Derry and Strabane PCSP Small Project Support


At Risk subject to Confirmation of Funding

Guidance Notes


The Derry and Strabane Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) Small Project SupportApplication Form is used to apply for financial support from the Derry and Strabane PCSP.

The fund is open to constituted ‘Non Profit Taking’ organisations that are open, accountable and representative of the geographical area which they service and promote and support community safety.

The fund is here to help your good ideas take root and grow.

PCSP Small Project Supportwill assist projects/services that:

  • Increase the community safety and confidence in policing for residents in the city and district as outlined in the draft PCSP Action Plan for 2018/19.
  • Meet the community safety outcomes/actions identified within the Strategic Growth Plans.
  • Foster community safety initiatives in areas of identified socio-economic need.
  • Increase community safety and/orconfidence in policing through the enhancement of partnership working.
  • Assist groups to identify their local community safety needs and develop plans to address these.

These Guidance Notes explain how to complete the Application Form and who you can contact for additional help with your application.

How does the fund work?

  • There is one round of funding this financial year 2018-19.
  • You can apply for any amount upto £10,000for 2018/19. Groups may only submit one application for this support.
  • The support awarded will cover relevantproject costs. Please note that any equipment purchased must be directly linked to the delivery of the project.
  • Your project/serviceshould be something that not only benefits your neighbourhood/communitybut also makes a real difference to people’s lives and is aligned to the social pillar of the Strategic Growth Plan and the draft PCSP Action Plan 2018-2019.

Whatever you decide to do, please remember:

  • The project/service should make a real difference to people who live in the Derry City and Strabane District Council area.
  • You must be able to show that there is a need for the project/service asyou will be asked to demonstrate this.
  • You must also complete and provide all monitoring and evaluation requirements in line with Outcome Based Accountability (OBA) identifying how much you did, how well you did it and the change the project made to people’s lives i.e. is anyone better off as a result.

The following are not eligible for funding:

  • Projects that do not directly benefit Derry City and Strabane District Council residents.
  • Projects that have already been completed.
  • Activities that promote political or religious purpose.
  • Projects that improve or benefit privately owned land that has no public access.
  • Alcohol costs.
  • In line with PCSP Financial Guidelines competition prizes in the form of cash, lottery tickets or gift cheques, cannot be provided. Incentives may be provided in line with Council policy. In any event they should be no greater value than £10 per person/participant and the PCSP must be able to justify to Local Government Audit that any such incentives were legitimate public expenditure.
  • Costs that are not auditable (i.e. cash payments).
  • Salary costs.
  • Repayments of debts, retrospective grants or capital build expenditure.
  • Projects whose primarily objective is to raise money for charity.
  • Projects considered to be the responsibility of another statutory agencye.g. statutory youth or education service, health service, police service etc.

Preparing your application

Note: Remember to stay within the word limit for each question as identified on each question in the Application Form.

You cannot attach additional information with your application.

Q1–Where are the majority of your beneficiaries from?

  • If you are unsure from which DEAmost of your beneficiaries come please contact a PCSP Officer who will supply information on the geographical locations of the DEAs.

Q2 - There are two parts to this question:-

  • Please describe your project/service- You may want to consider some of the following: Who will benefit? How long the project/servicewill last, e.g. how many days/weeks will it run? What will the project/servicedo? Is it an event, a series of workshops or an on-going service in your community? How many people will participate/benefit from the project/service? How will you measure if anyone is better off as a result of your project?
  • Please describe how you will manage the project/service- You may want to consider some of the following: The management structure, staffing and other resources. Experience delivering this type of project/service e.g. staff qualifications.Experience managing finance/grants and to what level. Who will the lead contact be? How will you promote the project/service? Have you governance systems in place? How will you ensure everyone is safe? How will you ensure the project/serviceis successful and of a high quality?Please describe how your project/service will focus on community safety and/or improve confidence in policing.

Q3 - There are two parts to this question:-

  • Please identifylocal need for the project/service- You may want to consider some of the following: How you identified the need. Try to use up to date local surveys, previous evaluations, and relevant statistics. Try to be specific when you link the need to your project/serviceand use information gathered within the last three years.
  • Please describe how your project/servicewill improve your local area - You may want to consider the following: You will already have identified the need for your project/service, now show how the different parts of your project/serviceaddresses the needs you have identified. Identify how the project will benefit participants and how this will be measured.

