WASBO, Inc. Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

June 5, 2014

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Thursday, June 5, 2014 – 9:30am

WASBO Offices

Wisconsin School Leadership Center

4797 Hayes Road, Madison, WI 53704

WASBO Vision
To be the most influential Wisconsin organization for state and national school business management and leadership.

WASBO Mission
To provide professional development, to foster a network of support and to advocate for funding that ensures outstanding educational opportunities for all children in Wisconsin.


  1. Call to Order and Welcome New Board Members at 9:36am

In attendance: Lynn Knight, John Gahan Ken Mischler, Jim Beckmann, Jay Clark, Woody Wiedenhoeft, Bob Avery, Jeanne Stahl, Ted Hayes, Cathy Cramer, Janice DeMeuse, Kent Ellickson, Jason Demerath, Dale Zabel, Rob Nelson, Andy Wieland. Also in attendance Bob Borch,Constitution Committee Chair and Jon Bales, WASDA Executive Director. Participating by conference call: Director, Kathy Davis

  1. Discussion and Action Items
  2. Strategic Planning, John and Lynn

Jon Bales continued the Policy Governance discussion and asked for the board’s perspective. The dialogue includedseveral directors sharing their viewpoints which included: how the board would set policy, roles between the board and executive director would be defined, and the process wouldmodel andeducate members. Mr Bales shared that Policy Governance is strict and the board has its own role in the organization.He also noted that it allows the board to be thoughtful in how policy is written. Is Policy Governance for WASBO? The viewpoint discussion continued with these questions: How do we hire the next executive director? What about new board members and how do they buy in?Mr Bales noted that Board orientation will be very important for new board members.The governance structure will address structure. It was also noted that candidacy process should be reviewed. Educating members will be crucial. Jon noted this processwill change the organizations by-laws. At this time not sure if membership truly understands policy governance. Jon asked the board if they were comfortable with the pace of the process and all agreed the dialogue was good. Jon will send a first cut draft of the executive limitations for the next meeting.

  1. WASBO Strategic Plan, Initiatives, Goals and Measurement, John
  • 1-3 year smart goals for each area including measurements in three areasNetworking, Leadership Development and Advocacy. The group discussed the main areas from the April meeting and redefined to:

Advocacy – WASBO will provide resources, training, and support to members and educational organizations to improve advocacy skills that enhance their influence on the decision making of policy makers in regards to school operations. (Measurements - SAA Legislative results - survey legislature as to the effectiveness of the SAA advocacy. Survey the membership with regard to their contact with legislators. SAA Legislative results what percentage of legislative items were accomplished. Is that outcomes of the agenda. To what extent has WASABO been able to affect the SAA agenda? The SAA agenda will be developed by all the organizations and then sent to each board for endorsement. Woody spoke to the fact that metrics could be placed on certain line items including the contacts he makes and then report out on the data. Woody’s June article helps in providing information and talking points for members. Woody suggested that committees will help provide some of this information. Could also be accomplished through conference sessions.)

Networking – WASBO will increase networking opportunities to improve the relationships of educational leaders so that the quality of educational programs for our students is outstanding. (Measurements - Action statements to make that happen – work with committee chairs. WASBO is pretty close to the policy governance model. How do we measure networking opportunities? Is it effective networking?) Are we meeting the needs of the Service Affiliate members? Sessions for SA members. Regionals are a great way to meet and network. Survey question could be Do you meet 1 or 2 times with your Regional Group. This does not include how we work with service affiliates. How do we network with other SAA organizations? Actions will be measureable. Goal Action teams should align with Networking, Leadership Dev and Advocacy. Leadership Development – John shared his experience at the ASBO Leadership Conference. How do we get new members incorporated into the organization? Take leadership opportunities back to their district? John wants to develop leaders both for WASBO and their district).

