Nordic Satya - Yoga, Tantra and Ayurveda Intensive with UmaInder
Experience - and integrate with guidance - deep insights into the world’s oldest, unbroken traditions of self-healing and spiritual awakening from the natural healing systems of Ayurveda and KundaliniTantra Yoga - set in the Norwegian mountain realms.
~ Course essentials ~
Laya Yoga and Pranayama - practiced with commitment - purify, condition and ultimately unify our polarized bodily forces, leading to spontaneous bliss beyond the constraint of dualism, in such a way that Yoga may feel like the stabilized experience of "God pouring God into God".
Having freed our basic, underlying nature to express innate consciousness, the re-organization and spiritualization of "personality" follows—not as a result of a forced set of rules—but as part of the natural order of things. Tantra is being with everything as it is.
The tools of traditional Tantra short-circuit our limiting patterns by liberating the body's thrust of captive bio-electrical energy to penetrate the somatic barriers of a programmed belief system.
Ayurvedic practice is a conscious self-responsible optimization, a life process of re-attuning to natural laws, preserving the integrity of our whole living being as we cross the thresholds of night and day, growth and decay.
Teachings will be delivered in the traditional way of oral transmission from teacher to student. Each student will naturally absorb and embody the knowledge for which s/he is ready.
Integrating our Ayurvedic studies, we will schedule our learning and practice sessions around the times of day and evening that support our wellbeing and optimize our natural capacities.
Below is a basic description of what our days will include:
- Dinacharya (morning self care regimen)
- Sunrise sadhana
- Breakfast
- Satsang
- Main meal and break
- Satsang
- Light dinner
- Sunset sadhana
Additional practices may include periods of silence, group excursions, individual assignments, traditional rituals or ceremonies, periods of integration and Q&A.
~ Registration ~
Please send your request for participation to with your full name and contact details. The retreat is limited to 30 persons, and filling up fast.
~ Prices ~
Earlybird - NOK 8125,- for registration by March 1st 2018 (10 places available for this price).
Standard - NOK 9875,-
More information about the retreat here -