RAVE Application Checklist 2016-17
Review/print out sample RAVE entries and other relevant files in the attachment.
Examine the Scoring Rubric, work toward score of “3”; note “0” score will disqualify entry.
Full RAVE entry (all 10 sections) will be created as a Microsoft Word documents (2 pages 8 ½ “ X 11” standard sizeor 8 ½ “ X 14” legal size).
Note award score requirements: Total of 22 points with NO “0” score on any section for RAVE.
Decide on a template for your entry (see 2 attached templates or create your own).
Have/help your principal create a “Principal’s Comment” which is an exemplary statement of support for the implementation of the National Standards and the vital role of the School Counseling Student Support Team (SCSST) in academic success and school safety.
Create a detailed description of your School Counseling Student Support Team which is an outstanding indication that the student support team includes all of the school’s student support personnel. Education, experience, and qualifications of all counselor(s) provided. School counselors design, coordinate, implement, and evaluate an equitable student support system that serves all students.
Develop 2 graphs of impact of SCSST (School Counseling Student Support Team) for School Climate and Safety (i.e., student/parent evaluation, survey data). It must have a commendable statement of relationship of student support system to the overall school climate and safety. Includes two notable, easy-to-read graphics accompanied by a clear explanation.
Develop 3 graphs to show student learning in each domain-Academic, Career and Personal-Social with a description and competencies from the state plan that correlate with each graph (Academic Domain: (A:A2.4), Career Domain: (C:B1.2), Personal/Social Domain: (PS.B1.8). Strong statement on the importance of attaining student results and relationship to National Standards. Contains three easy-to-read graphs in all 3 domains, representations of student results, each accompanied by a well-documented written explanation.
Create a list of your program’s major achievements.The relationship between the student support system and the achievement being cited is clearly described. (Focus for Improvement results indicating progress included in the second and third year of applying.)
Create a list of Academic, Career, and Personal/Social measurements used in your program.Lead statement and exemplary explanation of each measurement administered, listed in all 3 domains (A, C, P/S). Outstanding explanation of how the measurements are incorporated into the management and responsiveness of the program.
Create a list of Academic, Career, and Personal/Social community partnerships used in your program. Model statement of the importance of partnerships, and a clear description of how the program works with student support system. Includes an outstanding list of partnerships in each domain (A, C, P/S).
Create a list of Parent/Guardian Volunteer Involvement as a part of your program. Make sure it is a commendable list of activities, outstanding strategies to increase parent/guardian volunteer involvement. Include comprehensive list of names, numbers, and email of persons to contact about becoming involved.
Decide on 3 goals focusing on improving your program and include a strong commitment statement to continuous improvement. Use of data to identify areas of need, and prioritization of 3 areas of improvement.
Create a list of the ways you keep the school community informed and make sure it is an exemplary list of the methods and media (print, personal contact and electronic) used to keep the school community informed is clearly presented. Include that all essential information is provided in the primary language(s) of the students’ families and include an outstanding statement of sharing information with faculty, administration, local governing board, and community.
Make sure all content is exceptionally clear, concise, and significant. Graphs are outstanding, and there is complete alignment between them and the written text. A consistent “voice” is obvious throughout the document. NO typos/ grammatical errors. Font is Times New Roman and minimum size is NOT smaller than 10 for text, 8 for graphs. Paper size is 8 ½ X 11 or 8 ½ X 14 for full entry.
Complete entry in WORD Formatand submit as aWORD document or pdf.
Complete application form.
Complete your cover letter. Cover Letter is a one page overview of your team’s RAVE process and distribution plan, including name of applicant and publication approval and permission statement (word for word) below:
This document has been approved as a public document. This RAVE accurately reflects the student support system and the efforts of the school counseling and guidance program in its design, implementation, evaluation, and coordination. This document has been proofread for typographical or grammatical errors. You have my permission to post this RAVE on the ALCA website and the ALSDE Classroom Improvement website.
Complete self-scored rubric.
Electronically submit the above 4 items
Make a check out to ALSCA for $50 with RAVE on the memo line and send it to
Cindy Davis, RAVE Chair
155 Murry Drive
Madison, AL 35758
(Application deadline: August 15th, results notification sent in October)