Professional Development – WASBO will provide meaningful, relevant and accessible continuous opportunities for idea/best practice exchange for members. (Measurement– offer one or two sessions on leadership development. Leadership is a component of Professional Development.Several members shared that bookkeepers and comptrollers don’t’ want to be the face/front person of the district but would behelpful if they could attend leadership sessions to help understand how the Business Manager works with the board, legislature and superintendent. How will this be measured? Should the board measure OR the committee chairs who report back to Woody? Generalconsensus from the board to allow working committeesreport how to make the conference/networking measureable. Allow committees to evaluate onAdvocacy, Networking and Professional/Leadership Development rather than based on the chronological conference program. Delegate the outcome results to committee chairs. Job description for liaisonswas developed so they could share board’s expectations.Get feedback on statements to John and/or Lynn. Discussion will continue to next board meeting.)

  • Board Self Evaluation, clarify expectations in writing
  1. Payroll/HR Certifications, Bob – 5 minutes
  2. Executive Director Evaluation, Board and Woody– 60 minutes
  • Executive Director Contract, Lynn – 5 minutesIt was moved by Director Ellickson and seconded by Director Avery to approve the executive director contract. Motion carried
  • Executive Director MOU, It was moved by Director Ellickson and seconded by Director Avery to approve the executive director MOU. Motion carried.
  1. Role of Board Liaisons and Committee Chair Appointments, John – 5 minutes
  2. Tom Wohlleber nominated to run for ASBO Board Vice President – 5 minutes approved all It was moved by Director Avery and seconded by Director Wieland to approve Tom Wohlleber’ s run for ASBO Board Vice President. Motion carried.
  3. Lynn Knight approval for ASBO Grant It was moved by Director Mischler and seconded by Director Avery to approve Lynn Knight’s ASBO Grant. Motion carried.
  1. Reports & Communications—Forward specific questions of certain individuals to Woody who will ask that they be incorporated in their reports.
  2. DPI Report, Bob Soldner – 5 minutes
  3. SAA Legislative Report, John Forester

John Forester joined the meeting at 11am and provided a background of the SAA Legislative Committee, upcoming Legislative Agenda, and SAA PAC for incoming board members. Larry Haase, Menasha school principal, is the next legislative chair and current president is Greg Nyen. Each Board of the SAA will be asked to sign off on the new Legislative Agenda. Next meeting is June 30th.John says a lot of work is being done for the next session.The newly created SAA Policy Development Team met on April 30th along with a consultant to help with the areas of need previously identified: policy research, develop a connection to political adversaries and provide tools for SAA members to communicate with the media and their constituents. This newly formed group will work with the UW consultant to develop the Policy Research and Legislative Agenda. The UW Consultant will compile templates and talking points to help the SAA membership communicate with constituents and the media.

Mr Forester also noted that DPI is looking for districts viewpoint on all aspects of the new FUND 80 legislation John encouraged the board to help DPI in this area.

The SAA recommended Emily Koczela from Brown Deer for the TIF Committee but was denied her participation.

There is a great chance of the fund balance being affected by the legislature this year. John does believe that school districts will be next. Executive Director Wiedenhoeft is working extensively on fund balance and will meet later today with Brian Pahnke and Bob Soldner at DPI. John encouraged everyone to contact their legislator about fund balance and educate them about the fund balance purpose. Woody’s goal is to get DPI’s feedback on his document and will use as his newsletter article in June.

John concluded with a brief update on school technology and working with other K12 advocates on a”Teach to” initiative. Looking for a Block Grant and will push for inclusion in the Governor’s budget.

