Implementation of Question Basket approach

Subject: Work Education Subject Teacher : Om Prakash Chand TGT / WE

S.No / Date / Class / Name of Activity / Topic. / Question Droppedby the students. / Answer of the Question/ discussed in the Class.
1/ 27.08.2014 / VIII B / Study of theparts of a Fan Regulator. / What is rotatory Switch ? / Switch is a device which is used to make and break path of electricity in a circuit. Different types of switches are used in Electrical & Electronics gadgets / Appliances e.g. Single pole switch, Double Pole, Three pole switch and sliding switch, Press switch, Piano Type Switch etc. Rotatory switch is one of them. It has multiple- tapping contacts which are internally connected with the help of a thin metallic plate and a metallic ball to make and break the contact of the circuit.
Main advantage of this is that it works as Multi - pole switch. It is used in fan regulator to control the speed of the fan by varying the voltage passing to it by applying resistance of different value.
2/ 27.08.2014 / VIII B / Study of the parts of a Fan Regulator. / What is ment by Ohm’s Law / German scientist G.S. OHM proposed a law which gives the relationship between the resistance of the circuit and potential applied between its terminals and current passes through it. This is known as the famous Ohm’s Law in electricity. R = V / I Where R- Resistance, V- Voltage applied, & I- Current.
3 / 27.08.2014 / VI A / Importance of Work Education subject. / What is difference between Work And Education ? Whether it is the same name ? / Yes. In this context Work And Education are not two different words. It is the name of the subject introduced by the CBSE in the syllabus. Work Education helps the students :
To develop respect for manual work and regard for manual workers.
Inculcates Socially desirable values such as Self-reliance, Helpfulness, Cooperativeness, Tolerance and team work
It develops proper work habits and Values such as : Regularity, Punctually, Discipline, Honesty, Efficiency Love of Excellence and Dedication to duty etc.
4 / 27.08.2014 / VII A / Study of Electrical Symbols. / What is Electrical Symbol ? / Electrical Symbols are Universal approved Drawing of an electrical accessory or component in a small symbolic form. It is used to simplify thecircuit drawing in the study of Engineering.
5 / 27.08.2014 / VII A / Study of Electrical Symbols. / What is D.P. , MCB, ? / D.P. – Double Pole Switch – Used in stair case wiring.
M.C.B - Miniature Circuit Breaker – Nowadays these
are frequently using for safety purpose against the short circuit in place of Fuses.AEH -
6 / / VIII B / Study of / What is AEH ? / abbreviated form ofAll Electric Home Accessories.
7 / / Study of Electrical Symbols. / What is A EH Switches ? / switches made by All Electric Home Accessories Company are marked as AEH Switch. .
8 / / IX A,B / Study of Electrical Instruments. / What is meaning of AC & DC Amperemeter ? / Ampere meter is a device or an instrument which is used to measure the Electric Current in the circuit. There are two types of current – Direct Current ( DC) and Alternating Current ( AC) .
9 / / VIII B / Study of Dry Cell ? / What is Dry Cell and Voltmeter ? / Dry cell is the source of electrical potential or we can say it is a device which converts Chemical energy into Electrical Energy.
Voltmeter is an instrument which is used to measure the voltage between two terminals of the electric circuit. It is always connected in Parallel to the device.
10/ / IX C / Study of Electronic Components. / Why we should we use resistance in the Circuit. / Resistances are used in the electric circuit to control the voltage thus the current.
11 / / IX C / Study of Electronic Components. / Is it necessary to put resistance in the circuit ? / Yes. They are very important components which play a vital role in the fabrication of the electronic circuit. Different types, Shape and size and capacity/ wattage, resistance are used in the electronic engineering.
12 / / X A / Study of Combination of Resistance? / What is Mixed Combination of resistance ? / Beside Series combination and Parallel Combination there is one more combination of the resistance in which series and parallel combination both are utilized as per requirement of the circuit. Thus we get the required equivalent value resistance by this combination.
13 / 02.09.2014 / IX C / Study of e-waste. / What are benefits of E- Waste recycling ? / Many useful materials and Metals can be extracted from e- waste recycling process. Plastic, PVC, Gold, Silver, Aluminum and Copper etc. are few of them.
14/ 28.10.2014 / VIII A / Study of Immersion Water Heater. / What is Heat Energy ? What is electric energy ? / There are different forms of Energy. One of them is Heat. It is a type of sensation in our body.which generally produced by temperature difference.
The energy produced by electricity is called electric energy.
15 / 28.10.2014 / VIII A / Study of Immersion Water Heater. / What is Immersion Water Heater ? / Immersion Water heater is a device which is used to convert the electric energy to Heat energy.
16 / 28.102014 / VIII A / Study of Immersion Water Heater. / How many types of heaters are there ? / Room Heater, Car Heater, Hair dryer heater, Boiler heater, Water immersion heater, Electric Stove Heateretc are some types of heaters which are frequently used in domestic life.
17/ 28.10.2014 / VIII A / Study of Immersion Water Heater. / How water Heater heats the water? / Water heater is a device which is used to convert the electric energy to heat energy. Due to high specific resistance of the heater filament material, it produces hindrance in the path of flow of electricity. The result is that electric energy converts into Heat energy. This is transferred to the water, which gets heat up.
18/ 29.10.2014 / IX B / Study of Immersion Water Heater. / What is I.W.H. / I.W.H. is abbreviated form of Immersion Water Heater.