Gillard condemns North Korea rocket launch


12 December 2012

Australia has condemned North Korea's rocket launch and is calling for a swift and strong response from the United Nations Security Council.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard described the launch as a provocative and irresponsible act that would threaten the stability and security of the Asia-Pacific region.

"This was another disappointing example of North Korea choosing a path of militarism and isolation," she said in a statement on Wednesday, noting it was the second, costly, long-range rocket launch this year.

"And all the while its people struggle to get the food they need to survive."

North Korea says the launch was aimed at putting a satellite into orbit but it is widely seen as a way for the secretive dictatorship to test its ballistic missile technology.

Authorities in Japan and South Korea say the launch was significantly more successful than a failed April attempt, with the device following its planned path over Japan, the East China Sea and plunging into the ocean east of the Philippines.

Ms Gillard said Australia would express its concerns directly to the North Korean government, and called on it to abide by UN resolutions and stop its provocations.

"Australia urges the Security Council to meet urgently and respond firmly," she said.

The launch comes just a few days out from the first anniversary of the death of North Korea's former ruler, Kim Jong-il. He was replaced by his son, Kim Jong-un.

United States Ambassador to Australia Jeff Bleich said such provocative actions by North Korea were counterproductive and created significant problems.

"They are playing with fire," he warned during an address to the National Press Club in Canberra.

"I'm confident the US will condemn it and obviously we're going to have to consult with our other partners in the region about what is appropriate in response to this."


Dhaka expresses concern over N Korea's missile launch

Daily Star

14 December 2012

Dhaka has noted with deep concern the recent missile launch conducted by North Korea and said such action is not conducive to maintenance of peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula and the world in general.

A statement issued by the foreign ministry yesterday said Bangladesh, as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNPT) and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), strongly supports all international measures for a nuclear free zone in the Korean Peninsula.

Bangladesh considers that nuclear testing of any kind undermines nuclear non-proliferation, both horizontal and vertical, and constitutes a major threat to international peace and security.


Bulgaria Condemns North Korea's Rocket Launch

13 December 2012

Bulgaria has joined the long list of countries that have expressed concern over North Korea's missile launch on Wednesday [ 12 December].

"Bulgaria expresses its strong concern at the fact that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea openly ignored the calls by the international community and carried out the launching of a long-range rocket on December 12 2012," Bulgarian Foreign Ministry spokesperson

VeselaCherneva has said in a statement."This act demonstrates clear disregard for the international obligations of the DPRK, in particular United Nations Security Council resolutions 1718 and 1874 and seriously undermines the efforts to establish lasting peace and stability on the Korean peninsula," the statement goes."We strongly urge the DPRK to refrain from further actions that could lead to even greater escalation of tensions in the region and isolation of the country, and urge it to keep strictly to its international obligations resulting from the relevant UN

Security Council resolutions and the agreement on safeguards with the International Atomic Energy Agency."

North Korea launched a long-range rocket on Wednesday, defying international warnings.

The launch was carried out from the launch site in the country's northwest.The North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, said it had detected the launching and tracked the missile -- a Galaxy-3 rocket, called the Unha-3 by the North -- as its first stage appeared to fall into the Yellow Sea and the second stage into the Philippine Sea. NORAD added that the rocket appeared to deploy "an object" which achieved orbit.


Cambodia regrets over DPRK rocket launch

Xinhua News Agency

13 December 2012

PHNOM PENH -- Cambodia on Wednesday expressed regret over the rocket launch by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), saying that the move could lead to more tension on the Korean Peninsula.

"The government of Cambodia regrets over the DPRK's rocket launch which has caused fears and could lead to escalating tension on the Korean Peninsula," spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Koy Kuong said. "The DPRK has been ignoring calls and concerns by other countries."

The DPRK successfully launched a satellite into orbit earlier Wednesday, the country's official KCNA news agency reported.

The DPRK, whose previous attempt in April ended in failure, was prohibited by the UN Security Council resolutions from launching long-range rocket with ballistic missile technology.

Wednesday's launch was made just two days after Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, ASEAN Chair in 2012, appealed to DPRK to call off the launch plan.


Canada Slams N. Korea Rocket Launch

Kyodo World Service

12 December 2012

New York - Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird criticized North Korea for launching an Unha- 3 rocket Wednesday, in a statement, saying, "Canada unequivocally condemns North Korea's provocative ballistic missile test." "North Korea's reckless actions clearly demonstrate its willful defiance of its international obligations, outlined in numerous United Nations Security Council resolutions," according to the statement.

The government led by Kim Jong Un, who took power after the death of his father and longtime ruler Kim Jong Il on Dec. 17, "is a grave threat to the security and stability of the region and beyond," Baird said.


Foreign Ministry condemns North Korean rocket launch


12 December 2012

The Czech Foreign Ministry has strongly condemned Wednesday's launch of

a North Korean long-range missile. In a written statement, the ministry

said the launch was a "provocative act" which was contrary to North

Korea's international obligations and which seriously violated a

resolution by the UN Security Council. The ministry urged the country

to immediately comply with all its international obligations and to

implement the relevant Security Council resolutions.

North Korea launched its Unha-3 rocket at around 10 AM local time with

the state objective of carrying satellite to orbit. However, the

country is banned by a UN resolution from conducting missile tests.


Danish Foreign Minister Condemns North Korean Rocket Launch as 'Provocation'

12 December 2012

North Korea's rocket launch is a "clear violation" of international rules, the Danish Foreign Minister has said.

Danish Foreign Minister Villy Sovndal (SF - Socialist People's Party) is among the first to follow Japan's lead in condemning North Korea's rocket launch the night before Wednesday, Danish time.

