAIF Students Please specify which program______

Others Please specify______

Please send the application form to both of the two following addresses:

1954 Hua Shan Road, Shanghai 200030
School of International Education,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Tel: 86-21-62932276, 62932277, 62821079,
62822019, 62822031, 62820638
Fax: 86-21-62817613
Web-site: / Room 402, Datong Plaza
211 West Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200030
Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Tel: 86-21-62932293,
Fax: 86-21-62933418

The applicant is required to pay an application fee of RMB¥800(approx.US$110), together with the application form and the other documents. The application fee is nonrefundable and application documents will not be returned.

单位名称:上海交通大学 Beneficiary Name: Shanghai Jiao Tong University
开户银行:中国银行上海分行港汇广场支行 Beneficiary Bank: Bank of China, Shanghai Branch,
银行帐号:044544-8500-00793828093001 Grand-Gateway Sub-Branch
银行代码:BKCHCN BJ300 Beneficiary A/C No.: 044544-8500-00793828093001
银行地址:中国上海市虹桥路1号 Swift Code: BKCHCN BJ300
邮政编码:200030 Bank Add.: No1,Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200030, China
银行电话:+86 21-64484448 Bank Tel.: +86 21-64484448
银行传真:+86 21-54510053 Bank Fax: +86 21-54510053


Title: Mr. Mrs. Ms
Name as in ID Card or passport:
Last Name: First Name:
Chinese Name ( If Applicable):
Marital Status: Married Single / Gender: Male Female
Passport No.(or ID): / Passport Validity : from to
Permanent Address:
/ Current Postal Address:

Please send mails to: Permanent Address Current Postal Address
Tel. (Business ): / Tel.(Home) :
Mobile: / Fax:
Personal E-mail(Important):


Person or Institution (preferred in China)

Name: / Telephone:
Occupation: / Email:


Please attach official (or certified copies of) diploma and transcripts. Documents which are not in English must be accompanied by certified translations. (Please include the transcripts of all colleges or universities attended)

A.  Please list in chronological order the colleges or universities you have attended

Institution / PERIOD / Major / Degrees Obtained

B.  English Proficiency

At least one Standard English Language Test score is required

Date of test
Writing / Listening
Speaking / Reading
Date of test
Writing / Listening
Speaking / Reading

Other English Language Level Tests please indicate:

Test Name:

Date of test
Writing / Listening / Reading

GRE (Optional):

Date of test
Analytical / Quantitative / Verbal


Date of test
Analytical / Quantitative / Verbal

C. Chinese Proficiency (Optional)

Please state level of proficiency: Excellent / Good / Average / Poor

Writing / Reading / Speaking

D.  Qualifications (Prior Degrees / Diplomas / Other Qualifications)

Title of qualification / date awarded


A.  Employment Information

Total Duration of Full-time Working Experience: _____Years

Your most recent job:
Period (month/day/year):
Employer: / Sector of Employer:
Post Code: / Office Tel: / Fax:
Size (Number of Employees):
Your Position: / Your Responsibility:
Number of Persons under Your Supervision:
Previous Employment History:

B.  Internship experience

Total Duration of Internship Experience: _____Years

Your most recent internship:
Period (month/day/year):
Employer: / Sector of Employer:
Post Code: / Office Tel: / Fax:
Size (Number of Employees):
Your Position:
Your Responsibility:
Previous Internship History:


Do you need housing on campus? /
No (If you choose this, please skip this part)
For further housing information, please check the following website:
Tao li Yuan /
Ordinary Double Room
Standard Double Room
Lian Xing Building / Single Room
Building No.9 / Single Room
If your choice is not available, do you want to be considered for other options listed above?
Yes No


Please state why you choose to study finance at SAIF (within 500 words).
Outline your short-term and long-term objectives, and how our program will help you achieve your goals (within 500 words).
Describe any significant experiences outside your home country. What did you gain from these? (within 150 words)


Source of funding / Scholarship Self-supporting Other (Please specify):
Financial support will be provided by: ,
Please submit a Financial Statement from your bank or other institutions.


Please submit two reference letters, if possible, one written by one of your professor under whom you have studied, one by your current employer. Please list their names, positions/tittles and addresses

(A) Name / Position
Name /Address of the Institution / Email
(B) Name / Position
Name /Address of the Institution / Email
DECLARATION (please read carefully)
I declare that all the information provided in this application form and the attached supporting documents (if applicable) is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete; and I agree to substantiate my qualifications stated by producing original certificates when required. I understand that this information will be used in the admission decision process; and that any misrepresentation will lead to disqualification of my application for admission and enrollment in the University, and all application fees paid are not refundable.
I hereby affirm that:
All the information provided in this form is true and correct;
I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese Government and the regulations of the university
Signature of Applicant / Date


Please check your application package so that there will be no important document missing

