Herefordshire & Ludlow College

Assignment front sheet
Learner name / Assessor name
David M Mills
Date issued / Completion date / Submitted on
12th September 2013 / 26thSeptember 2013
Qualification / Unit number and title
BTEC Level 1/2Diploma in Information Technology (QCF) / Unit 17 Multimedia Products Development
Assignment title / ONE - Uses and Features of Multimedia products
In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.
Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found.
Criteria reference / To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that
the student is able to: / Task no. / Page numbers
P1 / Explain the intended uses and features of two different multimedia products / 1
M1 / Review how the multimedia products are fit for purpose and their intended effect on the audience/users. / 2
D1 / Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of two multimedia products / 3
Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.
Learner signature: Date:

Herefordshire & Ludlow College

Assignment brief
Unit number and title / Unit 17 Multimedia products development
Qualification / BTEC Level 1/2 Diploma in Information Technology (QCF)
Start date / 12th September 2013
Deadline / 26thSeptember 2013
Assessor / David M Mills
Assignment title / ONE - Uses and Features of Multimedia products
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you know ...
Scenario: You are a media consultant working for anadvertising company. A customer (potential client) has approached your company asking for more information about advertising their products.
You have been asked to produce a presentation which describes the uses and features of at least one linear and one interactive multimedia product to present to the customer. The products used must be for different purposes.
The customer would also like to find out how the multimedia products are fit for the purpose and what their intended effect is on the audience/users.
Think about the strength and weaknesses of the multimedia products.
All Tasks.
  • Produce a multimedia slide presentation (minimum 12 slides)for the potential customerfor two multimedia products.
  • One product should be for sports merchandise and the other should be a game e.g. spider solitaire on your PC.
  • Each slide must contain notes on the assets identified in the product and the assets used in your slide.The first slide for each product must include a link to the actual product.

Task 1(P1): For this task you need to explain the intended uses and features for each product showing example screenshots where appropriate. You must also include the intended audience.
Task 2 (M1):For this task you need to include slides for each product which explain how they are fit for purpose and how they are suited for the intended audience. You need to state where possible the intended effect and whether this was successful or not.
Task 3 (D1):For this task you must extend your slides to identify strengths and weaknesses, you must support your arguments with relevant screen shots from the product. Make sure you include any sounds in your evaluation.
  • You must have at least one strength and one weakness for each product.

This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose
Signature / Date
Internal verifier
Signature / Date
Internal verification of assignment brief
Qualification / BTEC Level 1/2 Diploma in Information Technology (QCF)Technology (QCF)
Unit number and title / Unit 17 Multimedia products development
Assessor / David M Mills
Internal verifier checklist / Comments
Are accurate programme details shown? / Y/N
Are accurate unit details shown? / Y/N
Are clear deadlines for assessment given? / Y/N
Is this assignment for whole or part of a unit? / W/P
Are the grading and assessment criteria to be addressed listed? / Y/N
Does each task show which criteria are being addressed? / Y/N
Are these criteria actually addressed by the tasks? / Y/N
Is it clear what evidence the learner needs to generate? / Y/N
Are the activities appropriate? / Y/N
Is there a scenario or vocational context? / Y/N
Are the language and presentation appropriate? / Y/N
Is the timescale for the assignment appropriate? / Y/N
Overall is the assignment fit for purpose? / Y/N
* If “No” is recorded and the internal verifier recommends remedial action before the brief is issued, the assessor and the internal verifier should confirm that the action has been undertaken.
Internal verifier
Signature / Date
Action required:
Action taken:
Assessor / Phil Smith
Signature / Date
Internal verifier
Signature / Date