April 8, 2009
Attending: Andrews, Gregg; Bammerlin, Ron; Brown, Jim; Chandler, Tim; Crawford, John; Farrell, Paul; Frank, Bob; Goldsmith, Pete; Gunning, Bruce; Janson, Tom; Kandel, Sally; Kolbe, Rick; Kretovics, Mark; Lilly, Erica; Milam, Jeff; Moerland, Tim; Schneider, Wayne;Taft, Susan; Weber, Mark; West, John; Zapytowski, Steve; Zelko, Denise.
1. FY10
a. The project FY10 budget model was reviewed.
b. Denise is in the process showing a comparison between the FY10 projection and the FY09 budget
c. The assumptions for the budget were reviewed
d. In order to balance the budget, we had to reduce the subvention/investment pool to .5%
e. Increases to the overhead were shared with FaSBAC. Overhead still remains at about 43% of the revenues
f. A question was raised about the line items—these items were cut at the state level and are gone from the FY10 budget
2. Subvention/Investment Funding
a. Academic Affairs subvention items presented to AAA-RCM were shared
b. Discussion about the Infosilem analysts was held. We need to ensure that these positions are trained in the system and are truly experts in their field
3. Review of Service and Support Recommendations
a. The committee will be forwarding the recommendations to the Provost and Vice President for Finance and Administration
b. Suggestions were made that we ensure user feedback is obtained and that other modalities, besides surveys, are considered to get this feedback. We should also consider involving users in the review process.
c. We need to be sure that the banner system provides the data necessary.
d. Organizing the review cycle will be difficult because there are so many areas to cover. The initial committee will need to consider developing priorities of which offices to cover first
4. Proposed sub-committees
a. Service and Support Review Committee
i. This committee will implement the Service and Support Recommendations once they are approved.
ii. Interested members are:
1. Erica Lilly
2. Paul Farrell
3. Rick Kolbe
4. Tim Chandler
5. Pete Goldsmith
b. Training Materials
i. This committee will review prepared training materials, website design and other relevant materials to ensuring that we have a system in place to help orient key individual to RCM
ii. This committee will have shared membership with AAA-RCM
iii. Interest members are:
1. Rick Rubin (absent)
2. Bruce Gunning
3. Joe Salem
4. Jim Brown
c. Offsite Facilities
i. This issue arose in the AAA-RCM meeting. There is a concern that we don’t have a underlying principle for determining what facility issues should be covered by the college or by the University.
ii. This committee will have shared membership with AAA-RCM
1. Steve Zapytowski
2. John West
3. Gregg Andrews
5. Annual report to Faculty Senate
a. We are required to prepare an annual summary to Faculty Senate of our activity over the course of the year
b. A draft has been prepared for review
6. Other
a. An issue was raised about NTT representation on FaSBAC
b. Faculty Senate proposed adding Tracy Laux to the committee—FaSBAC approved
c. Tracy will be contacted and added to the committee