JUNE 15, 2015


The Wortham ISD Board of Trustees met in regular session on June 15, 2015 at 6:30pm in the Administration Building at 201 S. 4th St., Wortham, TX 76693.

Members present: Brent Jones, Doug Miller, Tadd Dunnahoe, and James Sessions

Members absent: Sam Wright, Billy Perez and Jeff Jones

Board President, James Sessions called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. A quorum of the board was present.

Public comments: Tadd Dunnahoe commented that this was the best graduation that he had attended. He expressed his appreciation to Amy Jo Miller, Mr. Allen and others that all contributed to graduation being a success. Their hard work paid off.

Doug Miller made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 26, 2015 board meeting. Tadd Dunnahoe seconded. m/c unanimously.

Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, Sherry Shivers, administered the Statement of Officer and Oath of Office to re-elected board member Doug Miller, Place 2.

Tadd Dunnahoe made a motion to re-elect the same board officers, James Sessions-President, Tadd Dunnahoe-Vice President, and Doug Miller-Secretary. Brent Jones seconded. m/c unanimously.

Reports provided:

Cheri’ Spencer-Testing Coordinator, was present to give the STARR test results

Chris Tobola-Athletic Director
James Dorman-IT Department
Jeff Craig-Maintenance/Transportation
David Allen- Superintendent-finance and facilities

Brent Jones made a motion to approve the contract for drug detection services with Kontraband Interdiction and Detection Services (K.I.D.S) for the 2015-2016 school year. Doug Miller seconded. m/c uanimously.

Doug Miller made a motion to approve the letter of engagement for Audit services for 2015-2016 school year with Mr. Bill Coombes. Brent Jones seconded. m/c unanimously.

Tadd Dunnahoe made a motion to approve the aditions, revisions or deletions to local policies DBB, DEA, DEAA, DEAB, DFFA, DHE, FNC, and FO as recommended by TASB policy service. Doug Miller seconded. m/c uanimously.

The board adjourned to closed session to discuss personnel at 7:02.
The board returned to regular sesson at 8:18.

Tadd Dunnahoe made a moton to approve Superintendent David Allen’s recommendation to hire Daniel Villaneuva on a 10 mth probationary dual assignment contract for the 2015-2016 school year. Brent Jones seconded. m/c unanimously.

Brent Jones made a motion to adjourn. Tadd Dunnahoe seconded. m/c unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 8:19pm.


