Co-ordinating Committee for International D. H. Lawrence Conferences (CCILC)

The CCILC, established in June 1993 in Ottawa, Canada, at the 5th International D. H. Lawrence Conference, is the international body charged with authorizing international Lawrence conferences every 2-4 years. As constituted in 1993, with John Worthen as the first chair (President), its role was “to ensure the orderly and continuous planning of international conferences on the work of D. H. Lawrence.” These conferences were “to nurture the ongoing international conversation about Lawrence's work” and to occur if possible “in places Lawrence himself lived and worked.” CCILC members were to represent their constituencies and disseminate information about upcoming conferences. CCILC convenes at each international DHL conference to authorize a proposal for the next conference.

No record exists of a formal CCILC constitution being written, revised, or ratified during 1993 or after. However, with the help of the internet, the CCILC was formally re-constituted before the 12th International D. H. Lawrence Conference in Sydney, at which it authorized a proposal for the 13th International DHL Conference in 2014.

The membership of CCILC is as follows:

(1) Ex-officio: representatives of duly constituted Lawrence societies (at present, Britain, Japan, Korea, North America, Australia), of the DHL Centre at Nottingham University, and of any DHL societies that might be established in future; editors of Lawrence journals--including the Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies (Britain), the D. H. Lawrence Review (North America), Études Lawrenciennes (France), and D. H. Lawrence Studies (Korea)-­ would also serve as ex-officio representatives, as would executive directors of immediately past and immediately forthcoming international D. H. Lawrence conferences authorized by CCILC;

(2) Representatives (elected or appointed by the Chair) from constituencies not covered by (1): New Zealand, Italy, France, Germany, South Africa, India, Brazil, Sweden, Canada, and other active centers of Lawrence scholarship.

Current Officers: Paul Eggert, Chair; Co-Executive Directors for the upcoming (2014) Conference

CCILC Members reviewing proposals submitted June 2011, Sydney (members unable to attend sent comments on via email):

Paul Eggert, Australia (CHAIR) Paul Eggert <>
David Game, Australia and Conference Organizer 2011
Nancy Louise Paxton, USA and Conference Organizer 2011
Eleanor Green, Editor, DHLR
Betsy Sargent, Canada and President DHLSNA
Holly Laird, USA and President-Elect DHLSNA
Hiroshi Muto, Japan

Masashi Asai, Japan

Andrew Harrison, UK and Editor JDHLS
Bethan Jones, UK
Sean Matthews, Malaysia and Conference Organizer 2007
Stefania Michelucci, Italy
Simonetta De Filippis, Italy
Sachidananda Mohanty, India
Jim Phelps, South Africa
Ginette Roy, France and Editor Études Lawrenciennes
Carol Veit, France

Dieter Mehl, Germany
Christa Jansohn , Germany
Doo-Sun Ryu, Korea and Editor D. H. Lawrence Studies

Nak-chung Paik, Korea
Edina Pereira Crunfli, Brazil
Barnard E. Turner, Republic of Singapore
Lee M. Jenkins, Ireland
Marija Knezevic, Montenegro
Géza Maráczi, Hungary
Maria Aline Seabra Ferreira, Portugal

Fereshteh Zangenehpour, Sweden

Margret Gunnarsdottir Champion, Sweden

Laurence Steven, Canada Laurence Steven <>