WebVoyage Committee Meeting Minutes

June 26, 2013


9:00am – 11:00pm

Present: Carolyn Dennison/UHM SciTech, Carol Hasegawa/HCC, Alphie Garcia/UHWO, Carol Kellett/UHM Systems, Mariko Kershaw/WCC (Recorder), Eleanor Kleiber/UHM Hawn-Pac (Chair), Angela Lee/JABSOM, Dongyun Ni/UHM Cataloging, Keiko Okuhara/UHM Law

Conference Bridge: Michael Gmelin/KauCC, Claire Schultz/UHM Sinclair, Kathleen Stacey/UHH, Sachi Kawaiaea/HMA

Absent: Lisa Sepa/UHMC, Ralph Toyama/LCC, Annie Thomas/KapCC, Thora Abarca/UHH, Laurel Gregory/UHWH, Victoria Szymchak/UHLC, BJ Short/Bishop, P. Huston Ladner/TIM

Current Voyager Version: 7.2.5

1.  Call to Order: 9:04am

The chair thanked Mike Chopey for his service and welcomed his replacement, Dongyun Ni (UHM Cataloging Department representative).

2.  Previous Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes from the April 24, 2013 meeting were approved with corrections.

3.  HUGM 2013 Follow-up

a.  SFX Down Time

Stacey reported that Ex Libris changed the maintenance time so that SFX does not go down at 4pm HST.

b.  Ex Libris Meetings

Kellett reported that Dan Paskett of Ex Libris emailed Library Council to arrange in person and online meetings regarding Primo/SFX. Committee members confirmed that two WebEx meetings are scheduled, one on July 9th at 1pm and one on July 16th at 9am.

4.  Primo

a.  ebrary Record Problems

i.  4/24/13 Minutes: Stacey reported that when UHH searches for certain books in Voyager Book Catalog – All UH, the link from the title (book of gimp or blackness in opera) go to another record (python).

Kleiber reported that this issue was resolved.

ii.  4/24/13 Minutes: Also, the item in the Results list says Online Access. The Library has physical copies but there aren’t any for that title; users are prone to click on Request for a hard copy that is naught.

Kellett changed the wording to read, “The library may have physical copies.”

b.  Online Access Wording

After showing the wording in the Primo OPAC, Kershaw asked why some records say “Full Text Available” and others say “Online Access.” Kellett explained that the wording comes from the provider, so it cannot be changed.

c.  Double “UH”

Hasegawa noticed that Primo says UH twice in some records:

Action: Kellett will investigate.

d.  HPJI Records

Dennison questioned why she saw two HPJI records in Primo after searching for “Tahiti.”

There seemed to be some question whether the records were actually pulled from HPJI. The committee questioned if Primo was searching HPJI since only two records appeared in the results set.

Action: Dennison already sent a query about this issue to Systems. Kellett will investigate.

e.  Facet Label Wording

Hasegawa noticed strange wording in a facet’s label, “facet local2.”

Action: Kellett will investigate.

f.  FRBR Rules

Kershaw inquired about the FRBRization rules in Primo. Garcia asked whether the rules are different at each site or are they set Systemwide. Kellett said that they are Systemwide.

Action: Kellett will send the rules to the committee email list.

5.  Voyager issues

a.  Call Number for E-Resources

The chair received feedback regarding this issue. One concern was that after the E-RESOURCES call number was removed in UHM’s records, the acquisitions module ordering information displayed. Library staff found this confusing. One example is the Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies:

Kellett said this info can be suppressed; sites can send her an e-mail request to do so.

b.  Reloading ebrary records into Voyager

Tabled until the next meeting.

c.  HPJI in Voyager 7 update

WCC provided feedback to Kellett via email. WCC asked if it is possible to add more filters:

Kellett said yes and that each site can customize their filters. Okuhara asked how the filters can be added and Kellett answered that a filters set could be added to each site’s basic search quick limits. Kleiber asked if the words “add filter” can be removed and Kellett said yes.

Action: Kellett will remove the wording “add filter” from the quick limits.

WCC asked if the "Format" field can be hidden as it may confuse users:

Kellett explained that this is a bug in the software.

Action: Kellett will suppress this field.

Hasegawa asked that the filter “2006 And After” be changed to match Voyager’s Advanced Search wording, “Last 2 Years.”

Action: Kellett will change the quick limit to read, “Last 2 Years.”

6.  Other business

No new business was offered.

7.  Next meeting

The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for July 31st 9-11am at JABSOM.

8.  Meeting Adjourned 11:01am

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