San Fernando Senior High School
Instructions for completion: Answer each question as completely as possible. The more information you give, the more helpful it is to the person writing a recommendation.
*Type up your information here (it will make it easier for you to print out a copy every time you need a letter of recommendation written). Make sure to delete these instructions before you print.
- What do you want to choose as your major in college and why?
- What experience do you have which will prepare you for that major?
- What are your career plans? How did your interest in this career develop?
- What would you like the university to know that is not in your transcript?
- What are some family experience and personal circumstances that are unique to you?
- What are some activities you spend your time on when you are not in class? What has been your involvement in these activities? What have you gained from this involvement?
- Are there any circumstances that may have affected your academic performance? Explain the circumstances and how you responded to them.
- What are the honors or awards that you have received?
- List extracurricular activities you have participated in, making special notice of any leadership positions:
- What volunteer and community service have you done?
- What are your particular strengths or weaknesses?
- Do you have any job experiences? To what use have you or will you put your earnings?
- What contributions will you make to the university that is unique to you?
- What or who has been an influence in your motivation and preparation to attend college?
- What colleges are you planning to apply to?
- Who are some teachers who could be a personal reference to you?
- Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself, which would be pertinent to include in your letters of recommendation?