Meeting Minutes, Thursday, May 21, 2015
Copper Kettle Restaurant, Ashland, Missouri
Attendance: Linda Cockrell, Amy Harrell, Darlene Grosvenor, Carol Nierling, and Gordon Rogers.
1) The meeting was called to order by Amy Harrell.
2) The minutes of the April 2015 meeting were approved.
3) The chapter financial report was reviewed and expenditures approved. The Treasurer’s report was given by Gordon Rogers. First, Gordon had a change to the CEN Review Financial Report. After reviewing more carefully the hasty compilation of the numbers used for the April meeting report, it was determined that the CEN Review course actually brought in $1115.99 rather than $990.99 – the difference being the price of one registration which was inadvertently not correctly counted. After also receiving a $95 deposit for our quarterly membership assessment, the Chapter now has a balance of $11,162.61. (See the separate CEN Review Financial Report below).
4) Amy reminded everyone that the national ENA elections are now open and every member should vote if they want their voice to be heard.
5) Amy announced that the entire roster of speakers for the September 14, 2015 Emergency Nursing Update has been finalized and the paperwork from every speaker has been received except for Dr. Sherman. She has pursued getting that. The planning committee will meet on Friday May 29 at 1:00 PM at Gordon’s house to begin reviewing our application for CNE.
6) Amy gave a report on the May state council meeting. There was no new information presented on plans for hosting the 2017 National Assembly, nor on the MO ENA’s August educational event. She reported that the state Compliance Committee presented an updated policy stating that the highest eligible point achiever from each chapter will be chosen as a delegate to the National Assembly, with the remaining delegates being chosen at large by the point system. There was discussion and approval of the plan to finance the chapter President-elect for registration to the ENA Annual Assembly also. The state council also discussed distributing one free registration to each chapter for the MEMSA conference in Branson from July 28-31, 2015. After discussion, it was decided to award this to Rita Johnson in acknowledgement of her special interest in EMS, if in fact the state council finalizes their plan. Rita could not be at tonight’s meeting due to work commitments but she was contacted and accepted the honor.
7) Amy reported that she has found a sponsor for an educational presentation to be given during our October 15 chapter meeting. Because the sponsor will host and buy dinner at CC City Broiler in Columbia, attendance will be limited to the first respondents who register. We do not have the number of allowable slots yet. Registration will be opened for all members at the same time, and non-members will also be able to attend from our chapter area as long as they are also emergency nurses.
8) Amy reported that she has gotten 7 new and 9 renewing members to join as a group in the ENA membership drive. All members have paid the reduced amount they were promised (with one member still owing us $30) and Amy paid the balance of the subsidies promised by the state and our chapter, which total $560.00. She reported that she also had to buy an extra ink cartridge at $15.99 for her printer for all the documentation needed. A motion was made by Gordon, seconded by Darlene and approved by all to reimburse her for the subsidy and ink cartridge expenses (totaling $575.99). The state has committed to repaying our chapter $230 of the subsidy expense upon receiving the documentation, and the rest of the subsidy was already approved by the chapter.
9) Amy announced that it is time to be considering our election, which will occur at the September meeting. Nominations are solicited for President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and for delegates and alternates to the State Council.
10) Amy announced that she will contact the Voluntary Action Center about donations of bicycle helmets or of money to buy them.
11) Amy suggested we create and mail post cards to new or newly renewing members informing them of what we do and inviting them to become active. This concept was approved.
12) There was discussion about who would be interested in receiving a free registration from MO ENA for the GENE education offered by ENA. No one was named as a recipient.
13) Amy announced that the next meeting will be June 18th at the Copper Kettle in Ashland.
14) A motion was made and approved to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Gordon Rogers, Secretary
01/10/15 / $ 75.00 / CNE application / ($125 X 39)
02/02/15 / $ 674.15 / Brake Printing (mailing)
03/27/15 / $ 125.00 / Repay UHC for Ruth Stone* / $1,115.99 / NET GAIN (OR LOSS)
04/09/15 / $ 337.78 / Brake Printing (handbooks)
04/10/15 / $ 1,500.00 / Pat's honorarium
04/10/15 / $ 176.20 / Pat's mileage
04/10/15 / $ 40.38 / Pat's meals
04/10/15 / $ 217.62 / Pat's hotel
04/10/15 / $ 280.44 / breakfasts and snacks
04/10/15 / $ 23.43 / breakfasts and snacks
04/10/15 / $ 309.01 / Friday lunch
$ 3,759.01 / TOTAL EXPENSES
*Ruth Stone’s registration fee was refunded to UHC due to cancellation