ON THURSDAY 26th NOVEMBER 2015 at 20.00

Present: Cllr Mrs G Head (Chairman), Cllrs Mrs P Tedder (Vice-Chairman), Mrs D Beach, Mrs D Barr, Mr I Taylor, Mr E Bentall, Mr L Coombs, Mr M Wheeler,

In attendance: Catherine Wright - Clerk (Minutes)

SCCllr Mike Goodman

Four members of the Public

15/195 Apologies for absence None received

15/196 Public Forum

A member of the public noted five points he wished to raise:

Planning Enforcement – Buckstone Farm and signage on Common

Parish Council views on temporary traveller site – what is the solution for Chobham?

Road Safety – crossing opposite Co-Op or Yellow Boxes at the roundabout.

Business Rates – lower rates to encourage High St regeneration

Surplus Land – this needs to be concluded.

SCCllr Goodman responded that there is more money being spent on Highways in Chobham than anywhere else in Surrey Heath. They could consider yellow boxes around the roundabout. This will be referred to Highways’ officers.

The Chair confirmed that there was a working party in place to deal with the Surplus Land who would respond with their findings to the December meeting.

The other points raised would be discuss and responded to accordingly.

Working party group meeting on Saturday 28th Nov at 11am – Little Heath Road.

15/197 Declarations of Interest – None declared

15/198 It was resolved that the Minutes from the meeting of 29th October be approved as a correct record with a clarification to Minute 15/175 noted in the Minutes.

It was resolved Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Council held on 17th November were approved as a correct record.

15/199 Update on Actions and Clerks Report

Clerk confirmed Actions completed since the last meeting.

15/200 Councillors and Representative Reports

Surrey County Councillor Mike Goodman:

Community Recycling Centres Consultation – agreed in Cabinet

No closures throughout Surrey

Changes to some sites will open slightly later and close earlier

Where there is low traffic, some sites will close one day a week.

No charges for asbestos

Will charge for tyres and gas cylinders

There will be a maximum number of bags of household waste – rubble etc before charges are incurred.

Re-use shops may bring in some income

Minimal disruption but more enforcement

Potential savings of £1.800, 000 a year

Fly Tipping

Meeting with Environmental Officer and Police to create Surrey strategy

Encourage Borough, Highways and County to work closer together Surrey wide.

Roads – Windlesham Road should have been resurfaced but issues with Thames Water has prevented this, if completed within the next 28 days the potholes will not be filled but if start date exceeds 28 days they will be.

Road Signs are being cleaned on 15th and 16th December.

Woodlands Lane Meeting held on Wednesday 25th November, proposed start date on 28th February with traffic being re-routed.

Junction of Chertsey Road onto Windsor Road is being reviewed.

Traffic speed coming down Chertsey Road is also being reviewed,

Scotts Grove Road – April/ May 2016 improvements for road safety.

Chobham Road Bridge in Sunningdale – Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead have brought this to their Full Council to reduce weight limit to 9 tonnes. SCCllr Goodman is concerned about the effects on Chobham and Windlesham and will continue to raise concern. Meeting with Karen Limmer from SHBC to discuss how to proceed.

Chair confirmed the Council’s support.

Bagshot Road – emergency works, traffic lights were left over the weekend after the work had finished on the Friday. Cllr Coombs asked that the officers ensure lights are removed as soon as the work is completed. Cllr Goodman to look into this.

Borough Councillor Mrs Wheeler

Mini buses- it may be possible to hire for a small fee mini buses from the borough in the evening to help give residents access to the entertainment facilities in Camberley - if anyone would like to help me 'drive', this initiative? Please contact Mrs Wheeler direct.

Heathscene – looking to increase coverage for Chobham. Looking for support from Parish. If anyone is interested, please contact Mrs Wheeler?

Enforcement - the enforcement officer was made aware of the advertising issues with the Green Olive - however, there was no need for him to visit re advertising on this occasion, as after a quick word with the manager and subsequently the owner, who was unaware that consent was needed, the advertising was removed.

Windlesham Care Home – Secretary of State still not made recommendation.

Post office - approx 1000 signatures received on petition. Concern over parking at one of the suggested venues for re-siting.


The right to have two traveller pitches on the site at the Dunstall Green piggery and chicken farm has been upheld on appeal.


(Clerk) Council to defer request re: AWS markings to the next Trust Meeting

Borough Councillor Mrs Tedder

As Cllr Mrs Wheeler had covered many Chobham points, Cllr Mrs Tedder did not have a report.

She informed Members that she had attended Highways training at Surrey Heath House.

Chairman Councillor Mrs Head

Attended the Local Area Committee Private Group – looking at road safety on Chertsey Road and Windsor road junction and speeding on Chertsey Road.

Mayor is attending the Christmas Extravaganza to turn on the tree lights. At 18.00hrs on Friday, 4th December.

Governance Audit. Completed Phase 1 today. Report to follow next week.

15/201 Cold Weather Maintenance and Emergency Plan Cllr Coombs has reviewed the plan supplied by SCCllr Goodman, the only change from last year is that Woodlands Lane does not get gritted but Highams Lane does however. SCCllr Goodman confirmed that Woodlands Lane will be gritted until closed in February.

