1. Soil and landform: introduction

2. Kinds and levels of soil survey

3. Field operations and requirements

4. Aerial photographs and their interpretation

5. Stereoscopic vision theory

6. Field traverse selection

7. Soil maps: purposes, characteristics and identification of mapping units

8. Mapping legend

9. Mapping and taxonomic units

10. Interpretation and use of soil survey reports

11. Land capability and suitability classification

12. Land evaluation: principles, land qualities, and utilization types

13. Application of GIS, GPS, and remote sensing in soil survey


1. Reading of topographic map and calculation of slope percentage

2. Stereoscope: types, parts, and use

3. Interpretation of aerial photographs

4. Demonstration of GIS, GPS, and remote sensing techniques

5. Field visits

Books Recommended

Bashir, E. and R. Bantel. 2001. Soil Science. National Book Foundation, Islamabad.

Dent, D. and A. Young. 1981. Soil Survey and Land Evaluation. George Allen and Unwin Publishers Ltd., London, UK.

FAO. 1985. Guidelines: Land Evaluation for Irrigated Agriculture. FAO Soils Bull.55. Rome, Italy.

Reybold, W.U. and G.W. Peterson. 1987. Soil Survey Techniques. SSSA, Special Publication No. 19, Madison, WI, USA.

Soil Survey Division Staff. 1993. Soil Survey Manual. USDA, Washington DC, USA.

Soil Survey of Pakistan. Reconnaissance Soil Survey Reports.

Soil Survey of Pakistan.1986. Proceedings of XII International Forum on Soil Taxonomy and Agrotechnology Transfer. Vol.1 & 2. Soil Survey of Pakistan. Lahore.


1. Introduction

2. Quality assurance in the laboratory

2.1 Safety measures in the laboratory

3. Terminology: S.I. and derived S.I. units

4. Analytical techniques

5. Soil sampling, preparation and storage

6. Plant sampling, handling, preparation and storage

6.1 Wet oxidation and dry ashing

7. Interpretation of analytical results


1. Introduction to specialized equipments

2. Preparation of standard solutions

3. Soil sampling and preparation

4. Plant sampling and preparation

5. Instrumental analysis

5.1 Conductivitymetry: principle and instrumentation

5.2 Potentiometry: principle and instrumentation

5.3 Spectrophotometry: principle and instrumentation

5.4 Emission spectroscopy: principle and instrumentation

5.5 Absorption spectroscopy: principle and instrumentation

Books Recommended

Jaffery, G.H. et al. (Eds.). 1989. Vogel's Text Book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 5th English Language Book Soc. Longman, Essex, UK.

Peverill, K.I., L.A. Sparrow and D.J. Reuter. 1999. Soil Analysis: An Interpretation Manual. CSIRO Publ., Collingwood, Australia.

Ryan, J., G. Estefan and A. Rashid. 2001. Soil and Plant Analysis. Laboratory Manual. International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas. Aleppo, Syria.

Reuter, D.J. and J.B. Robinson. 1997. Plant Analysis: An Interpretation Manual. 2nd CSIRO Publ., Collingwood, Australia.

Rowell, D.L. 1994. Soil Science: Methods and Applications. Longman Group, UK Limited, Essex, UK.

Sparks, D. L. et al. (Eds.). 1996. Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3. Chemical Methods. SSSA, ASA Series No.5, Madison, WI, USA..

Westerman, R.L. (Ed.). 1990. Soil Testing and Plant Analysis. 3rd ed. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Inc., Madison, WI, USA.


1. Concept of environment: micro, macro and global

2. Components: terrestrial, aquatic and atmospheric

3. Sources and causes: natural, industrial, municipal, agricultural and socio-economic

4. Pollutants in soil, water and air

4.1 Soil pollutants: inorganic, organic and radioactive

4.2 Water pollutants: organic, inorganic and microbial contaminants, BOD, eutrophication

4.3 Atmospheric pollutants: smog, CO2, SO2, oxides of N, Pb, fly ashes, dust, H2S, CFC, and methane

4.3.1 Green house effect and ozone layer depletion

5. International and national standards for drinking and irrigation water

6. Impacts of pollutants on soil, plants, animals and human health

7. Management measures: technical, legislative and socio-economic


1. Sampling of industrial and municipal effluents, air, and pesticide residues in soil and water

2. Analysis for pollutants

3. Determination of biological oxygen demand (BOD)

4. Determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD)

Books Recommended

Agarwal, S.K. 2002. Pollution Management Vol-2, 3, 4, Water Pollution, APH Publishers, New Delhi, India.

