SUBJECT: Music GRADE: 5 TIMELINE: 1st Quarter
Standard and Grade Level Expectation / Evidence Outcome / Student-FriendlyLearning Objectives / Level of
Thinking / Resource Correlation / Academic Vocabulary
1. Expression
1. Perform using enhanced musical techniques / a. Perform four-part vocal and/orinstrumental rounds, usingmovement, and speech I / We will perform a four-part vocal round.
We will perform a four-part instrumental round. / Knowledge
Comprehension / / Round
1. Expression
1. Perform using enhanced musical techniques / b. Respond to the conductor for phrasingand dynamics I / We will respond to the conductor for phrasing and dynamics. / Knowledge
Comprehension / Making Music, Grade 5
- Unit 1, Lesson 9 / Conductor
1. Expression
1. Perform using enhanced musical techniques / c. Demonstrate proper care of voice and instruments I, M / We will demonstrate proper care of our voices.
We will demonstrate proper care of our instruments. / Application / Instruments
1. Expression
2. Perform more complex rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic patterns / a. Perform patterns that include the following rhythms: dgy, rdg , e q e,and ties
(syncopation) I, M / We will perform patterns that include e q e (syncopation). / Knowledge
Comprehension / Making Music, Grade 5
- Unit 1, Lesson 3
- Unit 1, Lesson 4
- “Teach Me to Swing”, p. 84
- “Hosanna, Me Build A House”, p. 132
- “Fifty Nifty United States”, p. 250 (Unit 7 intro)
- Unit 7, Lesson 1
- Unit 7, Lesson 12
- Unit 7, Lesson 13
- “Under the Sea”, p. 372
- “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”, p. 466 / Syncopation
Eighth note
Quarter note
1. Expression
2. Perform more complex rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic patterns / b. Perform patterns that include thepitches of the major scale I / We will perform patterns that include the pitches of the major scale. / Knowledge
Comprehension / Making Music, Grade 5
- Unit 1, Lesson 7 (pentatonic)
- Unit 1, Lesson 8 (pentatonic)
- Resource Book p. E-5
- “Meng Jian Nu”, p. 194
- “Lahk gei mohlee”, p. 317
- “Singing Secrets” game, p. 26, Resource Book p. D-4 / Pitch
Major scale
1. Expression
3. Perform melodies using traditional notation / a. Play and sing notated melodies (12 to 16 measures) with attention to pitch, rhythm, and expressive qualities I / We will sing notated melodies with attention to pitch, rhythm, and expressive qualities. / Knowledge
Application / Making Music, Grade 5
- Any song / Notated melody
Expressive quality
1. Expression
3. Perform melodies using traditional notation / b. Play and sing simple melodic notationin treble clef in major and minor keys I / We will sing simple melodic notation in treble clef in major and minor keys. / Knowledge
Comprehension / Making Music, Grade 5
- Unit 5, Lesson 6
- Resource book p. E-20
- Unit 5, Lesson 7
- Resource book p. E-21 / Melodic notation
Treble clef
Major key
2. Creation
1. Improvise question and answer and basic musical phrases / a. Improvise completion of a givenrhythmic or melodic phrase, givingattention to similarities of questionand answer in length of phrase,meter, mood, etc. I / We will improvise completion of a given rhythmic or melodic phrase, giving attention to similarities of question and answer in length of phrase, meter, mood, etc. / Synthesis /
/ Improvise
Rhythmic phrase
Melodic phrase
2. Creation
1. Improvise question and answer and basic musical phrases / b. Improvise instrumentally and vocallyusing I-IV-V chords in 12 bar bluesform I / We will improvise instrumentally and vocally in 12-bar blues form. / Synthesis / Making Music, Grade 5
- Unit 6, Lesson 5
- Unit 9, Lesson 6
12-bar blues backing tracks
- others on youtube / Improvise
12-bar blues
3. Theory
2. Analyze, aurally and visually, notation and form in music / b. Aurally identify 12-bar blues form I, M / We will aurally identify 12-bar blues form. / Knowledge / Making Music, Grade 5
- Unit 6, Lesson 5
- Unit 9, Lesson 6
“Train Fare Blues” by Muddy Waters (
“Evil” by Howlin Wolf (
“Shake, Rattle, and Roll” by Bill Haley and the Comets (
/ Aurally
12-bar blues
3. Theory
4. Comprehension and application of melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic patterns / a. Identify and notate, using dgy,rdg ,and e q e and ties
(syncopation) I, M / We will identify and notate, using e q e (syncopation) / Knowledge / Making Music, Grade 5
- Unit 1, Lesson 4 / Notate
Eighth note
Quarter note
4. Aesthetic Valuation
1. Explain and defend personal preferences for specific music / b. Discuss the difference betweenpreference for and quality of musicalworks I / We will discuss the difference between preference for and quality of musical works. / Comprehension
Analysis / Musical examples
- YouTube / Preference
4. Aesthetic Valuation
2. Articulate the meaning in music according to elements, aesthetic qualities, and human
responses / a. Identify and analyze differences in tempo and dynamics in contrastingmusic selections I / We will identify and analyze differences in tempo and dynamics in contrasting music selections. / Knowledge
Analysis / Contrasting music selections / Tempo
Contrasting music selections
4. Aesthetic Valuation
2. Articulate the meaning in music according to elements, aesthetic qualities, and human
responses / b. Explain how people in a particularculture use and respond to specificmusical works from that culture I / We will explain how people in a particular culture use and respond to specific musical works from that culture. / Comprehension / Making Music, Grade 5
- Any multicultural song
- Jazz – Music Appreciation
- Our Musical Heritage Series – Jazz
- Our Musical Heritage Series – Music of the Middle East
- Our Musical Heritage Series – Electronic Music
- Country & Western Music
- Music of Latin America
- Russian Folk Music
- Music of Japan
- American Folk Music
- Electronic Music
- Dream Big: The Over-the-Rhine Steel Drum Band / Culture
4. Aesthetic Valuation
2. Articulate the meaning in music according to elements, aesthetic qualities, and human
responses / c. Describe the means used to describeimages or evoke feelings andemotions in musical works fromvarious cultures I / We will describe the means used to describe images or evoke feelings and emotions in musical works from various cultures. / Comprehension / Making Music, Grade 5
- Any multicultural song
- Jazz – Music Appreciation
- Our Musical Heritage Series – Jazz
- Our Musical Heritage Series – Music of the Middle East
- Our Musical Heritage Series – Electronic Music
- Country & Western Music
- Music of Latin America
- Russian Folk Music
- Music of Japan
- American Folk Music
- Electronic Music
- Dream Big: The Over-the-Rhine Steel Drum Band / Evoke
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