Cllr Coombs confirmed location of the four grit bins – two of which donated by Surrey County Council and two purchased by Chobham Parish Council. They will be sited on Chertsey Road, Station Road, The Grange and Bowling Green Road.

15/202 Noise Research – The Davies Report for Heathrow to be responded to after further meetings.

15/203 Localism Bid – options: to continue with the current maintenance plan or carry over the balance and combine with the next year’s bid award.

New project proposed by Cllr Coombs to dredge the Leat.

Seconded by Cllr Mrs Head. All agreed RESOLVED to apply for further funding and continue maintenance with the balance. ACTION

15/204 Chobham Emergency Plan

Parish Administrator has been updating the plan with the help of Charlie Oxford, a local resident.

Flood Warden training invites sent out today

New wardens still needed.

Waiting for responses from previous wardens.

Thanks given to Annette for her work on this.

Cllr Bentall to speak to the Rugby Club about continuing to be a respite centre.


Clerk to write to local businesses including Tesco, Co-Op and Jonellas to request provisions be supplied should there be a need ACTION

Secretary of State has given consent for Surrey County Council and Surrey Wildlife Trust to work on Staple Hill pond, work to start in January 2016.

Cllr Mrs Tedder also informed members that she believes the exchange land for the M3 Motorway has now been registered in the Commons Register.

Respite centres: Rugby Club, Pavilion and Community Centre.

Clerk to contact the Church also. ACTION

15/205 Data Protection

Councillors holding information on their personal laptops. How can this be protected?

Clerk to ask David Carden re: Data Protection ACTION

Email addresses from Vision ICT, continue investigation

Add to December Agenda ACTION

15/206 Christmas Closure

Open Monday 21, Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23 December

Closed Thursday 24 December

Closed Monday 28 December (Bank Holiday)

Open Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 December 10-12

15/207 2016/17 Budget

As Chairman of the Finance Committee, Cllr Taylor noted:

Revised Office Rent raised to £2000

CRGCT Shared overheads changed to 33%

Consideration to be given to costs for:

Surplus Land

AWS resurfacing

Public Lavatories to be built

Draft proposal was tabled at the Finance Committee but not agreed by its Members.

Move to December Agenda ACTION

15/208 Bank/ Payments

We are still waiting for the new Bank Mandate to be confirmed by HSBC.

The Chairman formally noted that: “The Council are to approve all payments and that any payment must be signed by two Councillors.”

Clerk to look into Internet Banking and go back to Finance Committee ACTION

15/209 Financial Matters

Members Noted:

a.  Cheque run list and payments approved for November

b.  Income Expenditure for October NOTED

c.  Bank Reconcilitions for October NOTED

Agreed for the Council to donate £100 and £175 for the Street Poppies received from Carnival Committee to Poppy Appeal.

It was RESOLVED to approve the Cheque Run, proposed by Cllr Coombs, seconded by Cllr Mrs Head. All agreed.

15/210 Trust and Committee Meetings

Members NOTED the Minutes of the Planning Meetings on Tuesday 10th and 24th November

Members NOTED the Minutes of the Trust Meetings on Tuesday 3rd and 10th November

Members NOTED the Minutes of the JBC Meeting on Wednesday 4th November

Cllr Mrs Tedder wished it to be noted that there was a comment made in the JBC Minutes that she did not agree with.

15/211 General Correspondence and Minor Matters

Clerk to circulate letter received from SHBC re: Council Tax and Grant. ACTION

Telephone Box at Benham’s Corner does not sit on Parish land but County, therefore enquiry received from Chobham Museum will have to be referred to County.

Cllr Mrs Tedder drew Members’ attention to an email she had received from Lodge Bros, regarding payment for the War Memorials’ work. The original cheque had been returned due to it not being signed in accordance with the Council’s Bank Mandate but they had not yet received a replacement.

The Clerk informed Members that she had notified Lodge Bros as soon as she was aware of the issue and assured them a replacement cheque would be sent out at the next available opportunity which was the November meeting (replacement cheque was included in the November cheque run).

15/212 Agenda Planning

December - Surplus Land



Benhams Corner

15/213 It was noted that the public shall be excluded from the meeting; pursuant to Section 100A(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 without any resolution being required for that purpose during any item of business whenever it is likely in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings that if members of the public were present during that item, confidential information as defined by Section 100A(3) of the Local Government Act 1972 would be disclosed to them in breach of the obligation of confidence.

Meeting called to close at 9.50pm

Approved as a correct record of the Meeting

Cllr Mrs Head, Chairman of Chobham Parish Council

Signed …………………………………………………………………………..

Date ……………………………………………


15/214 It was RESOLVED that the Confidential Minutes of the meeting of Thursday, 29th October be agreed.

15/215 It was RESOLVED to pay additional hours for the Parish Administrator required to complete her duties and this be backdated to 1st November.

15/216 Cllr Mrs Head confirmed that the Clerk and RFO is not able to make any payments on the internet or by phone, only internal account transfers.

15/217 To bring forward the Poors Allotment Loan and Football Club receipts and payments to the December meeting. ACTION

Meeting brought to an end 10.05pm

Approved as a correct record of the Meeting

Cllr Mrs Head, Chairman of Chobham Parish Council

Signed …………………………………………………………………………..

Date ……………………………………………

