Job Title: Social Prescribing Co-ordinator

Salary:NJC Point 31 £26,831 per annum pro rata

Hours: 37 hours per week

Duration: Initially temp for one year. We would welcome a secondment.

Location: York CVS, 15 Priory Street, York YO1 6ET

Reporting to: Deputy Chief Executive

Overview of the Post:

To lead and implement the Social Prescribing pilot project being delivered in partnership with York CVS, City of York Council / Clinical Commissioning Group, Priory Medical Group and Voluntary sector partners.

The role will develop a social prescribing service that meets the health and wellbeing needs of a defined cohort of individuals through the provision of non-medical interventions in the community. The postholder will work in partnership to identify the cohort, make links with the pilot GP practice, identify a small group of Voluntary sector providers and work with them to develop a menu of social prescription options and develop the referral system. The postholder will need to work closely with the Priory Medical Group / integrated hub team and York CVS’s Executive Team and Volunteering York service.

The model is driven by and aligned with City of York Council’s and the Clinical Commissioning Groups integrated vision and will offer:

  • Health and wellbeing outcomes that can be improved and sustained through non-medical interventions.
  • Support and signposting close to individuals home and in the community.
  • Proactive case management, earlier intervention and preventative services, reducing demand for acute services.
  • A person centred, needs led and holistic approach.
  • Enhanced community capacity through volunteering and brokerage.

In working with partners to develop social prescription options, we are looking to develop the following types of interventions and outcomes:

  • Self management and healthy lifestyle programmes – active individuals with improved health outcomes.
  • Social / leisure, arts and crafts – reducing social isolation and increasing independence.
  • Mentoring and befriending – reducing loneliness.
  • Learning, skills and confidence building – higher numbers accessing / attaining ETE.
  • Benefits and budgeting – reducing debts and poverty.
  • Volunteering – skills development, employment readiness.
  • Signposting to other services e.g. housing, transport – reducing homelessness, facilitating hospital discharge.

Although initially for one year, the intention is to secure future funding to mainstream and rollout the model across the city following successful evaluation. The Co-ordinator will play a key role in this development.

The role will be based at York CVS Priory Street but will involve some travel across the city.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Towork in partnership with key agencies involved in the development and delivery of the model, including City of York Council, Clinical Commissioning Group, Priory Medical Group and Voluntary Sector Providers.
  1. To lead on the planning, implementation and evaluation of the Social Prescribing service.
  1. To work with Priory Medical Group and GP’s to develop suitable referral processes.
  1. To work with initially a small group of Voluntary sector providers to develop a menu of social prescription options and agree the process for referral and signposting to these interventions.
  1. To develop and use an agreed framework for carrying out initial needs assessments of individuals referred to the service to enable effective and responsive pathways in to intervention / support.
  1. To develop all service paperwork and a database to meet reporting requirements. This will include monitoring and reporting of referrals, interventions and outcomes.It will involve obtaining consent and developing processes to support joint working and information sharing arrangements. All systems must support the identification and reporting of any safeguarding concerns and risks / vulnerabilities.
  1. To support York CVS’ Deputy CEO in performance management of the service, meeting contract monitoring requirements and the provision of timely service information and outcomes data.
  1. To lead on the evaluation of the service, collating and reporting on referral numbers, interventions delivered and outcomes. To work closely with York CVS Deputy CEO on the production of the evaluation report and development opportunities relating to the services ongoing sustainability. This may involve contributing to funding bids.
  1. To be committed to the values of York CVS and ensure all our services and facilities are consistent with these values.
  1. To liaise closely with the Deputy Chief Executive to deliver the models objectives and to undertake any other duties relevant to the level of the post as determined by the Deputy Chief Executive.

Prepared/Reviewed by: Melanie McQueen/Jane HamiltonDate:

Post holder's signature:Date:

Person Specification: Social Prescribing Co-ordinator

Essential / Desirable / How assessed*
Values and Personal Attributes
1.1 A demonstrable commitment to the values of York CVS /  / AF/INT
1.2 An understanding of and commitment to the role of volunteers within the organisation /  / AF/INT
1.3 Positive work ethic: professional, enthusiastic, dependable, conscientious /  / AF/INT/R
1.4 Ability to work flexibly and effectively as part of a team /  / AF/INT/R
1.5 Proactive approach to personal development and the updating of skills and knowledge /  / AF/INT
2.1 Significant experience of delivering services to vulnerable individuals who may have multiple needs /  / AF/INT/R
2.2 Experience of developing, implementing and evaluating services that meet the wellbeing needs of individuals in the community and demonstrate outcomes / 
2.3Significant experience of working in partnership and collaboratively with agencies across the public and voluntary sector /  / AF/INT/R
2.4 Experience in developing and implementing systems and processes to support contract monitoring and reporting, including database and performance management and evidencing outcomes / 
2.5 Experience in contract and project management / 
2.6 Experience of using MS Outlook and other MS Office software /  / AF/INT/R
3.1 Relevant health and/or social care qualification or equivalent experience /  / AF/Cert
Skills & Knowledge
4.1 Ability to work with individuals to identify, assess and address their health and wellbeing needs /  / AF/INT//R
4.2 Ability to negotiate and co-ordinate holistic services to meet individuals needs and ability to resolve problems /  / AF/INT//R
4.3 Ability to work collaboratively and in partnership with individuals, referrers, providers and commissioners – to include GP’s, voluntary sector, local authority and health /  / AF/INT//R
4.4Able to act with confidentiality, discretion and regard to sensitivity of information. /  / AF/INT/R
4.5 Excellent organizational, communication and interpersonal skills. /  / AF/INT//R/AT
4.6 Knowledge and understanding of multiple needs, safeguarding and how to respond to risks / vulnerabilities / 
4.7Strong IT skills including spreadsheets, databases and e-mail /  / AF/INT/R/AT
Other Requirements
5.1 Flexible approach to working hours; able and willing to outside of normal office hours, with appropriate notice, to accommodate the demands of the service. /  / AF/INT

* Key to how skills are assessed

AF = Application FormP = Presentation

INT = InterviewAT = Assessment/Task exercise

R = References CERT – Certificate of qualification to be checked

Prepared/Reviewed by: Melanie McQueen/Jane HamiltonDate:

Post holder's signature:Date: