Wednesday, March 27, 2018
This is the second year of the biennium and a “short session” meaning there is a three-month window of opportunity for legislators to complete their work. We are at about the half-way point.
It is an extremely busy time at the Capitol and your MnFAC representatives have been busy testifying in numerous committees and working on other legislation that may impact the fire service.
Tomorrow, March 29that midnight, is the second deadline and policy bills must be passed out of both the House and Senate Policy Committees. Legislators will go home for the Passover/Easter break March 30-April 6 and return to work on April 9.
April 20this the third deadline and committees must act favorably on all of the major finance/appropriation bills. After the third deadline, the Legislature will focus on conference committees and bills on the House/Senate Floors. Legislators must finish their work by May 21, the constitutional deadline.
Fire Protection Districts
HF2120 Davids, Marquart, Gunther, Hansen, Bennet, Flanagan, Lohmer, Bernardy
SF1918 Chamberlain, Rest, Bigham
Heard and laid over for possible inclusion in Senate Omnibus Tax bill
HF3801 Sundin, Rarick (Clone bill) referred to Government Op
Railroad Safety
HF 3775 Howe, Torkelson/ SF 3527 Anderson B., Ingebrigtsen
Referred to House Transportation Policy Committee/ Senate Transportation Finance
HF 3774 Howe, Torkelson / SF 3530 Anderson B., Ingebrigsten
Referred to House Environment Committee/ Senate Environment and Natural Resources
HF 3772 Howe, Torkelson / SF 3529 Anderson B., Ingebrigtsen
Referred to House Public Safety Committee/ Senate Environment and Natural Resources
HF 3773 Howe, Torkelson / SF 3528 Anderson B., Ingebrigtsen
Referred to House Civil Law and Data Practices Committee/ Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Finance
Dead for 2018
Agency submitted a large fiscal note and this bill will not be heard in 2018. Fiscal note is available if you would like a copy. The assessment on railroads/pipelines expired after three years and no alternative funding was appropriated to replace those dollars. The fiscal note submitted is to continue the programs created in original legislation, including staff and training, it is not just the proposal submitted this year.
Bills of interest moving forward:
2018 Omnibus Pension Bill - Passed off Senate Floor 66-0 – MnFAC provisions included
O'Driscoll : and Rosen - H. F. 3053, and (S.F. No. 2620):
Most of the provision were previously approved in 2016 and 2017 omnibus pension bills.
Highlights include:
- Revising definition of “line of duty death” to include the definition under Section 299A.41, Subd. 3, which is consistent with the federal Hometown Heroes Act;
- Changes recommended by the Volunteer Firefighter Working Group; and
- Fire State Aid Work Group is established to recommend if municipalities across the state that have both career and volunteer firefighters should be give the ability to allocate fire state aid between the PERA P&F Plan employer contributions and the VFRA.
- Local pension provisions:
- City of Austin
allocation of a portion of their fire state aid to pay employer contributions on behalf of firefighters covered by the PERA P & F Plan rather than pay the full amount to the VFRA and forgives repayment of debt from prior years;
- Cities of Cromwell and Wright
These departments are in process of merging; authorization provided for members in the SVFRP to transfer assets and liabilities for pension benefits from the SVFRP to a volunteer firefighter relief association governed by Chapter 424A per their request.
- City of Eden Prairie
Increases the maximum lump sum benefit amount for the Eden Prairie VFRA from $10,000 to $15,000 to the extent it is eligible for an increase in the lump sum amount under existing requirements and reduces vesting requirements upon return to active service.
- City of Brook Park
Allows lump sum defined benefit amount to be reduced for the city’s volunteer firefighters under the SVFRP
- Clearbrook Fire Department
Reporting deadline extended
HF4162Fischer/ SF 3585Rosen Wiger by Request Maplewood Firefighters Relief Association distribution
requirements modified, and dissolution required.
Similar issue to city of Austin and to be under review by the Fire Sate Aid Work Group included in the Omnibus Pension bill
HF4023 Howe / SF 3612 Fishbach- Places of Public Accommodation Inspection Bill
Directs the State Fire Marshal to inspect places of public accommodation, as defined in section 1, every three years for compliance with the State Fire Code. Allows the State Fire Marshal to charge a small fee per square foot for these inspections. Creates a dedicated account in the special revenue fund for these fees. Appropriates the money in that dedicated account to running the inspection program.
