NAME: ______DATE: ______

Great Sentences, 2ed

Unit 6

Grammar Practice 1

Circle the letter of the answer that correctly completes each sentence.

1. John ______at the University of Miami next fall.

(a) will to study(c) is going to study

(b) going to study(d) is to study

2. ______you while you’re here?

(a) Your family is going to visit (c) Your family will visit

(b) Is your family going to visit(d) Is going to visit your family

3. Leslie ______her neighbor with directions to the party.

(a) is call to(c) will to call

(b) will call(d) is going to will call

4. ______in class tomorrow?

(a) You will be(c) You are going to be

(b) Are you be(d) Will you be

5. ______until next semester.

(a) I am will graduate(c) I am will not graduate

(b) I will not to graduate(d) I am not going to graduate

6. My mother ______before I go to sleep.

(a) will not get home(c) will not to get home

(b) will not getting home(d) will not got home

7. ______us extra time to prepare for the presentation?

(a) Is the teacher to allow(c) Will the teacher to allow

(b) Is the teacher will allow(d) Is the teacher going to allow

8. The train ______on schedule.

(a) isn’t going to depart(c) won’t going to depart

(b) isn’t going to will(d) isn’t will going to depart

9. If you have time later, ______with my homework?

(a) you will help me(c) you are going to help me

(b) will you are going to help me(d) will you help me

10. Tyler ______for a job at the restaurant on the corner.

(a) is going to apply(c) will to apply

(b) going to apply(d) is going not to apply

11. Martha ______her house because she plans to sell it soon.

(a) no will paint(c) is not going to paint

(b) not going to paint(d) won’t not paint

12. ______your family tonight?

(a) Are you going to call(c) Will you to call

(b) Are you will call(d) You are going to call

13. ______my grass this weekend because I don’t have time.

(a) I’m no going to cut(c) I no am cutting

(b) I’m not going to cut(d) I no will cut

14. Sam ______to help me move my furniture this weekend.

(a) isn’t going to time(c) no will have time

(b) isn’t having time(d) won’t have time

15. ______the movie Finding Nemo any time soon?

(a) You are going to see(c) Are you will see

(b) You are will see(d) Are you going to see

16. ______television tonight because I have too much homework.

(a) I am not go to watch(c) I no will watch

(b) I am not going to watch(d) I not going to watch

17. ______the phone for me, please?

(a) Will you answer(c) You will answer

(b) Are going to answer(d) Answer you

18. Gloria ______to New Orleans, Louisiana, for her high school concert.

(a) going to go(c) will to go

(b) is going to go(d) is going to will

19. ______a ride to school tomorrow because I had my car fixed today.

(a) I no need(c) I am not needing

(b) I no will need(d) I won’t need

20. Nancy ______cookies for her son’s class.

(a) will be going to bake(c) is going baking

(b) is going to bake(d) will to bake

Grammar Practice 2

A. Complete the letter by circling the correct time word(s) in parentheses.

Dear Mom,

Hi. How are you? I’m fine, but I miss you and Dad a lot. I’m staying very busy here at school, so I don’t have a lot of time to call or write. You won’t believe how full my schedule is every day. I wake up at 7 a.m., and the (first / finally / after that) thing I do is go to the dorm cafeteria and have breakfast. (First / After that / Before that), I run four miles, so I don’t have to feel guilty about all the pizza I have been eating. (Tomorrow / Next week / Then) I go to class from 11:00 until 2:00. (After / Next / Later) class, I spend some time at the library. I study and talk to some friends. (Later / Before / First), I take a slow walk home and get ready for dinner. I forgot to tell you that (after / before / next) dinner, I take a short nap. I’m almost always hungry (after / finally / next) my nap, so I like to go directly to the cafeteria soon (after / before / later) I wake up.

See? I’m very busy – and that’s just my daily schedule! (Next week / Last week / Later week) is also going to be full. I have band practice every day after school, and (finally / first / then) our band has an important two-day competition.

Anyway, Mom, that’s what’s happening here. I hope now you understand why you don’t hear from me so much. Give my love to Dad.



B. Read the sentences below. Pay special attention to the underlined articles. There are seven article errors. Find each one and write the correct answer above it. If the sentence is correct, write C.


Example:I bought an beautiful shirt.

1. My next door neighbor has the black dog.

2. Nina saw a baby squirrel on the ground.

3. We saw a orangutan in a tree at the zoo.

4. The San Diego Zoo is a largest zoo in the United States.

5. A brown dog that lives next door seems to be sick.

6. My parents bought me an new puppy for my birthday.

7. Hugh has always wanted to have the pet snake.

8. Liz and her father have a largest dog in their building.

9. When Elena was a little girl, her family owned a Dalmatian.

10. The winner of the Westminster Kennel Club competition was a poodle.

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