Gupta P.K. 2002. Methods in Environmental Analysis: Water, Soil and Air. New Delhi, India.

Huggett, R.J. 1997. Environmental Change. Rovtledge, London, UK.

IUCN: The Way Ahead. Pakistan’s Environment and Development. Quarterly, IUCN, Bath Island, Karachi, Pakistan

Keith, L.H. 1996. Principles of Environmental Sampling. American Chemical Soc. Washington, DC, USA.

Page, A.L., T.L. Gleeson, J.E. Smith Jr., I.K. Iskandar, and L.E. Sommers. 1983. Utilization of Municipal Waste Water and Sludge on Land. Univ. California, Riverside, CA, USA.

Pettygroove, G.S. and A. Takashi. 1986. Irrigation with Reclaimed Municipal Waste Water. Lewis Publisher, Inc., NY., USA.


1. Introduction

2. Crop growth and factors affecting

2.1 Growth expressions: Mitscherlich and Quadratic equations

3. Essential nutrient elements: functions, deficiency and toxicity

3.1 Movement of nutrients to roots and uptake by plants

4. Nitrogen: gains in soil, transformations and losses

4.1 N-fertilizers and their fate in soil

5. Phosphorus: forms in soil and transformations

5.1 P-Fertilizers and their behavior in soils

5.2 Crop responses: factor affecting and residual effects

6. Potassium: forms, amount, exchange equilibrium and factors affecting

7. Soil status of calcium, magnesium and sulfur: factors affecting availability

8. Micronutrients: forms in soils and factors affecting their availability

9. Integrated plant nutrient management

10. Nutrients behavior in submerged soils

11. Soil fertility problems and their management in Pakistan

12. Fertilizers and environmental pollution


1. Fertilizer requirement calculation

2. Determination of total nitrogen, available P, K, Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu in soil

3. Plant analysis for N, P and K

4. Interpretation of soil and plant analysis results

5. Visit to fertilizer factories, soil fertility institutes and demonstration trials

Books Recommended

Ahmad, N., and M. Rashid. 2003. Fertilizer and Their Use in Pakistan: An Extension Guide. Planning Commission, National Fertilizer Development Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Brown, J.R. (Ed.). 1987. Soil Testing: Sampling, Correlation, Calibration and Interpretation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am., Inc., Madison, WI, USA.

Havlin, J.L., J.D.Beaton, S.L.Tisdale, and W.L. Nelson, 2004. Soil Fertility and Fertilizers: An Introduction to Nutrient Management. 6th Pearson Education, Singapore, Patparganj, New Delhi, India.

Kamprath, E.J. 1999. Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition. In: Sumner, M.E. (Ed.). Handbook of Soil Science. CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, USA.

Mengel, K. and E.A. Kirkby. 2000. Principles of Plant Nutrition. 5th International Potash Inst., Bern, Switzerland.

Westerman, R.L.(Ed.). 1990. Soil Testing and Plant Analysis. 3rd Soil Sci. Soc. Am., Madison, WI, USA.


1. Introduction

2. Weathering of rocks and minerals and types of parent materials

3. Soil genesis and factors affecting

4. Pedogenic processes: additions, losses, transformations and translocations

5. Soil macro- and micro-morphology

6. Special soil features

7. Description of soil profiles

8. Land forms, parent materials and soil development in Pakistan


1. Profile description of representative soil series

2. Field trips

Books Recommended

Bashir, E. and R. Bantel. 2001. Soil Science. National Book Foundation, Islamabad.

Bhattacharjee, J. C. 1997. Introduction to Pedology. Vol.1: Soil Genesis. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Dehli, India.

Buol, S.W., S.D. Hole, R.J. McGracken and R.J. Southard. 1997. Soil Genesis and Classification. 4th ed. Panima Publication Corporation, New Delhi, India

FAO. 1977. Guidelines for Soil Profile Description. 2nd ed. FAO, Rome, Italy.

Fitzpatrick, E.A. 1984. Micromorphology of Soils. Chapman and Hall Ltd., NY, USA.

Rabenhorst, M. C. et al. (Eds.). 1998. Quantifying Soil Hydromorphology. SSSA Special Publ. No.54, Madison, WI, USA.

Soil Survey Staff. 2003. Keys to Soil Taxonomy. 9th ed. USDA, Washington, DC, USA.

Wilding, L.P., N.E. Smeck and G.F. Hall. 1983. Pedogenesis and Soil Taxonomy. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.



Introduction: Causes of waste production, types of wastes. (Solid, liquid and gaseous wastes) and quantity of wastes produced at provincial and national level.

Sources of Wastes:domestic, industrial wastes, and agricultural wastes including crop residues, farm yard manures, animals and poultry manures.

Hospital wastes, institutional wastes, nuclear (radio-active and non-radio active wastes).

Municipal wastes shops, garages, slaughter houses, vegetables and fruit markets.

Disposal of wastes: Indiscriminate disposal in houses, offices, markets, streets, roads and water reservoirs. Municipal corporation. Wastes Disposal System (WDS):Delay in disposal, system of disposal and facilities of disposal.

Location and method of disposal.

Disposal on to land: Incineration, underground, dumping, dumping into rivers, streams and other water bodies. Recycling of wastes and their potential uses.

Waste water treatment Plants: Primary, secondary and tertiary.

Use of wastes as manures for agricultural production: Nutritional value for crops and potential hazard in food chains.


1.  Hamishmain Stephen and Wyn Williams.1994. Environment and Housing in Third World Cities.John Wiley and Sons. N.Y.

2.  Stephen Morse Michael & Stocking.1995. People and Environment. UCL Press Limited University College London.

3.  Moilanen and Martin.1996. Financial Evaluation of Environmental Investment.Gulf Publishing Company.

4.  Lawrence H. Keith.1996. Principles of Environmental Sampling. American Chemical society, Washington D.C.

5.  Richard John Huggett.1997. Environmental Change. Rovtledge London and New York.

6.  Hoffman and Parsons.1997. Extreme Environmental Change and Evaluation. Cambridge University.

7.  Dr. Nasreen.En. Education.1999. APH Publishing Company Corporation Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi.

8.  Christopher Williams.1998. Environmental Victims.Earth Scan Publication Ltd. London.

9.  Page, A.L., Thomas L. Gleason, III, James E. Smith Jr., I.K. Iskandar, and L.E. Sommers. 1983. Utilization of Municipal wastewater and sludge on land. University of California Riverside, CA 92521.

10.  Page, A.L., T.G. Logan, J.A. Ryan. 1987. Land Application of Sludge. Lewis Publishers.Inc. 121 South Main Street, P.O. Drawer 519, Chelsea, MI 48118.

Pettygrove, G.S., and Takashi, A. 1986. Irrigation with reclaimed municipal wastewater. Lewis Publishers, Inc. 121 South Main Street, P.O. Drawer 519, Chelsea, MI 48118.


1. Salt-affected soils: classification, properties and extent

2. Salination and sodication

2.1 Gapon and pHc equations

3. Systems of characterization of salt affected soils

4. Relation of ECe to salt concentration and solute potential

5. Chemistry of soil solution

6. Root zone salinity

7. Reclamation methods

8. Management through leaching, salt tolerant crops, irrigation, fertilization and planting techniques

9. Irrigation water: quality, criteria and classification

10. Ground water: characteristics, resources and management

11. Salinity build up and prediction

12. Waterlogged soils: causes, effects and management

13. SCARP programmes: objectives and achievements

14. Salinity and environment

15. Water logging and environment


1. Sampling of salt-affected soils and irrigation water

2. Saturated soil extracts analysis

3. Analysis and classification of irrigation water

4. Determination of gypsum requirement of soil and water

5. Visit to Soil Salinity Research Institutes and salt affected areas

Books Recommended

Ayers, R.S. and D.W. Westcot. 1985. Water Quality for Agriculture. Irrigation Drainage Paper No. 29, FAO, Rome, Itlay.

Bresler, E., B.L. McNeal and D.L. Carter. 1982. Saline and Sodic Soils: Principles-Dynamics- Modeling. Springer- Verlag, NY, USA.

Ghafoor, A., M. Qadir and G. Murtaza. 2004. Salt Affected Soils: Principles of Management. Allied Book Center, Lahore, Pakistan.

Gupta, I.C. 1990. Use of Saline Water in Agriculture. Oxford and IBH Pub. Co., Ltd., New Dehli, India.

Shainberg, I. and I. Shalhevet. 1984. Soil Salinity under Irrigation: Processes and Management. Springer-Verlag, NY, USA.

Sparks, D.L. (ed.). 1996. Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3, Chemical Methods. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Book Series No. 5. Am. Soc. Agronomy, Madison, WI, USA.

Tanji, K.K. (Ed.). 1990. Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management. ASCE No.71, NY, USA.

1. Soil erosion: description, types and extent

2. Hydrological cycle and its components

3. Water erosion: forms, causes and damages

4. Wind erosion: forms, causes and damages

5. Gravity erosion and landslides

6. Erosion prediction

6.1 Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation

6.2 Wind erosion equation

7. Erosion control and management: agronomic, engineering and bioengineering

8. Water conservation: losses of soil water; conservation practices and water harvesting techniques

9. Strategies for soil, water and environment conservation

10. Socio-economic issues of soil and water conservation


1. Measurement of aggregate stability

2. Measurement of slope gradient and discharge in watercourse

3. Calculation of runoff and soil losses

4. Use of weather station instruments

5. Demonstration of agronomical and bioengineering practices for soil and water conservation

6. Study tours to soil conservation practices and research institutes

Books Recommended

Arakeri. 1987. Principles of Soil Conservation and Water Management. IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, India.

Bhushan, L.S., I.P. Abrol, and M.S.R.M. Rao. 1998. Soil and Water Conservation: Challenges and Opportunities. Vol. 1 & 2 A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Ehlers, W. and G. Michael. 2003. Water Dynamics in Plant Production. CAB Publishing, Cambridge, UK.

Follett, R.F. and B.A. Stewart. 1985. Soil Erosion and Crop Productivity. ASA, Madison, WI, USA.

Morgan, R.P.C. 2005. Soil Erosion and Conservation. 3rd ed. Longman Group Ltd., Essex, UK.

Napier, T.A. 2000. Soil and Water Conservation Policies: Successes and Failures. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA.

Singh, G., C. Venkatramanan, G. Sastry, and B.P. Joshi. 1996. Manual of Soil and Water Conservation Practices. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, India.

Troch, F.R., J.A. Hobbs, and R.L. Donahue. 1980. Soil and Water Conservation. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA.



Introduction: General Agriculture background. The fertilizer story, Fertility status of Pakistan soils, Soil resources of Pakistan, Agro-ecological zones of Pakistan, Fertilizers usage in Pakistan. The yield gap and constrains to high yields. Basics of soils and fertilizers. How plants grow, The soil that feeds plant, Fertilizers made, Special fertilizers, What happens to the applied fertilizer in the soil? Fertilizer recommendations. How to determine nutrient requirement, Soil developing fertilizer recommendations, Fertilizer requirement of major crops, Nutrient conversion into fertilizers, Economics of fertilizer use. Fertilizers, efficiency. Improving fertilizer efficiency management and fertilizer use in rainfed (Barani) areas, Fertilizer use under multiple cropping system. Fertilizers and water, Organic manures. Fertilizer promotion. Fertilizer promotion techniques, Fertilizer field demonstrations, Field days. Fertilizer marketing. Fertilizer distribution, Fertilizer handling and storage.