Heard in House Public Safety Committee and laid over for possible inclusion in their omnibus bill
MnFAC Supports
H. F. 3502, Rep. Fabian/ SF3141 Ruud, Ingebrigtsen–DNR omnibus policy bill
modifying licensing requirements; modifying commissioner's duties; including training and licensing of wildland firefighters;etc.
Hearing scheduled on March 28 in Senate Environment and Natural Resources Policy
HF3249; Davids, Poston, Petersburg, Bennett, Lillie -Move over
SF2977; Goggin, Eichorn, Utke, Weber, Nelson
Provisions governing passing emergency vehicles stopped on a roadway modified.
(If a lane change is impossible, the driver of a vehicle must reduce the speed of the motor vehicle to a speed that is safe for the existing traffic conditions until the motor vehicle has completely passed
the parked or stopped emergency vehicle.)
Bill is on the House Floor
Bill passed Senate Judiciary and referred to Transportation
H. F. 3423, Rep. Fabian:
SF3167 Sen. Ingebrigtsen –
Modifying provisions for legal representation of department; providing for training and licensing of wildland firefighters; modifying provisions for approved firewood;
Bills are on the House and Senate floors waiting for a vote.
HF 3044 Vogel / SF2567; Senators Kiffmeyer, Draheim, Ruud, Jasinski, Limmer
Rules impacting residential construction or remodeling (aka $1,000 Rulemaking bill)
This issue was in conference committee last year in two separate bills. 17 organizations signed a letter in opposition, including MSFCA and NFSA. Letters were distributed to both conference committees and then a letter was submitted on the floor when the conference committee report was received there.
Senate heard and laid over for possible inclusion in the Omnibus bill.
House Gov. Ops Committee passed and referred to Jobs Committee
MnFAC testified in opposition
Hearing: March 28, 3:00 pm -in House Jobs/Energy Committee - Room 10, State Office Building
House and Senate Floor votes expected.
HF2919 Rep. Kiel / SF2765; Senators Wiklund, Benson,
Telemedicine services provided by community health workers authorization; medical assistance
(MA) limit on telemedicine encounters exceptions
(adds community health workers and community paramedics to the definition of licensed
healthcare provider)
Heard in House HHS Policy and referred to the HHS Finance Committee Referred to
Heard in Senate, amended and laid over for possible inclusion
S.F. No. 2900: Senators Pratt; Anderson, P.; Eichorn; Draheim, and Housley
Fire safety; authorizing alternative fire drills for schools and educational institutions;
Allowing for non-evacuation drills when the fire alarm goes off.
Passed in both Senate K-12 and Judiciary and expected to be included in the omnibus K-12 bill.
No House Companion
MnFAC has concerns about the confusion that may be cause when having non-evacuation drills after the fire alarm is triggered. In an effort to mitigate those concerns MnFAC requested to have school districts coordinate protocols with local fire chief and local law enforcement.
SF3086 will serve as the Omnibus E-12 Policy bill. A delete-everything amendment from the author will be posted 3/28/18. Future tracking of alternative fire drills will l be on SF3086.
S.F. No. 2613:Newton, Senjem - relating to public safety; requiring rulemaking to modify requirements
forjourneyman sprinkler fitters.
No House Companion
HF1481; Grossell / SF1871;Housley
Firefighters and medical personnel assault enhanced criminal penalties imposition
MnFAC supports
HF958;Rep Sundin / SF692;Sen. Lourey
Cloquet area fire and ambulance taxing district modifications
Cloquet area fire and ambulance taxing district modifications
HEARD Senate Tax, laid over for possible inclusion in Omnibus bill.
Laid over in House Property Tax and Local Government- Feb. 27
SF730;Sen. Rosen / HF1440;Baker
Opioid Addiction Prevention and Treatment Advisory Council established, special revenue fund for opioid addiction prevention and treatment established, reports required, and money appropriated.
