September 3, 2014, WGC Executive Board and Membership Meeting Minutes

Westwood Gun Club


E Board activities, general discussion of: Changing membership renewal date; renewal fees and dues; work party activities.


The meeting began at 8 PM, at the clubhouse. Thanks to the 18members who were at the meeting.

A.SECRETARY’S REPORT. The August 2014 meeting was cancelled. Minutes of the July 2014 meeting was read and accepted.

B.TREASURER’S REPORT. Report forAugust 2014was readand accepted. Largest expense was the new gen set at the lower range.

  1. General Income was about $3,850.00.
  2. Expenses about $4,081.00.
  3. Bank checking accountbalance $52,805.60.
  4. Fidelity account balance $31,100.87.
  5. Assets value $23,650.00.
  6. Month-end value $107,556.47.
  7. One member donated half the cost of the purchase price for the new gen set to the club.


1.Hats, tee shirts and summer trap league hooded sweat shirts are available.

2.We will NOT install an entrance way key lock box as the fire department has installed their own pad lock for emergency accesses.


1.The summer trap league has ended in a tie and there will be a shoot-off September 21.

2.Next Women-On-Target event date has been changed to Sunday, September 14, 2014.

3.The next Club events will be: Sunday, September 7 a work party; Sunday, September 14 the Women On Target, we need help running the event; Sunday, September 21, 10 AM the Walter Landry High Power Rifle shoot, the Summer Trap League shoot off followed by the Club Picnic at noon time; Saturday, September 27, Work Party. Range will be closed during these events.

4.Nominations for the October 1, 2014 Officer and Director Elections at the annual meeting are open. Candidates are: President; open; Vice President: open; Secretary: Mike Angieri; Treasurer: Ron Votta; Governor: John Payton; 2 Directors for a two year term 2015 to 2018: 1 for re-election- Randy Miller; and 3 for the two positions -Michael Konnikov, Joe Rossum, Craig Armstrong. Nominations will close at the October meeting before the elections. If there are no other nominations for President or Vice President, Mark Gentile and John Ledbetter will run for another 1 year term.

5.A new trap machine has been installed in the low trap house and the machine that was there was relocated to the trap tower. Work continues on the electrical wiring. The propane system is in place.

6.We will need to order SR1 and SR1C targets for 100 yard shooting and ammo for the Garand shoot.

7.Annual elections will be held at the October 1, 2014 meeting.

8.Annual Report is due to be filed in October 2014.

9.John Ledbetter was organize another poker night if there is interest. Contact him.

10.A winter trap league will be organized.

11.New steel targets will be ordered.

12.We will consider hiring someone to cut the grass due to the lack of interest by members.


  1. Need to be more attentive to cease fire procedures and rifle/pistol/trap range coordination between shooting positions. Make sure everyone knows when the line is going safe or hot. Pay particular attention to signal lights, flag at pistol area and ORANGE cone and flag at trap area as it is NOT safe to handle firearms when these are displayed.
  2. Pay attention to where and what you are shooting at and those around you. As always, Be Safe.
  3. 1 guest shoots at a time.
  4. Guests must sign in legibly by their name, not the word “guest”. Many people continue to sign in wrong, especially people who continue to sign their name as “Guest”.


  1. Renewals will go out in October or early November. Renewals are DUE JANUARY through February. Member NOT submitting their renewal papersbefore the deadline of March 1, 2015, will be placed on an inactive list and may apply for renewal in 2016. They will NOT be able to use the Club facilities until they renew in 2016 as position become available. New member applications will be posted on the web-site and vacant positions filled in March 2015. Prospective member should submit an application as soon as possible. New member orientations will be held in April, prospective members NOT attending the scheduled orientations will be dropped from the membership process.


  1. Next E Board meeting will be Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at 7:00 PM.
  2. Next general membership and ANNUAL CLUB meeting will be Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at 8:00 PM.
  3. September 14 the Women On Target, we need help running the event.
  4. September 21, 10 AM the Walter Landry High Power Rifle shoot, the Summer Trap League shoot off followed by the Club Picnic at noon time.
  5. Matches and events have been scheduled. Check website and bulletin board for any schedule and changes if necessary.
  6. Contact John Ledbetterconcerning work party requirements as we will need help with various projects. Next work parties: Sunday September 7 and Sunday September 27.

Meeting was adjourned at about 8:45PM.

Mike Angieri

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