Long Open Ended Response--How would author A respond to Author B?


1)Claim is the sentence that summarizes the topic and the author’s side/point of view (pov) on the topic. Decide if the POV is + or -. When you write the side/pov, then use words with positive or negative connotations to clearly demonstrate the claim.

2)Paragraph 1-Summarizes the claim. It is a standard 8 step paragraph.(8 step paragraph). It includes 2 quotes from author A.

3)Paragraph 2-Analyzes how author A would respond to author B, based on both author’s claims and information. It uses the model sentence (that you fill in the blanks) as the topic sentence. It is also an 8 step paragraph; 1 quote comes from author A, 1 from author B. Each color for paragraph 2 represents another step.

Topic Sentence Model for Paragraph 2
Agree / (Author A) / would / (choose an agree word and add any extra words needed to make the sentence flow) / ______
(Author B) / about
Disagree / (Author A) / would / (choose a disagree word and add any extra words needed to make the sentence flow) / ______
(Author B) / about
Agree and Disagree / (Author A) / would / (choose an agree word and add any extra words needed to make the sentence flow)
With ______
(Author B)
About ______
(topic) / and ______
(choose a disagree word and add any extra words needed to make the sentence flow) / about
Agree Words / Disagree Words
  • understand
  • Relate
  • respond positively
  • empathize
  • sympathize
  • compliment
  • support the idea
  • applaud
  • acknowledge
  • affirm
  • praise
  • have a negative
reaction to
  • argue with
  • contradict
  • refute
  • rebut
  • counter
  • criticize
  • critique
  • not understand
  • be disappointed in
  • be annoyed by
  • be confused with

The creator of video A, Healing Touch Program-2/2, claims that Healing Touch is a realistic part ofmodern medicine and works well when partnered with modern medicine. One reason the video gives is that healing touch has been used globally to help women who are emotionally and physically ill. The voice on the video states that “women in Peru who have been raped have been healed through healing touch” (video A). By stating the specific example of “rape”, the video creator is emphasizing the level of personal pain healing touch has been shown to heal. Another reason the video gives is that healing touch is used in many hospitals throughout America. The specific examples the video provided were in cases of cancer and after surgery. “Doctors are now starting to order healing touch as a required therapy immediately after treatment and surgery” (video A). The fact that the treatment is now being required, supports video A creator’s claim that Healing Touch is part of modern healing.

Because of video A creator’s positive point of view about healing touch, he would disagree with the creator of video B’s point of view that healing touch is not medicine because it is not scientifically proven to be medicine.Video A would point out that people’s belief it works is enough to demonstrate that it works.The narrator stated, “hope is enough to heal.” The belief that hope can replace scientific proof is the reason that these two video creators would disagree.Video B’s creator demonstrated the opposite point of view that healing touch is not a dependable science through two (2) scientific experiments: the sugar test and the double blind touch therapy test.In both tests, the scientists proved that “healing touch is like voodoo”, “it is about belief and not medicine.”By comparing healing touch to voodoo, the creator is implying that there are many things about healing touch that make it unreliable.This point of view is completely opposite that of video A, and is why both creators would disagree.