Florence Regional Airport

Pee DeeRegionalAirport Authority

December 6, 2017


Mr. Willie Smith

Mr. Pete Gioldasis

Mr. Glenn Greene

Mr. Lee Nettles

Mr. Joseph Powell

Ms. Kerstin Nemec

Mr. Tommy Parham


Mr. Marion McDowell

Mr. Frank Rogers

Also present was Connie Anderson and Airport Staff Members; Marshell JohnsonandBetsy DeVault.

There wasno media present at the meeting.

Others in attendance was Judy Elderswith Talbert, Bright & Ellington Consultants.

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by Chairman Willie Smithin the Airport Conference Room, 2100 Terminal Drive, Florence, SC. The media was notified in accordance with 30-4-80.

The Invocation was given by Chairman Smith.

On a motion by Mr. Parham and second by Mr. Powell, the minutes of the October 18, 2017 meeting were approved as previously emailed. Motion carried. Unanimously.



Mr. Greene reported a copy of the 2018 Airport proposed budget was emailed to the Authority for review. He asked if there were any questions or concerns about the budget. There was brief discussion about the loss and replacement of land leases.

Connie Anderson stated when land becomes available, Economic Development helps in marketing the use of the land or facility. Mrs. Anderson noted that Watson Wood Supply is leaving at the beginning of the year. She stated to offset the loss, the contact for custodial service will be brought back in house. There was some discussion.

Mr. Powell commented the budget does not reflect the cash needed for Capital Improvement Projects.

Mr. Parham asked about the TSA debt. He commented because the Airport has been pretty good about paying over the past few years, he asked if we could negotiate with them to reduce the amount owed on the debt. Connie Anderson stated she would follow up with TSA on the matter.

Upon motion by Mr. Powell and second by Mr. Parham the Airport Budget 2018 was approved as presented. Unanimously. Motion passed.


Mr. Gioldasis reported the committee is working on the Small Community Air Service Development grant proposal. A draft of the proposed grant is ready for submission. He stated the deadline for submission is December 11th and the official DOT deadline is December 15th. There was brief discussion.

*Because of the timing of the Airport Authority, the FLO Sheet with November’s Enplanement Report was not available.

Connie Anderson stated we reached out to American Airlines on the accuracy of how the Load Factor numbers are being determined. She stated American Airlines will now send a detailed report that will show the number of flights going out daily, the number of seats available on each flight and the number of passengers aboard each flight.


Mr. Powell referred the committee report to Judy Elders with Talbert, Bright & Ellington.

Judy Eldersreported the ARFF Building Project is on schedule. She stated the contractor is currently installing the conduit for the electrical and other utilities and pending weather, the contractor will be ready to pour concrete next week. She reported a crane has been ordered to begin putting up the walls.

Mrs. Elders reported the Drainage Project has reached substantial completion on the original work that was budgeted. She stated, however; the contractor is having to do some change order work. She stated the additional work is primarily clearing trees and cleaning ditches. She stated drainage pipes are being installed to benefit the flow. She stated all of the additional work being done is under the project budget and will not exceed what is budgeted.

She stated a survey scope is being done on the Lighting Rehabilitation Project. She stated the design work for the project will be done soon.

Finally, Ms. Elders presented the Airport CIP List 2018-2023.

She stated the Lighting Project is on the CIP 2018. She stated the Airport has already started the design rather than waiting for the grant. She stated hopefully the design will be complete and ready for bid in April or May,so the Airport can get the Grant before the end of the year.

She stated what is in Lighting Project includes repairing lights, replacing the PAPI’s, repairing REILs and a New Emergency Electrical Vault and replacing signage lights with LED’s. There was some discussion on the CIP List of Projects.

On a motion by Mr. Parham and second by Mr. Powell the Airport CIP 2018-2023 was approved as presented. Unanimously. Motion passed.


Connie Andersonreported that Precision Air is interested in leasing more property. Precision Air would like to meet with the Projects & Property Committee to discuss their interest. She stated she will reach out Precision Air to schedule a meeting on December 13th.

Mrs. Anderson commented everything is going well overall. She thanked the Authority for the Christmas bonus, stating how much employees and Staff expressed their appreciation of the gift.

Finally, Mrs. Anderson wished the Airport Authority members and their families a Merry Christmas and presented the Authority with gift boxes from Old Timey Meats.






There being no further business, the Pee Dee Regional Airport Authority adjourned at 5:55PM.