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3An example of simple equation
The Eikonal ray equation:
where is the position vector of a point on the ray and ds is an element of the arc length along the ray.
4Examples of Figures and Tables
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Figure 1. Comparison of the experimental and computational first-stage ignition delay times of iso-octane: peff = 9.0 bar, χ(iso-octane) = 1.65%, χ(O2) = 20.66%, χ(buffer gas) = 77.69% (mole basis).
Table 1: Characteristics of some prehistoric films for high speed diagnostics
Type / Resolution,line/mm / Exposure for
D = 1, / Remarks
Agfa 8E75 / 5 000 / 10 / λ= 632.8nm
Agfa 8E56 / 5 000 / 15
25 / λ= 476nm
λ = 521nm
Agfa 10E56 / 2 800 / 1.4
1.9 / λ= 476nm
λ = 521nm
Agfa 10E75 / 2 800 / 2 / λ= 632.8nm
Agfa 14C70 / 1 500 / 0.3 / λ= 700nm
Agfa 14C75 / 1 500 / 0.3 / λ= 700nm
Journal article:
[1] J.C. Rolon, F. Aguerre, S. Candel, Combust. Flame 100 (1995) 422-429.
For in press articles please cite using the following convention: C Di Blasi, Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 35 (2009). If possible, you should also cite the relevant DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
[2] P. Prasad, Propagation of a Curved Shock and Nonlinear Ray Theory, Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow, U.K., 1993. You may also include the page or page range (optional).
Edited Book:
[3] R.A. Yetter, F.L. Dryer, D.M Golden, in: M.Y. Hussaini, A. Kumar, F.G. Voigt (Eds.), Major Research Topics in Combustion, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1992, p. 309-315.
Symposium Proceedings: All symposium papers associated with the International Symposium on Combustion should be cited in the following way:
[4] R.S. Cant, S.B. Pope, K.N.C. Bray, Proc. Combust. Inst. 23 (1990) 809-815.
Conference Proceedings: A conference proceedings should be styled as a book, with publisher or institution sponsoring publication and the year published as well as the year the conference was held.
Internal Reports: A.S. Johnson, F.W. Adams, Use of Laser Diagnostics in Supersonic Flows, Report No. SAND87-8003, Sandia National Laboratories, 1987. Authors must ensure that these references are publicly available.
13thICCEU– Oct.2-5, 2016- Taipei1