Held 27 January 2017 at Methodist Church Hall, Mortimer


Liz Newell-Hart (Chair) Wendy O’Rourke

Tracy Vallis Porter Candy Clarkson

Jackie Walder Jackie Johnson

Lynda Black Tiffany Faiers

Issy Hotten Rachel Eaton

Lorraine Pulley

Lucy Harris


Jo Kemp Williams

Richard Williams

Sam Black


General welcome to all by Liz.

MRC ran fewer events in 2016 as the number of committee organisers to run events is a bit limited. Events in 2016 included Winter Woollies; Showing Show; Open Showing Show; Dressage at Fairoak and Halloween Dressage. We also had a Pilates for horse riders’ taster session and a clinic.

Events which didn’t get off the ground in 2017 include Windsor Great Park Rides and XC schooling. This partly due to not enough Committee Members to do the jobs/organising

A list of 2017 events was distributed. These include two dressage shows at Fairoak and the popular Halloween dressage at Amners as well as 2 Showing and 3 show jumping shows. An updated list will be put on the website as there are a few changes to the list provided at the meeting. We also propose to hold some Drill rides this year and will notify of dates once we have them from Lorna Fraser. We also are working on an adult summer camp similar to the one run in 2015.

The Club has communicated via Facebook more than in the past years but the feedback is that this doesn’t suit everyone. Jackie Johnson did a wonderful job with her email newsletters – the life of Red and other anecdotes proving very popular and engaging reading. The committee will endeavour to supplement Facebook with regular email contact members regularly.

2017 Membership forms were made available at the meeting and some members joined at the AGM. The membership fee remains unchanged at £17. It includes the customary questionnaire as to what Members would like organised. The membership form will be on the website very soon.

Membership Secretary Issy Hotton advised that there were 30 MRC Members in 2016. Membership generally is busiest about March/April when events and the Englefield Pass renewal both approach. Members get a discount on both Englefield Estate Permits and lower entries to our events. The objective is for members to more than recover the £17 with these reductions.

Some years ago MRC had > 100 members and as a result could run Member only events. With current membership numbers we feel that shows need to be open, but we will consider giving members priority places at clinics.

Why have numbers reduced? Do we need to do more advertising of Membership/events on Facebook & e-mail? Not holding Jumping Qualifiers was one reason. It is unlikely that MRC will hold jumping qualifiers in future as BRC requires a Registered and Qualified Paramedic and/or Trauma trained Doctor plus ambulance or treatment room/ area.

Club and Open jumping and Dressage events require First Aider(s) holding one of the following:

1) FAW Certificated Qualification accredited by Training Organisation Regulator or Voluntary Aid Society

2) BHS first aid course presented by Skillbase and booked through the BHS

All first aiders must have an HSE approved first aid kit.

The new medical cover rules also states that:

For insurance purposes, any first aiders used must be voluntary (paying expenses is acceptable) or an employee of the Riding Club. If a fee is paid, then the first aider becomes a contractor who would need their own insurance.

Treasurers report by Jackie Walder.

Jackie produced and distributed a true account status for year ending 31.10.16. MRC’s tangible (not fixed) Assets are a single axle trailer, show jumps and dressage equipment. The Current account balance increased by £241 on the previous financial year and the Business Reserve increased by 0.33p. There is £596 in the Business Reserve.

Income for the year was substantially lower than in 2015 at £2,084.08 (£287 in Membership fees and the remainder entries). Expenses were mainly for events held with the exception of BRC Club Membership (£135), Member affiliation fee (£759 based on 2015 membership), Area 6 membership fee and Web maintenance cost (£65). The Club was in a good financial position for 2015/16 and therefore a good start for 2017.

2017 Events


Discussions have been had with Lucy Badham about holding a camp at her place (Dummer) and further enquiries will be made. There would be the option of either camping out or staying in B&B locally. Catering could be accomplished by use of local hostelries. Jackie Johnson organised an excellent camp in 2015 with superb catering which was acknowledged. Lynda mentioned that in addition to camp Lucy was interested in XC clinics. The next club event is confidence SJ on 19 Feb at Dummer.


Jackie has obtained preferential rates for us to use the Fairground and Amners is excellent for location and facilities.

Le Trec

Tiffany mentioned that clinics have been held at her yard by Liz Burrows. She charges £15 pp for approx. 45/60 minutes. Liz is to be asked if she would do something for us on the Common in June. Possibly a taster course and either restrict it to Members only or they have priority booking.

Election of Officers

Liz was re-elected as Chairperson

Jackie was re-elected as Treasurer but advised she would like to step down if someone wants to take over. Issy was re-elected as Members Secretary.


If people wanted to do team events a Team Manager would need to be elected to choose events, do entries, training get teams together and ensure all vaccinations are up to date.


Liz apologised that there would be no Accumulator Awards made this year. Unfortunately, so few Members have participated in events and no-one has been keeping tabs on results.

The best non-member helper was voted as Lucy Piggot. As she was not present, Lucy Harris agreed to bring her our thank you gift – a bottle of wine.


Issy – would make enquiries about a visit to Carl Hester’s yard in spring/summer. He charges £40 pp non-refundable and bookings made via his secretary. Visit involves meeting Carl and his team, a look round the yard and watch him ride. The tour starts at 10 am and need to be there by 0945. March dates are full.

Possible other visits

- Patrick Channing yard at Baughurst (Lynda to enquire)

- Blue Cross Centre, Burford (Liz to enquire)

- Brown Bread Horse Rescue

- Donkey Sanctuary – Devon too far but Wallingford nearer

- Intro to barefoot riding. Trevor Jones, Farrier is based in Chichester. (Candy to enquire)

- In-Hand Showing – dress code, rules & regulations, tack (Tina Tunnell did one at Fairoak a couple of years ago. She is based in Dark Lane, Tidmarsh).

- Wendy O’Rourke to possibly do a talk demo on Miniature Horses & Showing

Charity suggestion for 2017 is Air Ambulance (possibly hold another Dog Show on the Fairground)

The Meeting closed at 21:15