  1. ASBO Report, Woody, Tom Wohlleber – 5 minutes
  2. Committee Reports:
  3. Various – 5 minutes
  4. Service Affiliate Committee, Rob – 5 minutes Woody noted the group met at the Spring Conference with a decent turn out. Discussion revolved around how they can help school districts
  5. Accounting Committee, Ken – 5 minutes – Director Mischler noted they are working on handbook but the process is slow.
  6. Facilities – Director Zabel continues to plan for all their conferences
  7. Membership Committee, individual or corporate, Is membership required for Certification Programs – 5 minutes Woody has not had a chance to connect with Jeff Albers.
  8. Transportation – Director Nelson noted that planning is underway with the first meeting scheduled at the School Leadership Center on June 18th.
  9. Goal Action Team Reports
  10. Member Resources and Technology (New Chairs), Lynn – 5
  11. Governance – Should work on SA committee
  12. Professional Improvement,
  13. Evaluation of Mentorship Program, Diane and Sandy – 30 minutes

Mentorship (Professional Improvement Goal Action Team) Diane Pertzborn – Evaluate the Mentorship Program – Diane joined the meeting by conference call at 11:30am. Recently Diane and Sandy met with Tina and Woody to compare the booklet to what actually happened. They realized there will need to be some minor tweaking to their process. About 20-25 pairs participated in the program since 2012. During the summerthey will work on a process to help the protégés come in during the year. As a result it would be good to survey the persons who participated in the program. Diane and Sandy are working on those questions and will get the survey out in the next few weeks to help form the training in August. Diane shared when WASBO navigates to the new website there will be tools to help track participation. Additionally discussion included naming of the program….Mentorship Program. Year of Success is part of the program. The mentorship team does plan to meet with regionals for feedback. Diane spoke to man power for mentor coaching training process…may need to find another way to reach out to participants. New initiatives this year… Diane offered two presentations for Facilities Directors. This was alot of fun because this area has a different perspective. The facilities mentoring group will be working on next steps for facilities mentoring. Might be good to have a board member liaison for the mentorship program. The board approved Diane’s suggestion to survey the mentors and protégé’s and offer suggestions for improvements.

  • Evaluate Awards’ Criteria, Alignment and Purpose – Bob Avery and Jay Clark – 5minutes
  1. Leadership Team Report: Lynn, Jeanne, John and Janice – 5 minutes
  2. Board members cover Regional Meetings
  3. Staff Report: Woody – 5 minutes
  4. Regional Reports– 5 minutes Make sure all regionals are covered by board members
  5. Communications – 5 minutes
  6. Leadership – Lynn thanked each outgoing board member individually for their work on the board. Woody and Tina were recognized by Lynn for all the help provided over her presidency. She appreciates all the work that Woody does and his school business and political knowledge. Lynn acknowledged Tina’s excellence and calm encouragement as she pushed Lynn to the mic and podium. She thanked the board for their expertise and support. WASBO is moving in the right direction and she is looking forward to the leadership that John Gahan and Bob Avery bring to the WASBO board.
  1. Consent Agenda – 5 minutesIt was moved by Director Mischler and seconded by President elect Gahan to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried.
  2. Approval of April 25, 2014 Board of Director Meeting Minutes
  3. File New Members (April2014 - May 2014)
  4. Communications for next meeting – Kit Dailey
  5. Lynn shared about Tom Helgestad and his recent doctor’s health report. He is at Riverview Hospital 715-423-6060 home 715.421.2483 Lynn encouraged those who knew Tom to give him a call.
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Receive and FileApril2014Financial Reports
  1. Next Steps/Assignments/Future Agenda Items
  2. Future Board Dates, Focus List and Follow-Up
  3. Set Meeting Dates and Locations for 2014-15 To be determined as soon as possible. With possible meeting locations as Beaver Dam, Pewaukee, Nekoosa and Madison
  4. Parking Lot Items – Leadership Team – 5 minutes
  5. ERC – Peer to Peer Communication Forum (Member Resources & Technology Goal Action Team)
  6. Research Possibility of Webinars and Online Learning (Member Resources & Technology Goal Action Team)
  7. Reflection and Evaluation
  8. ASBO President Election
  9. Constitution, Policies, and Rules
  1. Future Meetings
  1. Meeting Evaluation

Meeting adjourned at 2:46pm

Please contact the WASBO office if you cannot attend or would like to attend by conference call.