Application form in English

Copies of Diploma and Degree

University Transcripts in English

Copy of Passport and one Passport Sized photo

Reference Letters (at Least 2)

Bank Transfer of RMB¥800(approx.US$110) for application fees

Resume in English

Copy of English Test Report (GMAT/GRE, TOEFL/IELTS taken within the last two years)

Do not forget to sign page 11 of this file

Ensure that you have made arrangements for official transcripts, degree certificate (if applicable), your TOEFL/IELTS (if applicable) and GMAT/GRE (if applicable) results. Applications will not be processed without the application fee and all the supporting documentation. It is your responsibility to ensure that all supporting documents are received by the Masters in Finance Programs Office and the School of International Education of SJTU as soon as possible. Applications received or completed after the deadlines will not be considered. All submitted application materials, become the property of our university and will not be returned. Please retain a copy of the information provided with this application for your own records as the documentation will not be photocopied or returned to applicants.


Masters in Finance Program

Dear Sir or Madam,

We request that you answer the following questions to help us evaluate the candidate`s academic abilities for completing the above program.

The Master in Finance is a 2-year full-time program. This program is featured by:

²  A team of instructors including faculty members from world-class business schools, and senior businessmen with vast experience from the world's leading financial institutions

²  A curriculum comparable to those offered by other top business schools

²  Admission open to all English-speaking applicants, domestic and foreign

²  Emphasis on quantitative training

²  A balanced menu of theory and application

²  Innovative ways of teaching such as the lab-based teaching method

On completion of all course work and the thesis, students will be awarded the Master Degree in Finance from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the Chinese Ministry of Education.

We thank you for your co-operation. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information.

Yours faithfully,


Director, Masters in Finance Program

1954 Hua Shan Road, Shanghai 200030
School of International Education,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Tel: 86-21-62932276, 62932277, 62821079,
62822019, 62822031, 62820638
Fax: 86-21-62817613
Web-site: / Room 402, Datong Plaza
211 West Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200030
Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Tel: 86-21-62932293,
Fax: 86-21-62933418
E-mail: [email protected]

Reference for:


To the Recommender:

Please complete the information requested on the form. If you need to use additional sheets of paper, please staple them to this form. Your comments will be held completely confidential.

How long have you known the applicant? ______

In what relationship? ______

Top 5% / Excellent
Top 15% / Good
Top 30% / Average
Mid 35% / Below
Bottom 35% / Unable to Judge
English level
Analytical/Quantitative Ability
Problem-Solving Skills

In your opinion, what qualities make the student particularly well suited for this program?






Are you aware of any circumstances that might serve as an obstacle in the candidate`s ability to complete the program?



Please provide any additional comments regarding the applicant's aptitude for graduate work and a career in finance..




Name (Please print or type) ______

Position/Title ______

Firm/Organization ______

Mailing Address in Chinese (if applicable) or English______


Postal Code ______

Phone ______

E-mail ______

Signature ______

Date ______


Masters in Finance Program

Dear Sir or Madam,

We request that you answer the following questions to help us evaluate the candidate`s academic abilities for completing the above program.

The Master in Finance is a 2-year full-time program. This program is featured by:

²  A team of instructors including faculty members from world-class business schools, and senior businessmen with vast experience from the world's leading financial institutions

²  A curriculum comparable to those offered by other top business schools

²  Admission open to all English-speaking applicants, domestic and foreign

²  Emphasis on quantitative training

²  A balanced menu of theory and application

²  Innovative ways of teaching such as the lab-based teaching method

On completion of all course work and the thesis, students will be awarded the Master Degree in Finance from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the Chinese Ministry of Education.

We thank you for your co-operation. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information.

Yours faithfully,


Director, Masters in Finance Program

1954 Hua Shan Road, Shanghai 200030
School of International Education,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Tel: 86-21-62932276, 62932277, 62821079,
62822019, 62822031, 62820638
Fax: 86-21-62817613
Web-site: / Room 402, Datong Plaza
211 West Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200030
Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Tel: 86-21-62932293,
Fax: 86-21-62933418
E-mail: [email protected]

Reference for:


To the Recommender:

Please complete the information requested on the form. If you need to use additional sheets of paper, please staple them to this form. Your comments will be held completely confidential.

How long have you known the applicant? ______

In what relationship? ______

Top 5% / Excellent
Top 15% / Good
Top 30% / Average
Mid 35% / Below
Bottom 35% / Unable to Judge
English level
Analytical/Quantitative Ability
Problem-Solving Skills

In your opinion, what qualities make the student particularly well suited for this program?






Are you aware of any circumstances that might serve as an obstacle in the candidate`s ability to complete the program?



Please provide any additional comments regarding the applicant's aptitude for graduate work and a career in finance..




Name (Please print or type) ______

Position/Title ______

Firm/Organization ______

Mailing Address in Chinese (if applicable) or English______


Postal Code ______

Phone ______

E-mail ______

Signature ______

Date ______

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