House and Senate Bills are moving forward in finance committees
HF329 2nd Engrossment FireworksExpansion – “Tens only bill”
RepresentativesRarick, Smith, Daudt, Theis, Pierson, Loonan, Swedzinski, Sundin, Considine, Ecklund, Daniels, Christensen, McDonald, Hamilton, Poston, Cornish, Lucero, Franson, Garofalo, B. Johnson, Backer, Nash.
House Floor Vote will be coming.
CompanionSF235;Senator Westrom
March 22- Passed as Amended
Video of Testimony:
Story in Star Tribune:
March 26Senator Latz objected and the bill under Rule 21 and bill was sent to Senate Rules
Senate Floor Vote will be coming.
Bills which do not appear to be moving forward:
HF3740 Anselmo
No Senate companion
Assaulting responders during protest or demonstration is a gross misdemeanor.
(b) Whoever assaults a member of a municipal or volunteer fire department or emergency
medical services personnel unit during a protest, demonstration, rally, or march is guilty of
a gross misdemeanor.
Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance
Does not appear to be moving forward
HF3733 Franke Poston Jurgens / SF3337; Bigham, Eaton – Initiative of Association of MN Counties
Probation or supervised release officer and volunteer firefighter authorization to administer opiate antagonists
Not likely to move to move forward this year. MnFAC has suggested an amendment to state “firefighters” not “volunteer fighters” and adds emergency medical technician to take care of the non-transporting EMS agencies.
HF3615; Rep. Howe / SF3096 Senators Ingebrigtsen, Limmer, Johnson
Wildland firefighter training
Passed Senate Environment and referred to Judiciary Committee
HF3543As Introduced Representatives Dean, Zerwas, Pugh/ SF 3392 Chamberlain, Benson
Opioid reduction pilot program established, and money appropriated.
Heard in House Health and Human Services Finance
Heard in Senate Commerce
H. F. 3005,O'Neill, Baker, Lueck, Marquart and Ecklund
proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 239. (Propane)
BILL WITHDRAWN: Was scheduled for a hearing February 28; however,negotiations between FMAM, SFM and Propane Association resulted in an agreement on training.
Companion: SF 2825 Mathews, Bakk, Koran, Jensen, Eken
SF2894, As Introduced Westrom, Benson, Rosen, Abeler -
No House Companion
Emergency medical services regulatory board adoption of rules authorizing certified emergency
medical services personnel to assist with administering certain emergency prescription
medications and participate in care coordination
S.F. No. 2530: Senator Klein: Expanding eligibility for continued health insurance coverage for public
safety employees disabled or killed in the line of duty to include correctional officers.
No House Companion – No Hearing
H. F. 2347, Representative Marquart/ SF 1911 Senator Eken
A bill for an act relating to public safety; authorizing volunteer emergency responders to use flashing warning lights in certain instances.
Heard and rereferred to House Public Safety
This bill is not moving forward this year
HF1395 Loonan, O’Neill / SF1191 Housley, Pratt - Fireworks Expansion – “Bricks & Mortar bill”
Firework limited personal use authorized, affidavit of safety guidelines required, criminal penalties provided, and money appropriated.
No hearing in 2017 or in 2018
Watch for future updates on these issues:
MnFIRE Legislation being drafted for introduction this year; after the spring break (Sen. Cwodzinski)
Education and prevention programs to reduce cardiac, PTSD, and cancer related illnesses in firefighters.
The implementation of a Critical Illness Protection Program for firefighters, which would provide:
- $20,000 lump-sum payments to firefighters in the event of a cardiac or cancer related illness.
- 10 sessions of treatment in the event of PTSD diagnosis.
Development of support systems on cardiac, PTSD, and cancer related illnesses in firefighters.
- These include peer supports, regional provider networks, and self-help resources
AMEM Legislation being introduced Thursday, this week; appropriating money for emergency management readiness grants for local planning and emergency preparedness efforts.
MnFAC representatives participating in code discussions with Department of Labor & Industry and others.
Fire Code Proposal at DLI Code Meetings: Code change for automatic fire sprinkler systems in 1 and 2 family homes, same as included in all six national codes since 2009 and the IRC model Code; recommended by the MSFCA Code Committee, supported by MnFAC.
For more information please contact either:
B. J. Jungmann, MnFAC Legislative Chair:
Sherry Munyon, MnFAC Lobbyist: