Application for Participation in the 2017 SPEP Annual Meeting in Memphis
as an Affiliated Philosophical Society
(Please send to Emily Zakin, by February 15, 2017)
We will contact you by April 1, 2017 to inform you whether your philosophical society will be able to meet with SPEP in Memphis. If given a timeslot, you will be expected to send your full program (titles, names, and affiliations of panelists) by May 15, 2017 at the latest to the graduate assistant at . Any A/V requests MUST also be made at that time (NOTE: affiliated societies will be held responsible for A/V costs should SPEP be unable to procure free equipment from the local host).
All affiliated societies with the exception of IAEP and SPHS will be given a complimentary meeting room for approximately three hours on either Thursday morning (9:00-12:00) or Friday evening (7:30-10:30 pm).
Affiliate program participants are expected to register for the SPEP conference.
Affiliate contact persons should be members of SPEP in good standing.
NOTE: Organizers are responsible to check (by asking those they invite) that the papers on their program are NOT on the main program. SPEP program participants may appear on the affiliate program, but only with a different paper.
Today’s Date:
Name of Affiliated Society:
Affiliated Society Address (street, email, and/or website [if applicable]):
Name and Information of Principal Contact Person (please note any CHANGES from previous year):
Preferred Meeting Time (preferred time can NOT be guaranteed):
☐ Thursday Morning (9:00-12:00)
☐ Friday Evening (7:30-10:30)
Affiliate Society Group Information:
- Mission of affiliate society (this description should be brief and, if the society discusses particular philosophical figures, these figures should be indicated):
- Year of first affiliated society session at SPEP (if applicable):
- Year in which the affiliated society last met during the SPEP annual meeting:
- Regular meetings of the affiliated society apart from the annual SPEP meeting:
- Description of how the affiliated society session at SPEP would enrich the SPEP conference program: