------CEN 5035 - Software Engineering ------

Exam 2 -- Spring 2008 – Solution Notes

  1. Potentially changeable design decisions are isolated (i.e., “hidden”)to minimize the impact of change.
  1. a. The UML (Unified Modelling Language) is the de factointernational

standard for OO modelling.

b. Several competing notations for OOD were proposed in the 1980s and

1990s. To avoid slowing the adoption of object technology, an

effort was undertaken to integrate these notations in the mid 90’s.

The initial standard was adopted by the Object Management Group, a

consortium of companies, in 1997.

c. UML is comprised of a number of different models that may be

produced during OO analysis and design (user view, structural view,

behavioural view, implementation view, etc.).

  1. Theinternal object state of an active object may be changed by the

object itself and not simply by external calls. (I.e., execution

activities in an active object need not be triggered by external calls

on its methods.)

  1. a. Cross-cutting concerns are program elements reflecting (functional

and non-functional) requirements that are distributed among a

number of system components. Aspects(are abstractions that)

encapsulate the code associated with a cross-cutting concern.

b. tangling: when a component in a system includes code that

implements different system requirements

advice: the code implementing a concern

join point:event in an executing program where the advice

associated with an aspect may be executed

  1. a. It models the sequence of interactions when the external mapping

system requests data from a weather station.

b. Vertically; time progresses down the dashed vertical lines.

c. Interactions between objects. (They are messages or events – not


  1. The time when the corresponding object is the controlling object in the system.
  1. Components are often delivered as binary units so the buyer usually

does not have access to the implementation (i.e., source code).

7. (See page 419 of text.)

8. The level of required confidence depends on (1) the system’s purpose –

how critical the software is to an organization, (2) the expectations

of the system users – how willing they are to accept system failures,

and (3) the current marketing environment for the system – the number

and price of available competing products. (See pages 516 and 517 of

text for details.)

9. It means that the behaviour of a program when encountering a defect

during a test run (e.g., termination with an error message) may

prevent the observable manifestation of other program defects that

would otherwise be observable.

10. Are the resources required for each testing phase and activity

identified?Are the objectives and appropriate coverage criteria

clearly stated for each testing method identified? Are appropriate

entry and exit criteria identified for each test phase and activity?

11. a. The name was derived by analogy with semiconductor fabrication

units where defects are avoided by manufacturing in an ultra-clean

atmosphere. (The philosophy of Cleanroom software development is

defect avoidance rather than defect removal.)

b. Producing zero-defect software.

c. The development team is not allowed to undertake (dynamic) defect

(coverage) testing at any time in order to discourage the use of

“trial-and-error” based development strategy in which debugging is

employed to remove defects which are instead avoided using a

structured, formal approach to verification based on inspection of

code supplemented with correctness arguments.

12. Program inspection is a public process or error detection compared

with the more private component testing process. Inevitably, mistakes

that are made by individuals are revealed to the whole programming

team. Inspection team leaders must therefore be trained to manage the

process carefully and to develop a culture that does not provide

disincentives for finding errors. A management practice obviously

inconsistent with this would be usingpositive inspections results

(finding errors) in(negative) staff appraisals.

13. People naturally tend to avoid exposing work they are not confident

about to others for close scrutiny. Thus, a reader may be inclined to

gloss over parts of his/her work that are more likely to contain


14. If the input (initial state) satisfies pre-condition P and (if)

program S executes and terminates, then the output (final state) will

satisfy post-condition Q.

15. a. false, b. false, c.true, d. true, e. false, f.true

16. {P & b} S1 {Q}, {P b} S2 {Q}


{P} if b then S1 else S2 {Q}

{P & b} S1 {Q}: {Z=17& B>Z} Z := B {B>17& Z=B} Z=B  Q 

{P b}S2{Q}: {Z=17& B17}A := Z {Z=A=17 & B17}  B17  Q 

17. Causal Analysis: identifying the causes of errors in order to effect

process changes to eliminate future occurrences of those errors.

18. a. the presence of additional code reflecting functionality that is

not specified (e.g., a Trojan horse)

b. missing code reflecting unimplemented functions

19. a. P=>I, {I&b} S {I}, (I&~b)=>Q

b. P=>I: Does (N>=1 & Sum=0 & J=1) =>

Sum = (sum from k=1 to J-1) X[k]?

Yes, since 0 = Sum = (sum from k=1 to 0) X[k] = 0

{I&b} S {I}: {Sum = (sum from k=1 to J-1) X[k] & J>N+1}

Sum := Sum + X[J]

{Sum = (sum from k=1 to J) X[k] & J>N+1}

J := J+1

{Sum = (sum from k=1 to J-1) X[k] & J-1>N+1} => I

(I&~b)=>Q: Does Sum = (sum from k=1 to J-1) X[k] & J=N+1 =>

Sum = (sum from k=1 to N) X[k]?

Yes, since (N+1)-1 = N, yielding Q.


Test cases 1 and 2 provide Branch Coverage, but not Condition

Coverage (since condition B has not been True). Thus, Branch

Coverage does not subsume Condition Coverage.

21. a. X>Y & X+1<=Y & X+1=Y-1 = X+2=Y

b. X>Y & X+1>Y & X+1>Y+2 & X+2>Y+2 & X+2=Y+4 = X=Y+2

22. Reliability of a system depends on how that system is used. For

example, the pattern of use in a particular environment may involve

regularly exercising "buggy" parts of a system that areonly rarely

exercised in some other environment.

Reliability testing takes such differences into account through the

generation of test cases based on "operational profiles" which reflect

expected usage patterns in a given environment.

23. a.

b. 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 = 16


t1 t2 t3


c1 | T | T | T |


c2 | T | T | F |


c3 | T | F | T |


c4 | F | F | F|


e1 | T | T | T |


e2 | F | T | F |


24. From the top (“root”) module toward the bottom (“top-down”);

From bottom (“leaf”) modules toward the top (“bottom-up”);

By function (modules supporting key functions are integrated first);

Critical or high-risk modules first;

By availability

25.Focus is system behavior at or near overload conditions (i.e.,

"pushing the system to failure").In general, products should exhibit

"graceful" failures and non-abrupt performance degradation.

26. "Program evolution is a self-regulating process. System attributes

such as size, time between releases and the number of reported errors

is approximately invariant for each system release." This suggests

that large systems have a dynamic of their own that determines the

gross trends of the system maintenance process and limits the number

of possible system changes.

27. (See Figure 28.1, p. 667)

28. If the developers of a system have no contractual responsibility for

maintenance, there is no incentive to design for ease of future


29. a. The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is a DoD-funded organ-

ization (established in 1984 at CMU) to assess and improve the

capabilities of the US software industry.

b. The continuous representation enables comparisons across and among

organizations ona process-area-by-process-area basis; the staged

representation provides a single maturity rating that summarizes

appraisalresults over all process areas.