Less than one hour after reports of the rocket launch came in, Sovndal told the Ritzau bureau:

"Today's news from North Korea is bad and deeply worrying. This is a provocation and clearly violates numerous UN resolutions. North Korea gains nothing by continuing its policy of confrontation.

Sovndal recommended to the North Korean regime that it spend its money on something other than military objectives.

"Instead of wasting money on missile and nuclear programs, the government in Pyongyang should improve living standards for the country's sorely tried and oppressed population," he said, going on to say:

"I would like to stress our solidarity with our strategic partner South Korea, which is most directly affected by the North Korean provocation."

UN Security Council Resolutions 1695, 1718, and 1874 ban North Korea from developing and owning long-range missile technology.

Sovndal is on an official visit to China today, where he will discuss the worrying developments in North Korea with several Chinese leaders.


EU considering additional measures against North Korea: Ashton


12 December 2012

BRUSSELS - The European Union is considering additional restrictive measures against North Korea after the reclusive state launched a ballistic missile on Wednesday.

"The EU will consider an appropriate response, in close consultation with key partners, and in line with UNSC deliberations, including possible additional restrictive measures," Catherine Ashton, the EU's foreign affairs chief, said in a statement.

North Korea successfully launched the rocket earlier on Wednesday, boosting the credentials of its new leader Kim Jong-un, and stepping up the threat the isolated and impoverished state poses to its opponents.


France Denounces North Korean Rocket Launch

Agence France Presse

12 December 2012

PARIS - France on Wednesday firmly condemned North Korea's long-range rocket test and said it would back strong UN action against Pyongyang.

North Korea says the launch successfully put a scientific satellite in orbit and insists that the mission was not an intercontinental ballistic missile test banned under UN Security Council sanctions.

"The launch . . . constitutes a clear violation of the Security Council resolutions," said foreign ministry spokesman Philippe Lalliot.

"France will support firm action by the Security Council and will work toward this end with its partners," he said.

North Korea is banned from carrying out missile tests under UN resolutions triggered by its two nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009.

France and Estonia are the only two European Union countries not to have diplomatic ties with North Korea.


Germany Strongly Condemns North Korean Rocket Launch

Federal Foreign Office

12 December 2012

Foreign Minister Westerwelle today (12 December) made the following statement on the margins of the Friends of Syria meeting in Marrakesh:

"I condemn the new rocket launch by North Korea last night in the strongest possible terms. This deliberate provocation by North Korea is an irresponsible violation of its international obligations and heightens tensions in the region. The United Nations Security Council should give a clear response to this breach of international law."


India Expresses Concern at N. Korean Rocket Launch

Kyodo World Service

12 December 2012

New Delhi - India expressed concern Wednesday after the launch of a rocket by North Korea, a Ministry of External Affairs statement said.

"India expresses its concern at the launch of a rocket by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1874. This unwarranted action by the government of DPRK has adversely impacted peace and stability Korean Peninsula," the statement said.

India also called upon North Korea to refrain from further such actions.

North Korea reportedly successfully launched a long-range, three-stage rocket that placed an earth observation satellite in orbit.

India Condemns N. Korea Rocket Launch, Tests Own Missile


12 December 2012

NEW DELHI--India condemned North Korea’s long-range rocket launch on Wednesday even as it tested one of its own ballistic weapons, which were developed when India was a nuclear pariah itself.

“India expresses its concern at the launch of a rocket… in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1874. India calls on DPRK to refrain from such actions,” a foreign ministry statement.

“This unwarranted action… has adversely impacted peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula,” it added about the launch which provoked global outrage and triggered plans for an emergency session of the UN Security Council.

Earlier Wednesday, defence scientists successfully test-fired India’s medium-range nuclear-capable “Agni I” missile from a site off the eastern coast of the country.

The missile, which has been tested repeatedly before, has a range of 700 kilometres, capable of hitting targets in regional rival Pakistan.

India was subject to US-led sanctions on its nuclear programme after its first atomic test in 1974. These were hardened in 1998 when New Delhi declared itself a nuclear weapons state after conducting five test nuclear explosions.

New Delhi refuses to sign the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty (NPT) and the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), which it views as discriminatory and in favour of existing nuclear powers.

Following efforts to be compliant with these international agreements, in 2008 it received a waiver from the countries party to the Nuclear Suppliers Group, giving it access to foreign civilian nuclear technology and resources.

In April this year, India test-fired the “Agni V” missile for the first time which has a range of more than 5,000 kilometres and is capable of delivering a one-tonne nuclear warhead anywhere in rival China.

The test provoked little concern or condemnation, which many analysts said pointed to India’s acceptance as a responsible user of nuclear and missile technology.

Nuclear-armed North Korea insisted that its rocket launch was a purely peaceful scientific project designed to place a satellite in orbit.

But the United States and allies South Korea and Japan view it as a disguised ballistic missile test banned under the UN resolutions triggered by its nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009.


Israel says concerned by N.Korea missile launch


13 December 2012

BETHLEHEM - Israel on Thursday urged North Korea to "respect and comply with its international obligations" after it launched a long-range rocket.

"Israel is deeply concerned by the latest launching of a long-range missile by North Korea in defiance of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions," the Israeli foreign ministry said.

"North Korea should indeed respect and comply with its international obligations and pursue policies and actions that contribute to regional peace and security rather than undermine them."

North Korea launched a rocket Wednesday after announcing it was sending a satellite into space and gave international agencies notice of a planned trajectory.

Part of the trajectory included flying over territory belonging to Japan.


Kazakhstan expresses regret at N Korea rocket launch


12 December 2012

Kazakhstan expressed its deep regret over North Korea's long-rocket launch that violates UN Security Council Resolution 1874, the Kazakh MFA's press service reports.

"We assume this move will negatively affect the global regime of non-proliferation and endanger security both on the regional and global levels.