Q4– Strategic Growth Plan

Strategic Growth Plan

The Strategic Growth Plan will shape the long term strategic direction for the city and district, enhancing the delivery of public services and improving the well-being of citizens across the Council area.

  • How will your project/service contribute to the outcomes identified within the social pillar of the Strategic Growth Plan? You will need to show how your project/service aligns to the Strategic Growth Plan.

Q5– Draft PCSP Action Plan 2018-2019

Draft PCSP Action Plan 2018-2019

The draft PCSP Action Plan has identified a number of themes to address during 2018-2019. You will need to show clearly within your application form how your project/service will contribute to addressing one or more of these themes.

  • How will your project/service contribute to addressing the themes identified within the draft PCSP Action Plan for 2018-2019? You will need to show how your project/service aligns to the draft PCSP Action Plan.

Q6 – Project/Service Costs

This question offers you the opportunity to identify what costs you will incur within the five columns provided as follows:-.

Column One - Expenditure Details: this column will establish the specific costs related to your application, e.g. venue hire, facilitator costs, etc.

Column Two - Itemised Costs: e.g. if you are paying a facilitator how much do they charge per day/session/hour. If you are buying project linked equipment, pleaseitemise each piece of equipment.

Column three - Total cost: if you have shown a daily rate or item cost,for example, facilitator or materials, this column will show the total cost and so will link to your project/servicedescription e.g. three days facilitation, materials per person.

Column Four - Amount required from the Derry and Strabane PCSP:you may requirePCSPto pay for the full costs of particular items and that is okay. However,the project promoter is required to provide a minimum of 20% match funding for the project. This 20% match funding can be in cash, in kind or a mixture of both.Please identify how much you need from the PCSP.

Column Five - Who will fund the remainder: you may already have secured funding for some of your costs or identified where you will go for further funding.This will show if the funding from PCSPwill help access other funding for the Derry City and Strabane District Council area.

Be realistic when you are putting your costs for the Project into your application and remember that your costs must be proportionate to the overall costs of your projectand essential for delivering it. If we do not think that the amount you have asked for is good value for money, we may offer you less than the amount you applied for. Assessing officers have the discretion to reduce or disallow expenditure deemed inappropriate to the delivery of the project.

How will decisions be made?

The PCSP may not be able to fund all successful projects as there may be more applications than there is funding available. However, all applications will be considered carefully. They will be looked at and assessed by a panel of PCSP/Council Officers and recommendations for support will require ratification bythe Policing and Community Safety Partnership.

Review Procedure

If you believe the Funding Process has not been followed correctly or your Application has been incorrectly scored you may request a Reviewwithin seven working days of receiving your Letter of Outcome in writing to:

Dermot Harrigan

Policing and Community Safety Partnership Manager

Derry City and Strabane District Council

98 Strand Road


BT48 7NN

A Senior Council Officer will review the process and equality of scoring within the round and respond to your Review Request.

Deadline for submission of applications

Please read all documentation carefully before submitting your application.

Completed applications must be returned in a sealed envelope endorsed ‘Small Project Support Scheme’ and be addressed to the:-

Policing and Community Safety Partnership Manager

Derry City and Strabane District Council Offices

98 Strand Road

Derry BT48 7NN


Policing and Community Safety Partnership Manager

Derry City and Strabane District Council Offices

47 Derry Road

Strabane BT82 8DY

Applicants are reminded that the deadline for submission of applications is 3.00pm on Friday, 9th February 2018. Applicants are encouraged to submit their application early as this deadline is absolute. Please do not wait until near the closing time to submit your application. Under no circumstances will an application be deemed eligible after the 3:00pm deadline.

Be aware of the speed of your internet connection, your system configuration and the volume of general web traffic that may impact on the time required to upload your application.

Derry and Strabane PCSP cannot accept responsibility for transmission delays. Your completed application must be received before the deadline.

Please note that all projects will be subject to a monitoring and evaluation process.

Please read all documentation carefully before submitting your application.

Remember: An official receipt must be obtained from a Council Official from the Health and Community Directorate if the application is delivered by hand.

If posting, it is recommended that you do give due regard to delivery times specifically during holiday time including Bank Holidays to ensure that your application is delivered by the closing date.

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