Mr. Prater (Rm. 222)

TEXT: Principles and Practices (Economics), Glencoe McGraw Hill: $84.00

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will educate students on the composition and functions of the intricate components of our economic system and how they function compared to those of other countries. It is designed to prepare students to analyze problems, form opinions based on knowledge, and to make educated decisions through the application of economic concepts. This course is offered for the semester.

COURSE GOAL: Our goal is to prepare students to be knowledgeable and responsible citizens so that they will be able to meet the challenges of the future and become a positive entity of our society and understanding in how our economy functions in an interdependent world.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: This course will consist of a combination of lecture, class discussion, projects, test, and homework, class work, check-ups over standards, unit tests, and performance tasks all aligned with the Georgia Standards of Excellence(GSE) and elements for Economics. A rubric or checklist may be used to score certain assignments. There are opportunities to earn extra points. Please take advantage of these. Students are expected to achieve mastery of standards and elements and may be assigned remedial work to help them meet or exceed the standards. E2020 will be available to students for remediation. All assignments are due on the date that I assign. Assignments will be posted on the board everyday. Students are to keep an organized.

COURSE SCHEDULE: The following topics will be covered during first nine weeks- Supply and demand, factors of production, and characteristics of different economic systems, economic exchange, types of businesses and types of market structures, and personal finance. In the second nine weeks- labor and consumer issues, banking functions, types of unemployment, career opportunities, Federal Reserve, monetary and fiscal policies, international trade, and trade agreements.

MATERIALS: Bring textbook, notebook, paper and pen/pencil to class everyday! You will need a notebook for your journal. Their will/can be a book check at the 2-weeks progress report.

CLASS RULES: 1) Be on time, in seat, and with materials when the bell rings.

2) Be prepared to stay in class the entire period.


3) Respect yourself and others at all times.

4) Food, drink, and personal grooming are not permitted in class.

5) All assignments are due on time.


6) Be accountable for your behavior and actions.

7) Use of cellular devices is permitted for educational purposes only, and only when the teacher assigns.

8) The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell.

GRADE CALCULATION: Homework/Class work, performance assessment, quizzes, and notebook are 40%, unit test and unit performance task are 40%. Final exam (GA Milestone EOCT) 20%.

GENERAL INFO: Absences: It is the responsibility of the student to make up any missed assignments after being absent. It is also the student’s responsibility to get the assignment from the teacher. Student must make up work as described by the student handbook.

I will have a mass text system that will alert you to upcoming test and projects through Remind 101. Your child will bring home the way to get connected to the Remind 101 message system. Each class will have a different code to text to a number. The text messaging rates will apply.

TARDINESS: Tardiness will go by the student handbook.

DISCIPLINE: You are young adults please act as young adults. Students are expected to be courteous and respectful to the teacher and fellow students at all times. If problems should occur, the student will be disciplined in the following ways: Removed from the situation, assigned a new seat, counseled, parent contact, after/before school attention (1 day to arrange transportation), and/or discipline referral to the office.

** The teacher reserves the right to add or delete from this syllabus as needed. Students will be informed of any changes made.**

Student Signature:______

Parents/Guardian Signature:______