Stewart Middle School U. S. History II Benchmark Test #2 Second 12 Weeks

1. Which of the following was NOT a reason of the Spanish-American war?

a. protection of American interest in Cuba

b. Yellow Journalism

c. sinking of the USS Maine

d. building of the Panama Canal

2. Which of the following statements is an example of yellow journalism?

a. It is believed that the sinking of the USS Maine is the work of the Spanish.

b. The explosion aboard the USS Maine took place after the sailors had gone to


c. Teddy Roosevelt led the Rough Riders up San Juan Hill.

d. “Remember the Maine!” became the battle cry for the Spanish-American war.

3. What was the result of the Spanish-American war?

a. The United States gains Cuba as a territory.

b. The United States took control of Mexico.

c. The United States emerges as a world power.

d. Spain continues to control Cuba.

4. The following were all Muckrakers except:

a. Lewis Hine

b. Susan B. Anthony

c. Ida Tarbell

d. Upton Sinclair

5. The purpose of Muckrakers was to:

a. encourage child labor

b. increase membership in labor unions

c. gain support for the war

d. expose the problems of society

6. German submarine warfare, sinking the ______in 1915, helped bring the

United States into World War I.

a. USS Maine

b. The Lusitania

c. The Titanic

d. The Monitor

7. Because of economic and political ties with ______, the United States

joined the Allies in World War I.

a. Mexico

b. Belgium

c. Great Britain

d. Spain

8. The immediate cause of World War I was:

a. the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

b. sinking of the Lusitania

c. the Zimmermann Note

d. unrestricted submarine warfare

9. The shaded country declared war on Serbia in 1914.

a. Austria-Hungary

b. Germany

c. Great Britain

d. United States

10. In 1914, which nation was NOT a member of the Allies?

a. Great Britain

b. Germany

c. Russia

d. France

11. What was Woodrow Wilson’s plan for a lasting peace after World War I called?

a. Versailles Treaty


c. Fourteen Points

d. United Nation

12. Which of the following was a cause of World War I?

a. states rights

b. the alliance system

c. pacifism

d. a trade imbalance

13. Which of the following was NOT a long term cause of World War I?

a. nationalism

b. imperialism

c. militarism

d. blockade

14. When World War I broke out in Europe, The United States adopted a policy of

a. Militarism

b. Isolationism

c. Imperialism

d. Expansionism

15. Which of the following was NOT a member of the Central Powers?

a. Germany

b. Russia

c. Austria-Hungary

d. Ottoman Empire

16. Which nation did NOT become a member of the League of Nations at the end of

World War I?

a. Italy

b. United States

c. France

d. England

17. Which of the following was NOT a reason for the United States entering

World War I?

a. German use of unrestricted submarine warfare

b. assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

c. sinking of the Lusitania

d. the Zimmerman Telegram

18. Which of the following is NOT a result of prohibition?

a. speakeasies

b. bootleggers

c. gangsters

d. temperance

19. Which woman is associated with women’s suffrage more than anyone else?

a. Carrie Nation

b. Eleanor Roosevelt

c. Susan B. Anthony

d. Ida Tarbell

20. The Temperance Movement involved people opposed to making and consuming


a. cars

b. short skirts

c. meat

d. alcohol

21. All of the following are reasons for the Great Migration except:

a. better opportunities for African Americans in southern cities

b. low paying jobs for African Americans

c. discrimination of African Americans

d. violence against African Americans

22. Which of the following is NOT matched correctly?

a. Langston Hughes – Poetry

b. Jacob Lawrence – Music

c. Georgia O’Keeffe – Art

d. F. Scott Fitzgerald – Literature

23. F. Scott Fitzgerald is to John Steinbeck as Aaron Copland is to ______

a. Jacob Lawrence

b. Georgia O’Keeffe

c. Langston Hughes

d. George Gershwin

24. Which of the following contributed to the stock market crash of 1929?

a. over speculation of stocks.

b. low interest rates.

c. heavy government regulation of the New York Stock Exchange.

d. collapse of the German Stock Market.

25. Which of the following did not happen to the farmers during the Great Depression?

a. farmers’ incomes fell to low levels.

b. prices of livestock fell.

c. demand for farmers’ crops continued to decline.

d. prices for wheat rose.

26. During the Great Depression, ______of workers were without jobs.

a. one third

b. one fourth

c. one half

d. two thirds

27. Which of the following was not a cause of the Great Depression.

a. over speculation of stocks.

b. people borrowed money that they could not repay when stock prices fell.

c. the outbreak of WWII.

d. collapse of the banking system.

28. President Franklin Roosevelt’s plan to combat the Great Depression was called

a. Square Deal

b. Fair Deal

c. New Deal

d. Big Deal

29. Which of the following was a lasting reform of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s


a.  Social Security Act

b.  reduction of federal taxes

c.  elimination of the national debt

d.  women’s suffrage

30. What two presidents served in office during the Great Depression?

a. Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge

b. Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt

c. Teddy Roosevelt and William Howard Taft

d. Harry Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower

31. What was one reason that Congress established the Tennessee Valley Authority?

a. to gain government control of private power companies.

b. to increase the power of the Republican Party.

c. to provide cheap electricity to seven southern states.

d. to limit the use of rivers for transportation.

32. What was the purpose of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933?

a. to resettle farmers who lost their farms as a result of the Dust Bowl.

b. to raise the standard of living for tenant farmers.

c. to reduce crop production in order to increase prices.

d. to improve farm efficiency

33. What technique did FDR use to communicate with the American public during the

Great Depression?

a.  newspaper interviews

b.  press conferences

c.  State of the Union address

d.  Fireside chat over the radio

34. Which American author wrote about the plight of the migrant farmers in the novel

The Grapes of Wrath?

a. F. Scott Fitzgerald

b. John Steinbeck

c. Mark Twain

d. Samuel Clements

35. Many southern states segregated African Americans in public facilities by passing

the ______.

a.  Civil Rights Act.

b.  Wade-Davis Bill

c.  Jim Crow laws

d.  Taft-Hartley Act

36. Which of the following would have been employed under the Works Progress


a.  artists

b.  musicians

c.  construction

d.  all of the above

37. Which New Deal program provided young, single men with employment?

a. CCC

b. WPA

c. AAA

d. DJL

38. Which New Deal program had the biggest impact on the banking system?

a. WPA


c. Social Security Act

d. CCC

39. Farmers who lived in the Dust Bowl were often forced to

a. auction off their farms

b. become migrant workers

c. accept government aid

d. all of the above

40. Identify the 1919 world event that brought these four men together in France.

a. the signing of the Treaty of Versailles

b. Armistice Agreement

c. declaration to stop submarine warfare

d. the ribbon cutting ceremony for the opening of the Eiffel Tower