Template developed by the Office of Institutional Analysis Updated November 2006


Template B for the Co-Curricular Learning Assessment Summary

Department Name: _Health Services__

(2006-2007 Academic Year)

Submission Deadline: August 2007

Completed by: Fred Kinsella CRNP__

  1. OUTCOMES: What knowledge and skills do you expect your students to demonstrate, e. g., through participating in your program? Please list the student learning outcomes assessed by Your Department during the 2006-2007 Academic Year.

Co-curricular learning goal: Students participated on a focus group at Health Services to discuss and develop health needs and educational resources for the student population. They also looked at means for promoting those health services that are currently available. Students were expected to do the following:

Collaboration and Teamwork

  • Seek involvement with a group for a common purpose
  • Show respect for others opinions
  • Seek out perspectives other then ones own

Effective Communication

  • Write coherently and effectively
  • Influences others through writing
  • Gives and receives constructive feedback
  1. METHODS: Please describe the methods you used to systematically collect and analyze data todetermine the attainment of the learning outcomes listed above or to assess learning processes/environments?

Student who belonged to the pre-health professions club on campus were told about the project and were invited to volunteer. Initially 15 students stated having an interest however we were able to meet at a time when only 6 were available. Through happenstance this became a more reasonable size group to work with at least for the first time.

Initially the group was set up for student input regarding health services however as it progressed some learning goals not previously intended to be measures became apparent. For the most part the method of measurement was anecdotal observation and not any specific tool measure.

  1. RESULTS: Please report the key findings from your assessment (either verbally or graphically), interpretations of such findings, and implications for practice.
  • The students worked cohesively with discussing ways to promote the services in ways that others will pay attention to.
  • The students respected each others opinions during discussion regarding the topics to include in web page self care guidelines. Differing opinions were reasoned out amongst the students and each showed respect for the people and process.
  • They took great consideration for the more critical health issues for the student body thus showing a more global consideration.
  • Through this process, though the web info is not yet ready for publication, several ‘Burgeon articles came out of the group which dealt with HPV and STI’s. Health services noted an increase in number of students wanting more information following these articles.
  1. UTILIZATION: Please list the actions/changes you have implemented/are implementing/are planning to implement to enhance student learning based on the assessment results.
  • Focus the group in developing the information we want to place on the web page. Monitor/measure the cohesiveness of their research and written communication skill of health information to other students. Consider asking for a reflection paper after working on this project to measure their learning and communication skill.
  • As a means of continued communication skill encourage continuance of the articles for the student newspaper.